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E—No. 1 See. 11.

No. 1. (copy op a DESPATCH from governor sir george grey to his grace the duke op NEWCASTLE. H. M. S. " Cossack," 15th August, 1861. Mr Lord Duke, — I have the honor to report to your Grace that, in consequence of your instructions that I ihould proceed with as much despatch as possible to assume the Government of New Zealand, I applied to Admiral Sir Baldwin Walker for a passage in H. M. S. "Cossack," for myself and the persons named in the margin, from the Cape of Good Hope to Auckland, in New Zealand. 2. I considered it to be my duty to avail myself of the most rapid and direct means which I could find of reaching New Zealand, for the intelligence received of the terms of peace offered to the Natives of the Waitara renders it probable that war must break out in some other part of the Islands. It is, therefore, a matter of great importance, if lam to conduct these affairs to a conclusion, that I should arrive at the scene of action as rapidly as possible. It is, also, by no means impossible that the assistance which may be given by another ship of war on the New Zealand Station, may prove of great advantage in bringing about a satisfactory solution of the disturbed i»tate of affairs prevailing there. I, therefore, as I could obtain the assistance at the Cape, thought 1 ought not to throw away a chance which may prove of much benefit to Her Majesty's Service. 1 have, &c, G. Grey. Ilis Grace The Duke of Newcastle, X G., &c. &c, &c.

No. 1.

No. 2. IUOPX OF A DESPATCH FROM GOVERNOR SIR GEORGE GREY TO HIS GRACE THE DtJKE OF NEWCASTLE. Government House, Auckland, 4th October, 1861. My Lord Duke, — I have the honor to report to your Grace that I arrived at Auckland upon the 26th ultimo. 2. My predecessor, Colonel Gore Browne, was administering the Government at the time of my arrival. I had thus the advantage of receivirg his advice and his opinion upon the present state of the country, which he gave me in great detail, with an anxious desire, in as far as possible, 1o aid me in the discharge of the difficult duties on which I was about to enter. 3. Colonel Browne could not leave the Colony until the 2nd instant. On that day he embarked amidst the most lively demonstrations of regard and good will from the inhabitants of Auckland; and upon the 3rd instant I took the oaths of office, and entered upon the Administration of the aflairs of this Government. I have, &c, G. Grey. His Grace The Duke of Newcastle, K. G., &c, &c, &c.

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No. 3. COPT OF A DESPATCH FROM GOVERNOR SIR GEORGE GRET TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OP NEWCASTLE. Government House, Auckland, 9th October, 1861 My Lord Duke, — I have the honor to transmit for your Grace's information, Copies of three Papers which have been laid before me by the New Zealand Ministers since I have assumed the Government ofl this Colony. j 2. The first details the position of the Colony at the present date; the second is a Memoran- : dum on the machinery of this Government for Native purposes; the third, is a Memorandum to ] show that the existing form of Government will suffice to meet the emergency which now exists [ in the Colony. 3. Your Grace will, I am sure, peruse these three Papers with great interest; and will agree : with me in thinking that the calmness and moderation of the views expressed in them at a time of considerable excitement are very creditable to the inhabitants of New Zealand, and afford every hope that, in as far as the European population is concerned, I may arrive at a settlement of the existing difficulties, in which they will generally heartily and cordially co-operate. Such a settlement,

Enclosure No. I.—Meraa--1 rnndum, W. Fox, tf Ocr., 18G1, on the present y >n tion of the colony. Enclosure No. 2.—Memorandum, W. Fox, 8 OcU 1861: Machiueryof(Jove*»ment for Native purposes. Enclosure No. 3.—Memorandum, W. Fox, 8 Oct., ,1861. Applicability of present form of Government to the circumstances of the colony.