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GRANTS 1857-8

Statement showing the Savings on the Votes for the Financial Year 1857-8.

GRANTS 1858-9.

Statement showing the Savings on the Votes for the Financial Year 1858-9, and the Expenditure in excess of the provision for the respective Services.

Service. KxrusmTUBB. Votes. Savings. Class I. Executive. Governor's Establishment Colonial Secretary's Department Colonial Treasurer's Deparrment .. Auditor-General's Department ... Efttra Clerical Assistance Native Secretary's Department .. Registrar-General's Department Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages £ s. d. 486 8 0 983 8 0 550 0 0 350 0 0 297 3 9 1,500 0 0 491 12 6 474 18 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. & s. d. Class II. Legislative. Legislative Council House of Representatives General Expenses 5,133 10 3 5,104 5 C 30 15 3 541 0 0 1,358 6 8 5,483 13 4 7,383 0 0 7,383 0 0 Class III. Judicial. Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court 1,952 6 0 1,116 17 4 ' 340 13 1 3,069 3 4 3,409 16 5 Class IV. Postal. General .. ... .. Inter-Provincial 3,593 14 5 1,473 10 7 472 11 8 408 13 7 Class V. Native Purposes. 5,067 5 0 1,941 6 5 5,539 16 8 2,350 0 0 Class VI. Miscellaneous 6,499 14 6 29,093 l'J C 1 6,500 10 4 0 15 10 30,347 8 11 1,253 9 S

Service. Expenditure. Votes. Savings. Expenditure in Class I, Executive. Tho Governor's Establishment The Coluiiinl Secretary's do. .. The Attorney-!JcncTul's do. ... The Colonial Treasurer's do. The Native Minister's do. ... The Auditor-General's do. ... The Registrar-General's do. ... Extra Clerical Assistance Contingencies for the above Establishments.. Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages £ s. d. £ s. d. 739 16 f 764 5 0 639 17 0 6.V) 0 0 2*8 6 8 280 0 0 :il(l 5 8 500 0 0 551 8 0 600 0 o; 400 0 0 400 0 0 1 550 4 5 575 0 0. 451 15 2 6.)0 0 o| 300 0 0 300 0 0 478 18 6 600 0 0 £ s. d. 34 8 11 10 3 0 33 13 4 180 14 4J 48 12 0 £ . s. d. 24 15 7 148 4 10 l->i" 1 6 Class II. Legislative. Legislative, Council .. .. House of Representatives Expenses of both Houses .. 465 0 0 405 0 0 1,380 0 0 1,380 0 0 3,318 14 0 2,150 0 0 • • 1,168 14 0 Class in. Judicial. Supreme Court District and llcsidcnt Magistrate's Courts and Coroners Petty Sessions .. .. ■ 2,543 la 9 2,570 0 0 9,399 5 9 9,761 5 0 300 0 0 15,714 2 0 17,312 5 0 13,936 2 7 9,600 0 0 8,728 2 lj 9,760 0 0 26 0 3 I 361 19 3 300 0 0 Class IV. Customs Customs Departments—New Buildings, Kepairs, and unforeseen contingencies 1,598 3 0 Class V. Postal. Conveyance of Mails by Sea and Land Luc;ii Post Offices and Poets 1,031 17 11 4,336 2 7 Carried forward ,. 60,162 17 8 65,067 15 0 3,909 13 11 5,504 16 7