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E—No. 1a


57th Regiment—Private R. Hagan, severely through the thigh (right). " " Edward Dunnett, slightly in the head. 65th Regiment— " John Fernback, ] " " J. T. Bennett, j All slightly. " " John Glover, J I have, &c, J. Nevin, Staff Assistant-Surgeon, Major Herbert, Commanding Militia and Volunteers.

Enclosure 4 in No. 4. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL YOUNG TO COLONEL SILLERY. New Plymouth, 24th February, 1861. Sir, — I have the honor to report to you for the information of the Major-General commanding, that the force as per margin loft town yesterday morning about 10 o'clock with the utmost expedition, under my command, for the Omata Stockade, as a reinforcement to Major Herbert. On arriving at the Stockade I found an orderly waiting in readiness to conduct me to Major Herbert, and I immediately proceeded with my party to join this Officer. On doing so I detached a portion of the 57th and 65th Regiments, with Volunteers and Militia, to support the skirmishers in front, who were then, and had been for some time, actively engaged with the rebels, who had retreated to the gully on being driven by Major Herbert from the hill to the site of an old fortified pah. With the remainder of my force I proceeded, myself in command, taking with me the howitzer, in the direction of the Waraiku hill, with the view to take the gully which crosses the road, and if practicable to endeavour to get in rear of the rebels, to dislodge them from their position, and to intercept their retreat to the pah on the Waiuku hill; about 300 yards from the hill near Ware's Inn on the road, a sharp fire was opened upon us, but without a single man sustaining the least injuiy. Extending my men on each side of the road, the howitzer was brought to the front, and after two rounds had been fired, the fire of the rebels was at once silenced, and they were seen from the Omata Stockade to make a precipitate retreat to the dense bush. At this time Captain Turner, 65th regiment,'arrived from town with a reinforcement of 100 men, with orders from Colonel Sillery, commanding Garrison, that I was not to cross the gully, but to remain on this side to support Major Herbert. I therefore returned with my party united with Captain Turner's reinforcement, to what is called Major Lloyd's farm, where I had left Major Herbert in command, and on finding that the firing was still going on, I deemed it advisable to put a stop to any further unnecessary expenditure of ammunition, and accordingly gave directions to Major Herbert to recall the force from the front, and to retire gradually in skirmishing order to the Omata Stockade, which was conducted in a most orderly and satisfactory manner. Meanwhile I reinforced the men on the hill site of the old pah, and extended two companies, concealed behind, a furze h«dge, in skirmishing order, under Captain Turner, in the hope that the rebels, seeing this party returning to the stockade, might be tempted to show themselves. In this I was disappointed, and after a short time elapsed, I recalled the whole of the men, remaining a short time at the Stockade. I returned to town with the force by the inland road without meeting with any hostile natives, and arrived about 4 o'clock. The casualties which occurred will accompany Major Herbert's report. I have, &c, W. P. Young, Lieutenant-Colonel 65th Regiment.. Colonel Sillery, Commanding Garrison, New Plymouth.

571h Regiment— 1 subaltern 2 Serjeants 1 drummer 35 rank and file Gsth Regiment— I field officer 1 subaltern 2 Serjeants 1 drummer 30 rank and file Militia— 1 captain 2 subalterns 2 Serjeants 1 drummer 2l> rank and file— 1 field officer 1 captain 4 subalterns 6 Serjeants 3 drummers 91 rank and file

Enclosure 5 in No. 4. CAPTAIN TURNER TO COLONEL SILLERY. New Plymouth, 24th February, 1861.. Sir, — I have the honor to inform you that yesterday about noon, a party under my command, consisting of 3 subalterns, 1 assistant surgeon, and 100 rank and file, from 57th regiment, 65th regiment, and Militia, proceeded along the inland road to the Omata Stockade, to form a support to Colonel Young, who had preceded me in that direction. I did so, and on my arrival there I placed myself under his orders. I was directed after advancing through several fields, to throw my party into skirmishing order, to protect the main body who were retiring from the front to the Omata Stockade. Shortly after I also retired, formed into divisions and returned to town. I have, &c, 11. F. Turner, Captain 65th Regiment.

57th Regiment— 1 subaltern 60 rank and file Gsth Regiment— 1 subaltern 28 rank and file Militia— 1 subaltern 12 rank and file 12th Regiment— 1 assistant surgeon