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Original requisition of Takerei on behalf of himself and others, for £50 for purchasing grass seed. Report of Mr. Turton after his first visit to Waikato. All letters from Natives addressed to Mr. Fenton. and handed over by him to the Native Office. Mr.Fenton's and Mr. White's Report of their visit to Kaipara in 1856 (date, February or March.) Mr. Atkins' letter to the Government asking for assistance in collecting debts, and requesting a visit of Mr. Fenton.

F—No. 3

[Forwarded.] [Extract from General Report forwarded] [Forwarded. [Forwarded,] [Copy forwardol.]


EXPENSES OF WITNESSES. £ s. d. To Travelling Expenses of Native Witnesses ... 3 9 0 Entertainment of ditto in Town, twelve Chiefs in all 21 6 10J Postage, special Messengers, and Expenses including carriage hire 6 16 Total £30 17 4J