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Mr. McLean called in and examined. The Chairman.—What Native witnesses have you sent for, and when do you expect them ?— Tamihana Tarapipipi expected daily; Te Rewi, of Matamata, ditto; Te Oriori, of Maungatautari, ditto; Te Kereihi, of Maungatautari, ditto; Xi Hari of Maungatautari, ditto; Tamati Ngapora, of Maungatautari, ditto European —Mr. Chandler. Mr. Marshall, Father Garavel, Mr. Walton, of Kaipara. Mr. McLean handed in Papers numbered No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 :— No. I—Being a joint statement by Mr. McLean and Mr, Smith. No. 2—Memorandum of 4th September 1856, relative to Native subjects generally. No. 3—Extract from a Report of the Board of Enquiry in 1856 (Appendix 1856 li, No. 4.) No. 4—A Statement of Subdivision of Native Reserves in Canterbury made by Mr. Buller recently. During Mr. McLean's examination the following question was proposed to be put by Mr. Forsaith, viz. :—"ln a former part of your evidence you state that Mr. Fenton when acting as " Magistrate at Kaipara was the cause of a feud between Tirarau and Paikea, that shots were fired, " but that you could not say whether any one was hit: on the occasion referred to were not the guns " loaded with blank cartridge ?" Question put, That this Question be put. The Committee divided, and the names were taken down as follow:— Ayes, 2. Noes, 6. Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Fox, Mr. Hunter Browr Mr. Heale, Mr. King, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Williamson. So it passed in the Negative.

Tuesday, the 23rd day of October, 1860. present :— Mr. Heale, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Fox, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. King, Mr. Domett, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Sewell in the Chair, Mr. McLean requested that the Committee should proceed to examine Mr. Strauss, an old Settler in the Waikato, a person well acquainted with the nature of the King movement and qualified to form an opinion on the matter of enquiry. Moved by the Chairman, That Mr. Strauss' name not having been included in the list handed in by Mr. McLean, the Committee cannot proceed to examine Mr. Strauss unless good reasons be shewn for the non-appearance of his name in the said list, or unless Mr. Strauss is prepared to give evidence as to particular points within his own knowledge, bearing on the matter of enquiry. Question put, That this Question be put. The Committee divided, and the names were taken down as follow:— Ayes, 4. Noes, 2. Mr. Heale, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. King, Mr. Forsaith. Mr. Sewell, Mr. Williamson, o it passed in the Affirmative. Mr. McLean stated that the witness would be prepared to give evidence as to particular points within his own knowledge, viz.—as to the proceedings at some of the Waikato meetings and at some of Mr. Fenton's Courts at which he was present. Resolved, —That the Chairman be requested to put questions to Mr. Strauss bearing on those particular points. Mr. Strauss then called in and examined. Mr. McLean then called in and examined.

Wednesday, the 24th day of October, 1850. present:— Mr. Fox, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Heale, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. King, Mr. Domett, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. Mr McLean called in and further examined.