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(Laid on tlie table of the House, July 8 th, 1856, and ordered to be printed.)

St. Mary's, Wellington, June 18th, 1856. Sir,—l beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th ultimo (No. 28), and shall feel obliged if you will have the goodness to lay the enclosed letter before his Excellency tlie Governor. I have, &c., (Signed) + Ph. J. Viard, Catholic Bishop. To the Honorable John Hall, Esq., Colonial Secretary, gt Mary > S) Wellington, June 18th, 1856. Sir -In conformity with your Excellency's desire, I haste to give an account of the disbursement of 'the 200/. allocated yearly by your Excellency's predecessor, towards the support of St. Joseph's Providence, for the reception of Natives and half-castes, and I cannot e\en in an official document forego the expression of my gratitude for the visit paid to at. Joseph s by youi Excellencv and Lady. It will be a visit, which, as showing the interest taken by your Excellency in such works of Christian charity, shall not easily be forgotten by ma and the poor children. The account books show the expenses daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly; f ' or the P re^" t it will suffice to transcribe the statement of the disbursements quarterly and following heads;-Food, Clothing, Furniture; under the head ot tood is included ai,o wood, gardening, and other minor contingencies. ' & ° I have, &c„ (Signed) + Ph. J. Viard, Catholic Bishop. His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand.

A.—No. 7*


RETURN of the Receipts and Expenditure of £200 received yearly from the Government for St. Joseph's Providence, at Wellington, including three years and three quarters, viz., from

Dr. ST. JOSEPH'S PROVIDENCE IN 1852. First Year. £ s- d. September To the Government Grant (first quarter) .. ... .. .. 50 0 0 October 12. Ditto in further aid for completing various arrangements of the Institution.. ,, SO 0 0 December Ditto the Government GrBnt (second quarter) ... ... .. ... 60 0 0 Ditto Ditto Mr. Wild, donation ... ... .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Ditto Ditto Mr Fitzgerald, donation .. .. ... .. .. 6 0 0 1853. March Ditto the Government Grant (third quarter) .. .. ... 50 0 0 June Ditto Ditto Ditto (fourth quarter) .. ., ... .. 50 0 0 Ditto pupils of Otaki .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 August 31. Ditto balance (defrayed by Monseigneur Viard) .. ... .. .. 10 11 Total ... .. .. .. £ 286 11 5 1853. Second Year. September To the Government Grant (first quarter) .. .. ... 50 0 0 December Ditlo ditto ditto (second quarter) '... .. ... .. 50 0 0 1854. March Ditto ditto ditto (third quarter) .. •• .. ... 50 0 0 June Ditto ditto ditto (fourth quarter) .. .. .. .. 50 q 0 Ditto Mr. Aldridge ... ... .. .. .. ..500 Ditto subscriptions, &c. .. .. ... .. ... .. 11 0 0 Ditto donations, &c. i ... ... .. .. .. ». 25 0 0 August 31. Ditto balance (defrayed by Monseigneur Viard) .. ... ., 117 13 4.1 Total ... .. , ... ... .. 36 i 13 4 £ 1854. Third Year. September To the Government Grant (first quarter) .. ... .. .. 50 0 0 December Ditto ditto ditto (second quarter) .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 1855. March Ditte ditto ditto (third quarter) .. .. ,. .. 50 0 0 June Ditto ditto ditto (fourth quarter) .. .. ... .. 50 6 0 August 31. Ditto (balance defrayed by Monseigneur Viard) .. .. .. .. 7 11 7 Total .. ... .. ... £ 207 11 7 1855. Fourth Year—Three quarters only. September To the Government Grant (first quarter) ,. .. .. 50 0 0 December Ditto ditto ditto (second quarter) ... ., .. 50 0 0 1856. Ditto house-rent from Mr. Moore ... ... ... .. 20 0 0 Ditto Mr. Baker .. .. .. .. .. ..400 March Ditto the Government Grant (third quarter) .. .. ... .. 50 0 O Ditto Mr. Carley .. .. ... .. .. *' '2 10 O Ditto Mr. Lothim .. .. .. ... .. .. 4 10 0 Ditlo Mr. McDonald .. .. .. M .. [ 4 0 0 May 31. Ditto balance (defrayed by Monseigneur Viard) .. .. ... .. o 19 0 To,al •• ••• ... -. £ 185 19 0 Dr • GENERAL BALANCE FOR THREE s d" 1852 to 18J6. To Government Grant, three years and three quarters .. .. 750 0* o" October 1852. To special Grant in aid .. ... .. ... " &Q , To subscriptions, donations , &c., parents of children .. .) " 0 q ' To Balance for excess of expenses over receipts of the Institution for three years and three quarters and defrayed by Monseigneur Viard from other sources ... ... 13615 44 ToUl *• *• ••• ... .. 1041 15 41 St. Mary's Wellington, June l8tb, 1856.


the 1st September, 1852, up to the 31st May, 1856.

