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E—No. 1g



Enclosure in No. 2. MR. ROGERS TO THE UNDER-SECRETARY FOR WAR. Downing-street, 21st Juno, 1861. Sic, — I am directed by the Duke of Newcastle to transmit to you a copy of a Despatch from Governor Gore Browne, forwarding a copy of a letter which he addressed to Major-Goneral Pratt on the General's departure from New Zealand for Victoria. In laying this Despatch before the Secretary of State for War for his information, I am to request that you will at the same time state to his Lordship that the Duke of Newcastle has much pleasure in acknowledging the services rendered to the Colony of New Zealand and the Government by General Pratt, in bringing to a close, at least for the present, a war of a peculiar and difficult character, and which might have involved great disasters to the inhabitants of the Colony. The Duke of Newcastle is of opinion that General Pratt's operations were well and judiciously carried out, and His Grace would request Lord Herbert to convey his thanks to the General for the valuable services he has thus rendered to the Colony. I have, &c, F. Rogers. The Under Secretary for War.