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mates, but, as regards the Native Secretary's Salary, they propose, (instead of striking off £300 now charged on the Civil List, as proposed by paragraph 12 of the Memorandum above referred to), to provide £400 for that purpose out of the sum on the Civil List appropriated for the Establishment of the General Government. For the present it is proposed that £300 of this sum shall be received by the present Assistant Native Secretary ; and the remaining £100 by the Native Secretary and Chief Land Purchase Commissioner : the balance of the latter Officer's Salary, of £500 per annum being charged against the Land Purchase Loan. It is understood that the Salary of the present holder of the Office of Native Secretary is not to be reduced from £500 without His Excellency's concurrence ; therefore, that, notwithstanding the arrangement expressed in the 11th paragraph of the Memorandum above referred to, His Excellency is to be free, (should occasion ever arise), to direct that the whole of the sum of £40C, proposed to be placed on the Civil List be applied towards defraying the Salary of the present holder of the Office of Native, Secretary ; and that the balance of £100 per annum be made good out of the Sum of £300 (part of the £7000 appropriated for purposes not specified.) (Signed) C. W. Richmond. [minute.] It would have been much more satisfactory to the Governor if the engagement contained in his Memorandum of 28th August, 1856, had appeared distinctly in the estimate for the Civil List; he is, however, very unwilling to place difficulties in the way of his Advisers, and therefore accedes to the proposal contained in their Minute of 21st June, on a distinct understanding that the arrangements contained in his Memorandum of 28th August, 1856, are to be strictly adhered to, and that this Minute, together with that of his Advisers, dated 21st June, are both laid before the Assembly. (Signed) T. Gore Browne. Government House, 21st June, 1858.