GENERAL ACCOUNT CURBENT. Cr. " ~ : : £ s. d. First By First Qr. Second Qr. Third Qr. Fourth Qr. Totals. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Food, &c. .. 60 8 4 36 0 2 58 1 0 44 0 2 198 9 8 Clothing .. H 3 11 3 0 10 14 3 0 4 6 2 35 13 11 Furniture ... 19 15 2 2 4 8 9 19 0 10 9 0 42 7 10 Total8 „. 94 7 5 41 5 8 82 3 0 58 15 4 i>76 11 5 1852. By food, &c., clothing, furniture, (ut supra) ... .. ••• •• 276 11 S1853. Ditto food and provisions issued from the Almonry ... ... •• 10 0 0 Total .. .. •• •• 286 11 5 Second Year. By First Qr. Second Qr. Third Qr. Fourth Qr. Totals. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. Food, &c. .. 65 7 5 69 5 4 69 12 10| 59 4 10 263 10 5| Clothing .. 9 10 2 12 40 884 756 37 8 0 Furniture .. 1 6 6 8 13 9 4 12 3 7 2 5 21 14 11 Totals .. 76 4 1 90 3 1 82 13 5$; 73 12 9 322 13 1853. jjy food, &c. clothing and furniture (at supra) .. .. •• •• 322 13 4^ 1854. Ditto dresses for the first communion .. .. .. ••• .. 14 0 0 Ditto 18 mattrasses and pillows .. .. •• •• .. 25 0 0 Total.. ... .. .. .. .. 361 13 4| Third Year. By First Qr. Second Qr. Third Qr. I Fourth Qr. Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ «. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. Food, &c. ... 38 6 5 42 7 1 40 5 5 38 1 7 159 0 6 Clothing .. 19 3 3 5 16 5 8 6 1 8 0 7 41 6 4 Furniture ... 3 13 0 143 116 160 749 Totals .. 61 2 8 49 7 9 49 13 0 47 8 2 207 11 7 1854-1855. By food &c. clothing and fuiniture (ut supra) .. ... .. .. 207 11 7 Total ... .. ... .. .. 207 11 7 Fourth Year—Three Quarters only. First Qr. Second Qr. Third Qr. Fourth Qr. Totals. £ 8. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.\ £ s. d. Food &c ... 42 11 3 61 2 5 55 14 10 0 0 0 159 8 6 Clothing .. 99 0 470 820 000 21 18 0 Furniture .. 166 2 17 9 083 000 4 12 6 Totals .. 53 6 9 68 7 2 64 5 1 OOP i85 19 0 1855. By food, &c. clothing and furniture {ut supra) for three Quarters, up to 31st May, \ 1856. 1856 ... ••• •• •• •• •• •• 185 39 0 Total .. •• .. .< 185 19 O YEARS AND THREE QUARTERS. Cr • —— £ s. d. 1362-3. By Expenses—First year .. .. ... ••• ••• •• ®86 11 5 1853-4. Ditto Second year .. •• •• •• •• 3bl 13 4| 1854-5. Ditto Third year.. .. ••• •• •• •• 20 ? 11 7 1855-6. Ditto Fourth year (three quarters) .. ••• •• ••• 185 19 0 Total .. .. .. .. 1041 15 (Signed) f Ph. T. ViARr, Catholic Bishop.


Wellington, June] Bth 1856. Sir, —I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated the 26th ultimo, requiring by order of his Excellency, a detailed account of the distribution of the sum of .£7OO, provided annually from the public funds for the Wesleyan Church at Wellington, towards educational purposes. In reply, I beg to inform his Excellency that only a portion of the sums hitherto received has been appropriated, and that, more in preparatory measures than in actual education. In explanation, I beg to observe, for the information of his Excellency, that after some preliminary steps had been taken towards the establishment of an Industrial School at Wellington, it was decided in November 1854 that the situation of Kai-iwi was more eligible for our first experiment of that kind, as it is nearer to the principal settlements of those tribes which are under our missionary teaching. The Rev. G Stannard was accordingly appointed to establish such an institution. From that time he has been eogaged in that department, but from the peculiar circumstances of the times, and particularly the difficulty of commanding labour, unexpected interruptions were occasioned. His attention was directed in the first place, to the necessary farm preparations, which are now so forward that we cherish the hope that when the crops in the ground shall have been gathered in, he will be in a condition to receive a considerable number of the Native youths and children belonging to the tribes connected with the Wesleyan Mission in this District. Our object is to place the farm in a condition to contribute at once towards the support of the Institution, and to make it ultimately a self-supporting one, when another and similar Institution will be formed. In accordance with this design, the monies expended have been devoted more to agricultural purposes than to the erection of buildings, which can be increased as the enlargement of the school most demand. I have the honor to enclose an account of the amount expended to the present time; the balance is available for the anticipated extension of the Institution. I have, &c., (Signed) James Buller. /


1. Wellington— £ s. d. Clearing and fencing school land .. .. .. 247 16 11 2. Kai-iwi — Erection of buildings .. .. .. .. 300 15 5 Fencing, clearing, and cropping.. .. .. .. .. 359 2 0 implements anil carriage .. .. .. .. .. 11l 13 0 Stock •• ■ .. .. 147 10 0 1,160 17 4

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NATIVE EDUCATION., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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NATIVE EDUCATION. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

NATIVE EDUCATION. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I