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G—No. 4


To the Honourable the House of Representatives, in Parliament assembled. The Petition of the undersigned .Inhabitants of the Province of Marlborouah: —- o Humbly Sheweth- — That your Petitioners have observed with surprise and indignation, that a Petition has been presented requesting your Honourable House to call upon the Executive of the Colony to appoint a Commissioner of Crown Lands for this Province other than the Superintendent of the said Province. That the said Petition contains the following allegations:— Ist, That the union of Offices of Superintendent and Commissioner in one person, is manifestly contrary to law and detrimental to the interests of the Province. 2nd. That not a few thousand pounds sterling have been lost to this Province during the last twelve months, in having had much of its superior lands sold at the upset price of the worst of their respective classes. That your Petitioners feel assured that no such loss has accrued to this Province, or is likely to be sustained by it from the union of the two Offices in the person of the present Superintendent. That your Petitioners would respectfully submit that the union of the two Offices having' received the sanction of the Executive has been hitherto found to work well, and until it can be shown that any real loss or inconvenience has been caused to individuals or the Province by such union, it would be manifestly unjust to take the course prayed for, as such a course would necessarily tend to cast supicion on those who* have hitherto performed their duties in a manner that meets with the entire approval of your Petitioners. Your Petitioners therefore respectfully request your Honourable House to initiate the most full and serching enquiry into the truth of these allegations- before proceeding to take any action in .accordancewith the Prayer ot the Petition containing the same. And your Petitioners will ever pray, &c, &c. A. P. Seymour, M.P.C. Isaac G-ifford, Cyrus Goulter, M.P.C. John T. Hughes Joseph Ward, M.P.C. J. S. Ball, John Godfery, M.P.C. James Mudford, Edward Fearon, A. Vaughen, Edward C. Morgan,, W. Moore, John Smith, John Ward, ' Samuel Eves, John Hilbourne, . C. Eves, W. C. Parsons John Newman, W. S. Leicester Joe. Mitchel, G. Story W. Biackmore. H. Godfrey John Fuller, Thomas Max ted, D. Wilson, John McLoughlan, G. Gougle, Alfred Sparks, C. Cowrt, William Robinson, John Levys, Robert Robinson, J. Geard, T. M. Humffreys, T. W. Barker, William Robinson, John Smith, G. Robinson, J. A. R. Greeusil, G. Arber, Samuel Buckmau, C. Palmer, W. Pipe, William Thomson, Frederick A. Slow, John Borroughs, William Ockley, Donald McPhersou, E. W. Pasley, Frank V. Bell, R. C. Pasley, John Tindall, J. R. Gordon, W. Thompson, Joseph Taylor, John Kennedy, C. H. Jennings, , James Cotter, John Collyer,' William Whitehouse,. Francis J. BlundeH, John Adams, R. B. Leatham, -101111 Jarman John Robt. Shephard, Joseph Hannon, William Allinson, John Murray, Thomas Carter, William Hall, i