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NOTE.—Paper Number before Page Number

ACCIDENT INSURANCE— State Fire Insurance Office, H.-6a, ACCIDENTS— Factories, H.-11, 2. ADVERTISING— Internal Affairs Department, H.-22, 22. Tourist and Health Resorts Department, H.-2, 8. AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL— Agricultural workers, H.-11, 14. Department: Annual report, H.-29. Farming industry : Man-power, H.-l la, 35, 50. Farm training : Ex-servicemen, H.-18, 15, 19, '2B. Food and Agriculture Organization, H.-29, 77. Meat freezing and preserving, H.-11a, 52. Share milking, H.-11, 14. Shearers, H.-11, 14. Women's Land Service, H.-11a, 63, 131. ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY— H.-22, 23. ANNUAL HOLIDAYS ACT— H.-11, 17. APPRENTICES ACT— H.-11, 11. ARMS BUREAU— H.-16, 4. ART UNIONS— H.-22, 21. AUCTIONEERS— H.-22, 5. BOOKMAKING— Offences, H.-16, 5, 9. BUILDING TRADE— Report, H.-l la, 39. Scaffolding and Excavation Act, H.-11, 15. BUSH WORKERS ACT— H.-11, 20.

CANTEEN BOARD— Report, H.-19a. CHANGE OF NAME— H.-22, 21. CIDER-MAKING— H.-29, 73. CINEMA. See MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY. DEFENCE— Army Education and Welfare Services, H.-19, 3. Canteen Board, H.-19a. Conscientious objectors and military defaulters, H.-Ha, 11, 24, 129. Demobilization allowances, H.-9, 10. Military Forces : Annual report, H.-19. Military mobilization, H.-l la, 15, 120. Nary : Annual report, H.-5. Ships chartered and purchased for defence purposes, H.-15, 1. War service gratuities, H.-9, 10 ; H.-19, 8. DISABLED SERVICEMEN— H.-18, 5, 31. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS— H.-22, 17. DOMINION MUSEUM— H.-21, 6. DRUNKENNESS— H.-16, 5. DUTCH EVACUEES— Accommodation, H.-27, 4. EDUCATION— Agriculture : Flock House, H.-29, 54. Army Education and Welfare Services, H.-19, 3. Children of deceased and disabled servicemen, H.-18, 14. Ex-servicemen, H.-l 8, 14, 27. Navy, H.-5, 22. Public Service : Educational standard, H.-14, 3. School of Navigation, H.-15, 19.


ELECTORAL — Electoral Office, H.-22, 20. EMPLOYMENT. See under LABOUR ; also NATIONAL SERVICE. EVACUEES— Dutch, H.-27, 4. EXIT PERMITS— H.-22, 21. EXPLOSIVES AND DANGEROUS GOODS— H.-22, 20. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS— Food and Agriculture Organization, H.-29, 77. International Labour Organization, H.-11, 21. Maritime Preparatory Technical Conference, Copenhagen, 1945, H.-11, 23. FACTORIES. See under LABOUR. FAIR RENTS ACT— H.-11, 15. FINANCE— Agriculture Department, H.-29, 6, 17. Army, H.-19, 9. Canteen Board, H.-19a. Fire brigades, H.-l 2, 8, 11. Friendly societies and trade-unions, H.-l, 3. Government Insurance Department, H.-8. Invercargill Licensing Trust, H.-24, 2, 3. Labour Department, H.-11, 23, 24. Mental hospitals, H.-7, 23. National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum, H.-21, 10. National Patriotic Fund, H.-22, 14 ; H.-22a. National Provident Fund, H.-17. National Service Department, H.-l la, 11, 147. Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks, H.-10, 3. Police Force, H.-16, 6, 12. Prisons Department, H.-20, 5. Rehabilitation Board, H.-l 8, 4, 13, 17, 29, 30. Social security, H.-9, 4, 9 ; H.-9a. State Fire Insurance Office, H.-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H.-6a. Tourist and Health Resorts Department, H.-2, 8. War Assets Realization Board, H.-27, 2, 7, 8. FIRE BRIGADES OF THE DOMINION— Report, H.-12. FISHING INDUSTRY. See under MARINE. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION— H.-29, 77. FORESTRY— Fires in, H.-12, 3, 5. Sawmilling, H.-11a, 37. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES AND TRADE-UNIONS— Annual report, H.-l. GAMING— Bookmaking offences, H.-16, 5. GOLD— Recovery of, from R.m.s. " Niagara," H.-15, 9.

