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Wednesday, the 17th day op October, 1860. present:— Mr. Heale, Mr. Fox, Mr. King, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Hunter Brown. Mr. Domett, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. The Bishop of New Zealand called in and examined.

Thursday, the 18th day of October, 1860. present : — Mr. Heale, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fox, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. King, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. Hone Wetere called in and examined.

Friday, the 19th day of October, 1860. present :— Mr. Heale, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. King, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fox, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. The Chairman stated he had received a letter from D. McLean, Esq., which he would read. Letter read, as follows :— Sir, Owing to my absence in the Waiuku District, I was unable to look after the witnesses to attend the Waikato Committee. I should like very much to have the following witnesses examined, having asked them to attend for that purpose:—Mr. Marshall, of Waikato ; Captain Johnstone; Mr. Chandler; Mr. Walton, of Kaipara ; Tamati Ngapora Rihani; and Te Horohau. I have, &c., Oct. 18, 1860. Donald McLean. Resolved, —That the Chairman be requested to write to Mr. McLean, stating that the Committee would be glad to examine any witnesses he may wish up to the time of the Committee closing the evidence, which will be not later than Wednesday next; and that the Committee will be ready to examine such witnesses to-morrow, after 1 p.m., or on Wednesday next, at any hour which may be named by Mr. McLean ; they would also be glad to receive Mr. McLean's evidence on Monday. F. D. Fenton, Esq., and Mohi were called in and examined.

Saturday, the 20th day of October, 1860. present:— Mr. Heale, Mr. Domett, Mr. King, Mr Hunter Brown, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Fox, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. Sir William Martin, late Chief Justice, called and examined. During the examination of Sir William Martin the following question was proposed to be put to witness:—Q. You say '• if that opinion has remained the same" do you mean the results of the