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E—No. 3f (Appendix.)

FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO NATIVE AFFAIRS. the Maori language, and assisted, if necessary, by a Native Assessor, and whose duty it should be merely to propound the questions for the decision of the jury, to record their verdict, and to administer Oaths to witnesses." We are of opinion that the want of some such Tribunal, as that proposed by the Judges, is one main cause of dissatisfaction in the minds of the natives. 14. We have only to add that we believe that the present unsatisfactory state of the relations betwee* the two races may, in a great measure, be remedied by the suggestions of Your Excellency and the Judges of the Supreme Court, carried out with the co-operation of the Natives themselves. 15. We are ready to assist the Government in our various districts, by enquiring into the causes which have produced dissatisfaction in the minds of the natives, and by using our influence to secure their co-operation. We have no reason to think that any of the New Zealanders desire to be the Queen's enemies. To effect any object with them, time and patience are absolutely necessary. But we believe that all the present difficulties admit of a peaceable solution. We have the honor to be, Sir, Your Excellency's obedient and humble servants, G. A. New Zealand, Bishop of New Zealand, Alfred N. Brown, Archdeacon of Tauranga, Robert Burrows, Secretary Church Missionary Society, N. Z. P. S. Grace, Missionary of Church Missionary Society, Taupo, G. A. Kissling, Archdeacon of Waitemata. To His Excellency Governor Gore Browne, C.8., &c, &c, &c. i