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To the Church of England £3,500 To the Weslcyan Society , 2,300 To the Church of Rome 1,200 Total £7,000 Exclusive of a sum of £200 for the Wellington Roman Catholic School. 3. This promise, was, however, only partially redeemed ; Sir George Grey having procured the appioval of the Secretary of State to the following appropriation, viz,— To the Church of England £3.500 To the Wesleyan Society 3,600 To the Church of Rome ; 800 Total £5,900 4. The full deficiency, together with the sum of £200 for the Wellington Roman Catholic School was however in two successive sessions made good by a vote of £1300 on the General Estimates ; raising the total annual provision for the Schools to the sum of £7,000. 5. During the late session of the General Assembly, His Excellency assented to a change, whereby the total provision for the Schools was reduced to £7,000, by a trifling rateable abatement of the sum received by each of the three religious bodies; and the whole amount was charged on the Civil List : thus absorbing the whole of the permanent provision for Native Expenditure. 6. At the same time, all the Native Services displaced by this change, with others not before on the Civil List, were transferred on to the sum of £4,700 on the Civil List for the Establishment of the General Government. The salaries of eight Resident Magistrates, amounting to £ 1,400 were thus provided for ; together with £300 for the salary of the Native Secretary. Thus the total provision on the Civil List for Native purposes was increased by £1,700 which sum was in fact substituted for the sum of £1,100 surrendered by His Excellency in favour of the Schools. The expenditure, also, (as observed by His Excellency) was more rigidly confined to properly Native purposes than it previously had been. 7. Ministers now recommend a further change, whereby an increased provision for expenditure for the special benefit of the Natives will be secured by permanent laws. 8. Of the above-named fund of £7,000 they propose the following new appropriation, to take effect on and from 30th September next:— Native Secretary's Department. AUCKLAND. Native Secretary , £300 Assistant Native Secretary i> 300 Translator 200 Clerk 150 Occasional Clerical Assistance. 120 Messenger 80 Contingencies 50 provinces. Assistant Native Secretary, New Plymouth .. 250 " " " Nelson 150 " " " South Island , , 250 Contingencies -. 100 ■ £1950 Maori Messenger ■.-..: ~ 300 Resident Magistrate's Courts in Native Districts. Resident Magistrate, Turanga* .... £300 Waikato* 300 Native Assessors 1000 Contingencies 200 1 1,800 Interpreters to Resident Magistrate's Courts... 600 Pensions (being existing Pensions not secured by permanent Act) 250 Hospitals and Medical Attendance 1,600 Native Entertainment and Presents ;.. t 500 £7,000 9. Sir George Grey, in the 71st paragraph of his despatch to the Secretary of State, dated 30th August, 1851, defines what he deemed the proper application of the Native Fund, as * Without allowances of any kind, except actual travelling expenses.