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E.—No. 5

Enclosure to No. 17. CATTAIN COOK TO THE ASSISTANT MILITARY SECBETAEY. Queen's Redoubt, August 25th, 1863. Sir, —■ I have the honor to report for the information of the Lieutenant-General Commanding, that when returning from Baird's farm in command of the escort with the convoy from Drury this day, on arriving at Williamson's clearing, I heard firing in my front, and, on proceeding to the spot, found that my advance guard was engaged in the immediate vicinity of the road with a party of Maories. The main body of my escort rushed up, and wre quickly drove the enemy into the bush. It appears that a party, consisting of twenty-five men of the 40th Regiment, under a noncommissioned officer, were employed in felling bush near the road ; they had left their arms piled on the edge of the road, under the charge of a sentry. Suddenly a number of Maories rushed upon the arms and took possession of them, the sentry filing at them. The Maories had surrounded the men in the bush, and had shot two men dead when my advanced guard came up and engaged them. Reinforcements from Williamson's clearing, Kerr's farm, and Razor Back, as well as a party of* thirty men of the escort proceeding to Drury, under Captain Bishop, Transport Corps, with Assistant Surgeon Carberry, 2nd Battalion 14th Regiment, joined me shortly after the firing commenced, and we skirmished with the enemy for about an hour and a quarter, driving them into the bush, and following them in for a short way. A party of the 65th Regiment, under Captain Ord, endeavoured to get behind the Maories and cut off' their retreat, but were unsuccessful. The casualties of the troops under my command consisted of one man, 2nd Battalion 18th Regiment, wounded. The loss of the Maories appears to have been one man killed and left on the field, and five men wounded and carried away. Two rifles, a few muskets, some tomahawks, ammunition, _\, fell into our hands. I beg to bring to the notice of the Lieutenant-General Commanding, the services of Captain Ord, 65th Regiment, Captain Bishop. 2nd Battalion 18th Regiment, Lieutenant Warren, 65th Regiment, commanding at Kerr's farm, Lieutenant Thacker, 2nd Battalion 18th Regiment, commanding at Williamson's Clearing, Lieutenant Clarke, Madras Cavalry, attached to transport Corps, and Lieutenant Pagan, 65th Regiment, and Ensign Haines, 2nd Battalion 18th Regiment, who were with the escort under my command. The whole of the officers and men behaved extremely well. Judging from the enemy's fire, I should say there were at least 200 of them. I have, <_~ A. Cook, Captain, 40th Regiment. The Assistant Military Secretary, Head Quarters. a

No. 18. MB. JAMES ABMITAGE TO MR. F. D. FENTON, AUCKLAND. Resident Magistrate's Department, Lower Waikato, 17th August, 1863. Sir,— I have the honor to forward you for your information copy and translation of letters addressed by W. Kukutai to hostile parties. They have reference to matters alluded to in my last letter to you of the 11th instant. W. Tamehana has, I was informed by the General, written to Te Wheoro that the proposed " Tapu" between the Pangapanga aud the Heads shall be established, but has not replied to my communication. I have, lie, James Armitage. F. D. Feuton, Esq., Colonial Defence Office, Auckland.

Enclosure to No. 18. [Translation.] Taupiri, August 12th, 1863. To Tireni Te Hura (Tioriori),— Friend, Salutations,—I have seen your letter which arrived here for me. Listen to my words,—You must discontinue writing to me. lam very much annoyed at your