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E—No. 1.

No. 3. COPY OF A DESPATCH FROM GOVERNOR GORE BROWNE TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE. No. 128. Government House, Auckland, Now Zealand, Ist December, 1860. My Lord Duke, — I observe that in the " Further Papers Eelative to the Affairs of New Zealand," presented to Parliament in July 1860, there is an error at page 195, which may perhaps attract notice. In my despatch No. 28, of 15th April, 1856, I stated that "the Maoris in the Northern " Island are estimated at 77,000, of whom not less than seven-elevenths, or 59,000, are capable of " bearing arms." This unaccountable error was adverted to and corrected in my despatch No. 8 of 10th Feb., 1857; since then a Census has been taken, in which the total numbers are estimated at 56,049, and the total males at 31,667. This Census does not purport to be accurate, and the return given is probably below the actual number. When further papers are printed, I beg your Grace to permit this despatch to be included among them. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, T. Gore Browne. &c, &c, &c.

No. 4. COPY OF A DESPATCH FKOJI GOVERNOR GORE BROWNE TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE. Government House, Auckland, New Zealand, 29th December, 1860. Ml Lokd Duke.— I have the honor to forward a report upon the two districts into which the Native Circuit Courts Act of 1858 has been introduced. This report is neither so full nor so satisfactory as I could wish. The Native inhabitants of the districts into which this Act has been introduced, and of the Bay of Plenty, into which I propose introducing it, are well affected, and generally speaking contented; but the operation of the Act among them has created no essential difference in their condition. The appointment and payment of Assessors are amongst the greatest difficulties, and may have caused this want of success. Chiefs of the highest rank, who possess the greatest influence, are often unfit to be Assessors, and they look with jealousy on those who are selected ; while, at the same time, the largest salary which the funds at my disposal will admit of is inadequate for the services required of the Assessors. The Magistrates who preside over Native districts ought to be men of great experience and excellent judgment, and should undertake their duties as a labor of love. Such men are rare in any country, and their number must always be the more limited in this Colony, because a good knowledge of the Maori language is essential to success. I believe also that the salaries given to Assessors are too small to be worth their acceptance, and that in place of the Assessors, a Chief should be selected, with the consent and approval of the hapu to which he belongs, and that he should be employed at a salary never less than £50 a-year, and in rare cases as high as £200 or £300 ; that those Chiefs should act in conjunction with the Magistrate, aiding him and being advised by him. Such a system, however, requires much larger funds than I have at my disposal, and is a proper subject for the consideration of the Native Council, should Her Majesty be pleased to assent to the Native Council Act of 1860. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, T. Gore Browne. &c, &c, &c.

No. 142. Native. D. McLean, 29th Dec, 1860. H. T. Kemp, 10th October, JWio, and Enclosure*.

Enclosure 1 in No. 4. MEMORANDUM BY THE NATIVE SECRETARY ON THE INTRODUCTION OF THE "NATIVE CIRCUIT COURTS ACT, 1858," AMONG NATIVES IN THE SIANGONUI DISTRICT. Under date 2Gth June, 1859, the Governor in Council decided upon the appointment of another District within which to bring into operation the " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858," with a view to legalising the proceedings of the Native Assessors and providing for the regular administration of law in the District north of the Bay of Islands. The Order in Council dated the 21st July, 1859, proclaiming the '' Native District of Mongonui," recites the following boundaries:— " All such portion of the Colony as is situated to the northward of a line commencing at the North Head of False Hokianga, or IlereUino, running thence in a straight line to summit of JVTaungatawhiri, and thence in a straight line to the South Head of Wangaroa Harbour, exclusive of lands