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C—No. 1



H ft © ft ft s ft o DATE. NAME OF WRITER. TO WHOM ADDRESSED. SUBJECT. ft < ft d S5 July 19, 1859 Assistant Native Secretary Mr. Parris Enclosing a letter to Teira from the Gover230 86 Sept. 27, „ Ditto Ditto nor. Enclosure in No. 85. Authorising payment of instalments on Waitara. Relative to the Waitara land. 230 230 87 Oct. 18, „ Te Teira To His Excellency Governor Browne Chief Commissioner 231 88 Dec. 4, ,„ Mr. Parris Intimating payment of £100 to Teira, and a further conversation on the Waitara land with Wm. King. Relative to their letter No. 87. 231 „ 21, ,, Assistant Native Secretary Te Teira and others Te Teira and others 232 •9 JO n >2 •3 14 Jan. 19, 1860 ,, 2o, „ „ >, Feb. 20, „ March 18, „ Governor Gore Browne Minister for Native Affairs Mr. Parris To His Excellency Governor Browne His Grace the Duke of Newcastle Mr. Parris Lieut.-Col. Murray Commander of Forces Recommending speedy settlement for Waitara. Despatch. Enclosure No. 1. Sub-Enclosure in Enclosure No. 1. Waitaea—The Governor has determined to proceed with the purchase of Te Teira's land. Relative to the Native interferences wilh the survey of the Waitara. Statement relative to the purchase by the British Government of Te Teira's land at Waitara, Taranaki. Copy of a memorandum by Mr. Richmond. Appendix No. 1. Appendix No. 2. Appendix No. 3. Waitaea —The purchase money for Waitara to be retained for the present. General—General Report on the state of land purchasing operations at Taranaki. 232 232 233 233 234 234 234 15 April 27, „ 238 242 243 243 243 Nov. 13, „ Chief Commissioner Mr. Parris 96 97 June 6, „ Mr. Parris Chief Commissioner 244

1 March 27,1848 Mr. Serrantes Colonial Secretary Pokirua —Furnishing information relative to land purchased at Porirua. Whauganui—Conveying thanks of the Government for settlement of the Whanganui land question. Whanganui—General Report on the settlement of the Whanganui land question. Whanganui—Relative to share of purchase money, Whanganui Block, set apart for Te Mamaku. 247 2 July 31, „ Colonial Secretary Mr. McLean 247 Sept. . „ Mr. McLean Colonial Secretary 248 3 4 Dec. 4, „ Ditto Hon. C. A. Dillon Civil Secretary 250 1 9 ;) 11 Colonial Secretary Mr. McLean General —To purchase land for the Natives on the Northern shores of Cook's Straits. Waikarapa—To complete arrangements for purchase of land from the Wairarapa Natives Waibarapa—The price demanded for land is unreasonably high. Manawatu-—Relative to the sites for Native Villages laid out by Government. 251 5 6 11 11 Ditto Mr. H. T. Kemp 251 Jan. 24, 1849 Ditto Ditto 252 7 8 March 20, ,, Ditto Mr. McLean 252