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it m o FROM WHOM. DATE. SUBJECT. * £ 1 Mr. McLean to Aug. 26, 1857 Mr. Parris. Instructions for guidance of District Land Purchase Commissioner in purchasing land from Natives at Taranaki. 2 The Governor to March 29, 1859 I Sir E. B. Lytton. 1 March 23, 1859 Narrating occurrences (luring his visit to Taranaki, hi* interviews with the Native Chiefs there, and the measures adopted by him— enclosing Circular to Officers of Native Department, enjoining them to observe a strict neutrality in their intercourse with Natives. 2 3 3 to 13 14 3 Natives and Go- March 15,1859 to vernor, &c. \o 13 I Oct. 18, 1859 14 Mr. Parris. Dec. 4, 1859 I Correspondence relative to the purchase of land at Waitara. 4 to 10 Reporting payment of instalment of purchase money ; and statement as to ownership of land at Waitara. 15 and 16 17 15 Governor and Te December, 1859 md Teira. Respecting the completion of the purchase of his land. 10 it) 17 The Governor to Jan. 25, 1860 the Duke of Newcastle. Informing His Grace of the measures taken with respect to purchase of land offered by Tβ Teira. — enclosing Instructions issued to the Military and Civil Authorities respectively in relation thereto. 12 l« IS Mr. Stafford to Jan. 26, 1860 1 Superintendent of of Taranaki. Informing him of steps taken with regard to the survey of the land at Waitara, and requesting the co-operation of the Civil with the Military authorities. 12 19 19 The Governor to Feb. 27, 1860 I the Duke of New- . castle. Stating that W. King had resisted the survey of the land purchased ; and that precautionary measures will be taken in the further proceedings with respect to it— enclosing Reports from the authorities of Taranaki upon the state of the question, and of the Province generally. 12 13 20 « • March 2, 1860 Advising his arrival at Taranaki, and informing His Grace of further proceedings taken. 11 21 .... J March 12, 1860 Reporting the military occupation of the Waitara in anticipation of the commencement of hostilities— enclosing Letter to Colonel Gold, requesting him to take military possession of the land— also Manifesto to the hostile Natives. 15 March 3, 1860 16 22 " " ; March 20, 1860 i Transmitting a Report from Colonel Gold of the destruction, on the 17tli March, of the P;ili erected by the Natives on the Government land at the Waitara. 17