GOVERNMENT INSURANCE COMMISSIONER— Annual report, H.-8. HARBOURS. See under MARINE. HEALTH— Ex-servicemen : Medical treatment, H.-9, 6. Hospitals— Man-power, H.-11a, 48. Mental: Report, H.-7. Military Forces, H.-19, 4. Nurses : Shortage, H.-7, 3. Prisoners, H.-20, 5. HEALTH RESORTS— H.-2. HOME AID SERVICE— H.-Ha, 13, 111, 115. HOTELKEEPERS— Prosecutions against, H.-16, 5. HOUSING— H.-11, 15; H.-14, 9; H.-18, 10, 18, 20, 30: H.-27, 3. IMMIGRATION— H.-Ha, 115. INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION ACT— H.-11, 6; H.-ll A, 6. INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE— Absenteeism, H.-11a, 3, 144. Clothing and woollen manufacturing, H.-11a, 46, Ex-servicemen : Trade training, H.-18, 8, 24, 31. Industrial associations and unions, H.-11, 9, 25, 26, 27, 35. Industrial Emergency Council, H.-11, 17. Industrial man-power, H.-ll a. Industrial mobilization, H.-11a, 30. Industrial strife, H.-11, 10. INSURANCE— Government insurance, H.-8. State Fire Insurance Office, H.-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H.-6a. INTERNAL AFFAIRS— Advertising Office, H.-22, 22. Alexander Turnbull Library, H.-22, 23. Change of name, H.-22, 21. Cinematograph theatres, H.-22, 16. Constitutional questions, H.-22, 1. Department: Annual report, H.-22. Distinguished visitors, H.-22, 17. Electoral Office, H.-22, 20. Explosives and dangerous goods, H.-22, 20. Historical branch, H.-22, 19. Land-agents and auctioneers, H.—22, 5. Local government, H.-22, 1. National Patriotic Fund Board — Report for year ended 30th September, 1944, H.-22a. Report for year ended 31st March, 1945, H.-22a. Naturalization, H.-22, 22. Passports and exit permits, H.-22, 21.



INTERNAL AFFAIRS —onlinued Patriotic purposes, EL-22, 14. Physical welfare and recreation, H.-22, 5. Racing, H.-22, 22. Raffles and art-unions, H.-22, 21. War funds, 1914-18, H.-22, 22. War graves, H.-22, 19. War History Branch, H.-22, 18. Wild life, H.-22, 7. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION— H.-11, 21. INVERCARGILL LICENSING TRUST— Annual report, H.-24. JUSTICE AND PRISONS— Criminal registration and statistics, H.-l 6, 3, 5, 7. Drunkenness, H.-16, 5. Gaming offences, H.-16, 5, 9. Offenders' probation, H.-20b. Prisons Board : Report, A.—2oa. Prisons Department: Report, H.-2Q. Prosecutions— Bookmakers, H.-16, 5, 9. Drunkenness, H.-16, 5. Hotelkeepers, H.-16, 5. Marine Department, H.-15, 21. Motor-vehicles Act, H.-16, 6, 10. National Service Department, H.-ll a, 34. Sly-grog selling, H.-16, 5. LABOUR, (see also NATIONAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT)— Agricultural workers, H.-11, 14. Annual holidays, H.-11, 17. Apprentices, H.-11, 11. Bush workers, H.-11, 20. Department— Annual report, H.-11. Expenditure, H.-11, 23, 24. Factories, H.-11, 1, 2. Fair rents, H.-11, 15. Industrial associations and unions, H.-l, 3; H.-11, 25, 26, 27, 35. Industrial conciliation and arbitration, H.-11, 6. Industrial Emergency Council, H.-11, 17. International Labour Organization, H.-11, 21. Labour disputes investigation, H.-11, 11. Occupational re-establishment, H.-11, 17. Scaffolding and excavation, H.-11, 15. Servants registry offices, H.-11, 15. Share-milking agreements, H.-11, 14. Shearers, H.-11, 14. Shops and offices, H.-11, 5. Wages, H.-11, 13. Weights and measures, H.-11, 19. Workers' compensation, H.-11, 13. LAND-AGENTS— H.-22, 5. LAND AND INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT— Social Security Act, 1938 : Administration, H.-9a. LANDS— Irrigation, H.-29, 54. Noxious weeds, H.-29, 21. Nassella tussock, H.-29, 53.

