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E-No. Sα


R. Carey, Lieut.-Colonel, Deputy Adjutant-General.

Enclosure 3 in No. 2. NUMERICAL RETURN of Non-Commissioned Officers and Men Killed and Wounded in Action at Kairau, New Zealand, on 29th and 30th December, 1860.

R. Carey, Lieut.-Colonel, Deputy Adjutant-General.

No. 3. COPY OP A DESPATCH from major-geneeal PRATT, c.c., to governoe goee BROWNE, c.b. Head Quarters, Camp Waitara, 23rd Jan., 1861. Sir,—ln continuation of my Despatch of the 19th instant, No. 15, I have the honor to state, that since that date, the 19th, 20th, and 21st instant, I have been employed in increasing and completin<r No. 3 Redoubt, and commencing a double sap in a direct line towards the enemy's position in the bush, and on the morning of the 22nd, I proceeded with the Head Quarters of the 40th Regiment to'the new Redoubt in order to its occupation with numbers amounting to 290 rank and file. A little before daylight this morning, 23rd instant, heavy firing was heard from the front, a report soon reached me that No. 3 Redoubt had been attacked by the enemy in great force, and that they had been repulsed with severe loss. I reached the advance with an addition of 120 mini, and found that the enemy had made a most daring attack on the advanced redoubt, which had beto met in the most determined manner, and a long line of dead and dying Maories lay on the ground, —whilst there is little doubt -at least double the number of the enemy have crept away wounded to die.


loyal Navy 2th Foot 33 [Oth Foot 33 33 33 33 Private Sergnt. Instructor Musketry Sergeant Private S3 33 33 Brame Alfred Leneham Domk. Dye Robert J- Collins Patrick Male Frederick Lyons Roger Southwell James Fitzgerald Richard Smith John Sullivan John Caplice William Greenwood Benjamin McBren John Davey Thomas Fox John A. Speakman William Haggan James Kensella Martin Weir John Dangerously Severely Slightly 33 Severely Dangerously 33 Severely 33 33 33 Dangerously Severely 33 33 33 33 33 33 Slightly 33 33 i5th Foot 33 Sergeant Private JS « 33 Severely 33 33 33 33 ?)

Killed. Wounded. Corps Rank and File! Sergeants. Drummers. Rank and FiL loyal Artillery loyal Engineers 2th Foot :0th Foot - loth Foot Brigade 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 10 3 1 Totals 3 19