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D—No. 16

district when the circumstances to be investigated liad occurred, and who was about to go there in person. You are requested to communicate this letter to Mr. Clendoa and Mr. Kemp. 1 have &c, F. D. Bell, R. C Barstow Esq. For Native Minister. Resident Magistrate, Kororareka.

No. 11. MR. CAHLETON TO THE MINISTER FOR NATIVE AFFAIRS. Auckland, 25th November 1861. Sir. — I have the honor to thank you for allowing me to peruse the official papers relating to the case of James Holden, and to express my hope that the Government is satisfied that the statement forwarded by the Resident Magistrate is incorrect. I can easily understand how he came to be temporarily misled, but think that it is to be regretted that when he discovered his error, he should not have forwarded a corrected statement to the Government. I am informed by Holden that his native wife was examined by Mr. Clendon ; there appears however to be no copy of her deposition among the documents in possession of the Government. If the evidence taken on that occasion agrees with that taken by me, it was clearly of importance. I have, &c, Hugh Caki.eton, M.G.A. The Hon. The Minister for Native Affairs.