LANDS —continued Settlement: Ex-servicemen, H.-18, 16, 28. Soil research, H.-29, 48. Women's Land Service, H.-11a, 63, 131. LIBRARIES— Alexander Turnbull, H.-22, 23. LICENSING— Invercargill Licensing Trust: Report, H.-24. Licensing Act, offences under, H.-l 6, 9. LOANS— Rehabilitation, H.-18, 4, 6, 17, 18, 23, 29, 30. LOCAL GOVERNMENT— H.-22, 1. MAN-POWER— H.-l 1a ; H.-14, 2. MARINE— Department: Annual report, H.-15. Fishing industry, H.-15, 29, 44. Harbours, H.-15, 21. Lighthouses and beacons, H.-15, 11, 17. Marine engineers, H.-l 5, 24. Post-war activities, H.-15, 17. Seamen, H.-11, 23 ; H.-l la, 42 ; H.-15, 16, 21. Maritime Preparatory Technical Conference, Copenhagen, 1945, H.-11, 23. Shipping— G.s.s. " Matai," H.-15, 17. New Zealand ships lost by enemy action, H.-15, 13. Registration, H.-15, 21. R.m.s. " Niagara," recovery of gold from, H.-15, 9. Ship-building and ship repairs, 1939-46, H.-Ha, 54; H.-15, 1. S.s. " Baltannic " and " Baltraffic," H.-15, 13 S.s. " Maunganui," H.-15, 15. S.s. " Pamir," H.-15, 16. Vessels chartered and purchased for defence purposes, H.-l 5, 1. Shipping and Seamen Act, offences under, H.-16, 9. MILITARY FORCES. See under DEFENCE. MINING INDUSTRY— Coal, H.-Ha, 41. MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY— H.-22, 16. NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM— Report, H.-21. NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD— Report for year ended 30th September, 1944, H.-22A. Report for year ended 31st March, 1945, H.-22a. NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUNDS— H.-22, 14. NATIONAL PROVIDENT FUND— Report, H.-l 7.



NATIONAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT (see also LABOUR)— Annual report, Employment levels, H.-11a, 67. Ex-servicemen : Employment, H.-18, 8. Home Aid Service, H.-11a, 115. Industrial mobilization, H.-11a, 30. Military mobilization, H.—lla, 15. NATIVE AFFAIRS— Ex-servicemen : Housing and rehabilitation, H.-18, 10, 19, 20, 32. Maori war effort, H.-11a, 62. NATURALIZATION— H-22, 22. OFFENDERS' PROBATION— Report, H.-20b. PASSPORTS— H.-22, 21. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS— Report, H.-10. PHYSICAL WELFARE AND RECREATION— H.-22, 5. POLICE— Annual report, H.-16. Arms Bureau, H.-16, 4. Buildings, H.-16, 2. Criminal Registration Branch, H.-16, 3. Criminal statistics, H.-16, 5, 7. Gaming offences, H.-16, 5. Growth of Department, H.-16, 6. Hotelkeepers, prosecutions against, H.-16, 5. Motor-vehicles Act, prosecutions under, H.-16, 6. Proportion of police to population, H.-16, 12. Sly-grog selling, H.-16, 5. Strength, H.-16, 11. Transport, H.-16, 3. Work for other Departments, H.-16, 5. POPULATION— Increase, &c., H.-11a, 115. POST AND TELEGRAPH— Post and Telegraph Act, offences under, H.-16, 9. PRISONS. See JUSTICE AND PRISONS. PUBLIC SERVICE— Commissioner: Report, H.-14. Hostels, H.-11a, 13. Housing, H.-14, 10. Regrading, H.-14, 8. Superannuation, H.-14, 9. PUBLIC WORKS— Public buildings— Mental hospitals, H.-7, 25, 26. Police, H.-16, 2. Trade training scheme, H.-18, 11. RABBIT NUISANCE— H.-29, 20. RACING— H.-22, 22.

