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D—No. 1


MAPS. 1. Maps of all Crown lands granted or disposed of, arranged in Districts of convenient size, shall be constructed and kept, for the purpose of Registration, in each Registration District. 2. Such Maps shall be termed Registration Maps, and the words " Registration Map" shall be written or marked upon them. 3. From time to time as required, Supplementary Maps shall be constructed of land newly granted, and the sections or allotments newly granted shall be laid off on the original Maps; so that the Registration Maps in use may include all Crown Lands from time to time disposed of. 4. All such Maps shall be constructed under direction of the Registrar General. 5. Every Map shall be signed by the Registrar General. 6. The Maps shall be conveniently named, numbered, or otherwise distinguished, for reference as the Registrar General shall from time to time direct. 7. The Registration Maps of each District shall be deposited with the District Registrar of such District. 8. No alteration in, or addition to such Maps shall be made, except as authorized by the Regulations, or by authority of the Registrar General. 9. In every Registration Map the sections, subsections, or allotments shall be numbered consecutively. SUBDIVISIONAL MAPS. 10. Subdivisional Maps, connected with each Registration Map, shall be kept on separate files, ■conveniently numbered or distinguished for reference. 11 (a). If a proprietor shall subdivide an allotment for sale or transfer, he may cause a subdivisional Map thereof, shewing the proposed subdivisions, to be made and deposited with the District Registrar. 11 (b). He may from time to time, with the consent of the District Registrar, alter any such subdivisions, which may not have been disposed of, by causing a fresh subdivisional Map thereof to be made subject to like conditions. 12. Where application shall be made by a proprietor to register his Title to a subdivided part of an original allotment, the District Registrar shall require a subdivisional Map, to be deposited with him. 13. In cases not otherwise provided for, where a proprietor shall transfer a subdivided part of an original allotment, there shall be deposited with the District Registrar a subdivisional Map, showing the entirety of such section or allotment and the subdivided part thereof. 14. All subdivisional Maps shall be made and authenticated to the satisfaction of the District Registrar, and signed by him; and may be used as Registration Maps; and the subdivisional sections or allotments on such subdivisional Maps shall be numbered respectively so as to distinguish the same for purposes of Registration, and shall be referred to, and indexed as original sections. 15. The Registrar General may from time to time cause the Registration Maps to be newly compiled, for the purpose of embodying therein the subdivisional allotments, distinguished by proper numbers; and such newly compiled Maps, being signed by the Registrar General, may be used as Registration Maps, in lieu of the originals. The Registrar General shall regulate the construction, arrangement and care of the Registration Maps, as he shall think fit. INDEXES. 16. It shall be the duty of the District Registrar to keep in respect of each Register