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E—No. 2

Brought forward 15,200 0 0 On the Annual Appropriations, 1861-2—Native purposes generally, to be expended by Governor in Council 10,000 0 0 Land Purchase Department reduced, and also to be expended by Governor in Council , 5,441 0 0 £30,641 0 0 Besides which, £33,000 of the English Loan is appropriated for this year for pending land purchases. William Fox.

No. 3. MINUTE BY GOVERNOR SIR GEORGE GREY ON THE SUBJECT OF HIS EXCELLENCY'S PLAN OF NATIVE GOVERNMENT. Auckland, October, 1861. It is the earnest desire of the Queen that Her subjects in all parts of these Islands should participate in the benefits of law aud order, be maintained in tho undisturbed possession of their lands, and enjoy a perfect security for life and property: and that, for the attainment of these ends, they should, in as far as practicable, themselves frame and enforce regulations suited to their various requirements, and take an active share iu the administration of the government of their own country; so that all may regard with contentment and gratitude a government adapted to their wants, administered by themselves, and in the benefits of which all participate. And inasmuch as, up to this time, large portions of the Northern Island of New Zealand have never been provided with any machinery by which law and order could be maintained, the good and well-disposed be protected, and the violent restrained, it is now intended to create the following machinery to give effect to the laws which have, from time to time, been made for the security and welfare of Her Majesty's subjects, both European aud Native. Division of Native portions of Northern Island. 1. The Native portions of the Northern Island to be divided into, say, twenty Districts each under a Civil Commissioner, with a Clerk and Interpreter, and a Medical man as district surgeon attached to his District. Hundreds and Officers of Hundreds,. 1. Each District to be divided into about six Hundreds, from the Runangas of each of which will be selected two persons to represent such Hundred in the Runanga of the District, and to act s Assessors or Native Magistrates. 2. The Governor will generally select Native Officers from the candidates whose names may be submitted to him by the Runangas of the Hunelreds. 3. In selecting Native Officers the preference will be given to those candidates who have a knowledge of the English language. 4. The two Native Magistrates to receive, the one a salary of £50 per annum, the other a salary of £40 per annum. 5. A Warden or Chief Police Officer will be appointed to each Hundred, with a salary of £3Q per annum. 6. Five Constables will be appointed to each Hundred, with a salary of £10 per annum each and a uniform for each year. Constitution of District Runangas. 1. The District Runanga will consist of the Civil Commissioner, and say twelve members. 2. The Civil Commissioner will preside at all meetings of the Runanga, and will have an original vote aud a casting vote. 3. The Commissioner's Clerk will act as Secretary to the Runanga until they choose to elect »nd pay their own Secretary. 4. The District Runanga will meet at the place the Governor may decide on as the residence of the Civil Commissioner of the District, and at such times as the Governor may appoint. Powers of District Runangas. 1. The District Runanga shall have the power of drawing up, from time to time, bye-laws lor the purpose of putting in force within their District regulations respecting all matters regarding which the Governor is by "The Native Districts Regulation Act, 1858," empowered to make and put in force regulations within Native Districts: that is to say, upon the following subjects:— (1.) For the prevention of cattle trespass, and the wandering of cattle at large, and for defining and prescribing the rights, duties, and liabilities in relation to damage done by cattle fcespass, and otherwise in relation thereto, of all owners or occupiers of land, persons owninc or having charge of cattle, and other persons.