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apparently, to about 800 men, (foremost among whom was an European, who was shot dead) it cannot be considered that the number is great in proportion to the numlier opposed to us. Among the deaths I have to lament that of Lieutenant Brooke, 4()th Regiment, who fell in the noble discharge of his duty, and 29 non-commissioiu-d officers and men of the d ff.-rent corps. Among tlie wounded, Captain Seymour, R.N., severely, and 33 non-comissioned officers and men of the different corps. I enclose a return of casualties. The loss of the rebels from personal observations must have been very great. I cannot speak too highly of the gallant bearing of the officers and men of all arms engaged, and I wou'.d particularly beg to mention the valuable services rendered by the several officers in command, viz., Lieut. Macnaglit-n, R.A., Lieut. Baitiscombe, R.N., Lieut. Morris, R.M.A., Captains Bowdler and Richards, 40th R' j gt. I would also desire to express my sense of the very valuable services of Capt. Seymour, R.N., who was so good as to accompany me, and affirded me every assistance until he was severely wounded. I feel much indebted to Assistant-Surgeon B. Stiles, 4 )tli Regt., Assistant-Surgeon Edivards, R.N., and Mr. J. N. Murray, Surgeon (attached to the t()th Regt.), for the very efficient services they afforded to the wounded in the field. My best thanks are due to Lieut. Mould, R.E., who attended me, and my Staff-Officer Ensign and Acting-Adjutant Whelan, Detachment 40th Regt. I have, etc., Thomas Nelson, Major 40th Regt., Camp, Waitara. P.S.—5 p.m. I have just visited the wounded in the wharries and hospital tent. There are five dangerous cases; —the remainder are doing as well as could be hoped for. (Signed) T. N.

Enclosure 4 in No. 52. List shewing the Killed and Wounded on the 27th June, 1860.

(Signed) B. Stiles, Assistant Surgeon, 40th Regiment. (Signed) Thomas Nelson, Major 40th Regiment, Commanding Camp, Waitam.

DESPATCH FROM SECRETARY OF STATE. copy of a DESPATCH from his gka.ce the duke op Newcastle to governor GORE BROWNE, C. B. Downing Street, 2Uth August, ] 859. Sir, — I have received your Despatch, No. 29, of the 29th of March last, with its enclosures, containug a report of a visit which you had made to Taranaki, and of the state and disposition of the Natives in that Province. I have to express my satisfaction at the tenor of this Report, and my approval of the measures which you adopted upon the occasion. I have, &c, Governor Gore Browne, C.8., (Signed) Newcastle. Ike., &c, Brc.

No. 8.


Conri. _ _ I •a I I 1 Kille: t. III O (- « U Ph U \\ I i i OUNDEI). Remarks. Ill § o 'S g> & ." tc o £ ■ _____ i. 1 t o O I Remarks. a ■ Royal Artillery ... I ... ... I ... 3 Ghand Total: K. Naval Brigade 40th Regiment 1 Total ': 1 l : i 3 25 ; ... 1 ... I 8 Officers 2 19 i N. C. Officers 5 1 ... 30 : Privates 57 1 j ... 32 64 3 I 25 I 1 Add to 40tU Regiment ! I Total I ... 1 ' i... i ... , ... 3 j 25 1 i