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E.—No. 5

cularly of the detachment of the 12th Regiment, under Major Miller, for the bold and intelligent manner in which they covered the advance over difficult ground. I have, <fee, D. A. Cameron, Lieutenant-General. Governor Sir George Grey, K.CB.

No. 10. LIEUT.-GENEEAL CAMEEON, C.8., TO GOVERNOR SIB GEORGE GEEY, K.CB. Head Quarters, Queen's Redoubt, 7th August, 1863. Sir, — I have the honor to forward for your Excellency's information, copy of a report from Captain Sullivan, Senior Naval Officer at this Station, of a reconnaissance which he made at my request of the Banks of the Waikato, as far as the native village of Meremere, in the Colonial Steamer " Avon." I have, <_~ D. A. Cameron, Lieutenant-General. Governor Sir George Grey, K.CB.

Enclosure to No. 10. CAPTAIN J. W. SULLIVAN, 8.N., TO LIEUT.-GENEEAL CAMEEON, C.B. Banks of the Mangatawhiri, August 6th, 1863. Sir,— I have the honor to inform you that, in compliance with your request of this morning, I proceeded in the Colonial Steamer " Avon" to reconnoitre the Waikato River above Kohekohe, and found, after passing that village about three-quarters of a mile, another settlement on the proper right bank of the river, which I take to be Meremere. 2. When it first came in view, sixty or seventy Maoris were assembled in a small open space near their whares ; these at once took to the bush, and in a few minutes opened a sharp fire of musketry ou the vessel. 3. Being ignorant of the pilotage of the river, and unwilling to run the chance of grounding the vessel under such circumstances, I deemed it prudent to come to anchor about one hundred yards from the bush on the right bank, and three hundred from the point upon which the whares stand, and where I counted thirteen canoes. 4. Two or three rounds from the 12-pounder Armstrong gun, the same number from the 12---pounder rocket, silenced their fire for a time, when ours was directed on the canoes with a view of destroying them. Meanwhile a fire was kept up from the bush, which was repbed to by our rifles. 5. I remained at anchor about half an hour, when their fire having slackened, and sunset approaching, I weighed and returned to the Bluff. 6. The " Avon " was repeatedly struck by bullets, but the iron plates protected the crew from any injury. 7. I have directed the " Avon " to be off the mouth of the Maramarua to-morrow morning at daylight, and to remain there until 8 a.m., when she was to return to the Bluff. I have, <fee, J. W. Sullivan, Commander and Senior Naval Officer in New Zealand. Lieutenant-General Duncan Cameron, C.B.