RAFFLES— H.-22, 21. REHABILITATION— H.-9, 10 ; H.-18, H.-14, 4. Report, H.-18. Sales of Army motor transport equipment to ex-servicemen, H.-19, 6. RETURNS OR STATEMENTS— Required by law or Resolution. to be laid before the House, H.-13. ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVY— Report, H.-5. SCAFFOLDING AND EXCAVATION ACT— H.-11, 15. SEAMEN. See under MARINE. SERVANTS REGISTRY OFFICES ACT— H.-11, 15. SHARE-MILKING AGREEMENTS ACT— H.-11, 14. SHEARERS ACT— H.-11, 14. SHIPPING. See under MARINE. SHOPS AND OFFICES ACT— H.-11, 5. SLY-GROG SELLING— H.-16, 5. SOCIAL SECURITY— H.-9, H.-9a ; H.-ll a. Benefits — Emergency, H.-9, 3. Family, H.-9, 9. Increase in rates, H.-9, 2. Reciprocal age and invalid, H.-9, 3. Sickness, H.-9, 3. Unemployment, H.-9, 3. Benefits and pensions in force and total payments, H.-9, 9. Demobilization allowances, H.-9, 10. Department : Annual report, H.-9. Ex-servicemen : Medical treatment, H.-9, 6. Finance, H.-9, 4, 9. Pensions— Economic, H.-9, 7. Payable outside New Zealand, H.-9, 8. Payments, H.-9, 8. War, H.-9, 4, 7. Appeal Board, H.-9, 8. Rehabilitation allowances, H.-9, 10. War service gratuities, H.-9, 10. SPORTS AND RECREATION— Racing, H.-22, 22. STANDARDIZATION— Marine Department, H.-15, 28. Pip-fruits, H.-29, 70. Vegetables, H.-29; 74.



STATE FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE— Annual report, H.-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H.-6a. SUPERANNUATION— Public Service, H.-14, 9. TAXATION— Social security, H.-9a. TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS— Advertising, H.-2, 8. Department: Annual report, H.-2. External tourist traffic, H.-2, 2. Finance, H.-2, 19. Passenger booking, H.-2, 17. Resorts and hostels, H.-2, 10. TRADE-MARKS— H.-10. TRADE UNIONS. See under LABOUR. TRANSPORT— Ex-servicemen's rehabilitation, H.-18, 6. Man-power, H.-11a, 42. Motor-vehicles Act, prosecutions under, H.-16, 6, 10. Motor-vehicles, sales, &c., by War Assets Realization Board, H.-27, 5. Police Force, H.-16, 3. UNITED NATIONS— Food and Agriculture Organization, H.-29, 77. VITICULTURE— H.-29, 72.

WAR— Employment and unemployment during the war, H.-lla, 75. Maori war effort, H.-l la, 62. Services vegetable production, H.-29, 42. Ships (New Zealand) lost by enemy action, H.-15, 13. War funds, 1914-18, H.-22, 22. War graves, H.-22, 19. War history, H.-22, 18. War pensions, H.-9, 4, 7, 8. War service gratuities, H.-9, 10 ; H.-l 9, 8. WAR ASSETS REALIZATION BOARD— Acquisition and disposal of surplus assets: Report of Royal Commission, H.-27a. Report, H.-27. WAR EXPENSES ACCOUNT— H.-lla, 11. WAR MEMORIAL CARILLON— H.-21, 8. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT— H.-11, 19. WILD LIFE— H.-22, 7, WINE MANUFACTURE— H.-29, 72. WOMEN AND CHILDREN— Boys and girls in factories, H.-11, 3. Children of deceased and disabled servicemen: Education, H.-18, 14. Home Aid Service, H.-l la, 13, 111, 115. Women's Auxiliary Services, H.-IIA, 28. Women's Land Service, H.-lla, 63, 131. WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT— H.-11, 13.

Authority: E. V. PAUL, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 947

B—Vol. 111.



APPENDIX TO THE JOURNALS OF THE House of Representatives

Vol. 11l

1946 [Willi rl.-l —H.~29jj

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Back Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I

Back Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I