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E.—No. 8.

STATEMENT OF ALL SUMS EXPENDED UNDER THE "NATIVE PURPOSES APPROPRIATION, 1862," ON ACCOUNT OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1862-3. (As far as Accounts have been received to the 31st July, 1863.)

£ s. d. I. General Charges ( Vide Statement A) . . .19,199181 11. Expenditure IN Native Districts (Vide Statements B and C) 24,82G 6 5 Total Expenditure .... £U,O2G 4 G Note.—A sum of £4,214 8, being expenditure on account of the previous financial year, in excess of the sum of £10,000 voted for "Native Purposes," ISGI-62, is included in the total.— Vide "Statement of Arrears of 1861-62, charged against the financial year 1862-63."


•■ • 11 \ I. VJilAliUJlO. Native Minister's Depaktment— £ a. d. Auckland—Salaries of Officers . . . 3,385 2 11 „ Contingencies .... 226 5 10 ,, Native Schools Branch —Salaries . . 5 GO 0 0 „ „ Contingencies . 97 9 3 Wellington —Department of Native Reserves—Salaries . 248 3 4 „ „ „ Contingencies. 41 3 11 „ Contingencies of Native Minister's Department . 78 10 2 4,636 15 5 '.RESENTS AND ENTERTAINMENT OF NATIVES Native Hostelry Expenses, Passages, Provisions, &c. . 709 11 9 Articles Supplied to Natives . . . 123 9 3 Money Presents . . . . , . 12 0 0 Entertainment and Supplies,- Wellington . . 305 1 2 Presents to Natives (Articles) Wellington . . 106 1 0 i 9/>r> 3 •}. [ravelling Expenses—His Excellency the Governor Officers of Native Minister's Department . tfaori Messenger ...... kledical Attendance on Natives.— Vide detailed Statement Jniforms Supplied to Native Officers— Do. firarau Arbitration Case .... Vaccination Board ..... Purchase of Land at Maimgatawhiri compensation to Natives at Mongonui for two Guns . )ompensation to Natives at Mongonui for Articles saved from the "William Denny" .... schooner " Caroline," Pay and Allowances . . . 507 0 2 „ Repairs and Expenses . . . 190 16 0 1,200 J Ii 498 17 0 677 4 5 509 13 3 3,192 5 3 756 16 6 976 5 10 100 0 0 592 5 0 15 0 0 101 10 0 697.16 2 Steamer " Avon," Purchase Money . . . 2,020 11 10 „ Repairs, Coals, Stores, &c. . . 1,006 0 10 „ Pay and Allowances . . . 568 14 2 Vaikato Boat's Crew ..... Miscellaneous ..... joans to Natives, authorised prior to 30th June, 1862, vide detailed statement „ during 1862-63, vide detailed statement 3,595 6 10 64 6 9 128 9 6 1,352 3 0 49 0 0 Total General Charges .... £19,199 18 1