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E.—No. 7

from Colonial funds all that is connected with the Militia and Volunteers. They also consider that a general notice should at once be officially published, that the claims to land of any Natives who may take up arms against the Queen's Government will be forfeited. Ministers, feeling the difficulties of the position in which they are placed, by the assumption of so great a responsibility without the sanction of the Assembly, are only induced to offer to take the course they propose, by the strong conviction they feel that these plans grapple with the real evil we have to encounter, and, if only executed with ability and energy, will go far towards its permanent removal ; and that accordingly they will meet with the thorough approval and sanction of the General Assembly. Alfred Domett. Auckland, 24th June, 1863.

No. 6. MINUTE BY HIS EXCELLENCY. The Governor acknowledges the receipt of the Ministerial Memorandum of the 24th ultimo. Ministers have left untouched the general question of the relations which should exist between the Governor and his Responsible Advisers regarding Native Affairs. He trusts that this question may be settled as soon as practicable; he forbears however to press it to a solution at a moment of such great difficulty and danger, feeling that Ms Advisers have aided him well in so heartily co-operating in a plan he believes to be essential to the safety and welfare of this part of the Colony, and which he will continue with the assistance of the Military and Civil Authorities to carry out vigorously. The Governor trusts that the earliest opportunity which the good of the public service will admit of, will be taken of calling together the General Assembly for the purpose of investing him with the powers required to enable him legally to perform some acts which it is proposed to execute, as it is with the greatest unwillingness that he finds himself compelled by circumstances, even temporarily, to undertake such heavy responsibilities. G. Grey. July 6th, 1863.