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BIDDING AT MORRINSVILLE PRICES WELL MAINTAINED One of the best-quality yardings of grown cattle seen in the Waikato for some time sold at advanced rates as a result of keen bidding a»t the Morrinsville stock sale yesterday. Grown bullocks from the East Coast also sold well. Dairy cattle, particularly cows, sold freely and a large yarding of beef and boner cows met steady competition, values remaining firm. Last week’s rates prevailed for fat sheep, comprising mainly fat ewes and hoggets, and recent quotations were also realised for baconers and porkers. Store pigs changed hands readily at increased prices. AUCTIONEERS’ QUOTATIONS The auctioneers quote as follows: Loan and Mercantile Agency Cattle. —•Medium fat jersey cows £7 to £8 15s, fat Jersey cows £5 tos to £6 ljs, heavy boner cows £4 5s to £5 7s 6d, medium £3 10s to £4 2s 6d. medium fat Jersey heifers £6 10s to £7 ss, others £4 15s to £5 7s 6d, empty 2-year heifer* £4 to £4 I'5S, small yearling Jersey heifers £3 to £3 10s, small 2*-year Shorthorn steers £6 6s to £6 10s, small 2-year Polled Angus steers £5 18s to £0 <s. medium 2-year Polled Angus lieirers £i 10s to £4 17*, yearling Polled Angus steers £3 7S 6d to £4 55, medium quality dairy heirers £9 5s to £lO 10s, backward belfers £8 to £9, medium dairy cows £8 103 to £lO 10s, medium boners £4 5s to £4 9s. Pigs.—*Good buttermilk pigs £3 10* to £3 15s, good porkers £3 to £3 7s 6d. Sheep.—Fat hoggets 27s to 28s Id, medium fat hoggets 23s to 2'ss fid.

Farmers’ Auctioneering Company, Ltd. Cattle.—-The 361 grown bullocks from the East Coast averaged just on £lO each; the advertised herd from Mr J. H. Gadde*. 'Morrinsville, realised up to £2 2 tos; prime fat Hereford cows £9 ss, cows and runners £5 10s to £7 is, heavy Tat Jersey heiTers £7 15s to £8 10s, medium £5 15s to £6 12s fid, heavy fat Jersey cows £7 to £S, light £5 to £•» SS. heavy boner cows £3 15s to £1 10 s , medium £2 ms to £3 ss, canner cows Lss to 355. best quality Jersey yearling heiTers £5 17s fid to £6 10S, ‘medium £1 15s to £5 10*. small £3 5s to £ * 5.*, yearling Jersey bulls £1 to £4 10s. 2-year service Jersey bulls £8 10s, 5-year Polled Angus bullock* £lO lOs to £lO 19s, 4-year Polled Angus bullock* £lO 17s fid to £lO 19s, 3-year Polled Angus bullocks £9 to £lO 7s fid, 2-year Polled Angus bullocks £7 5s to £7 Us, 5-year Hereford bullocks £lO 12s fid to £lO Ifis, 4-year Hereford bullocks £9 13s to £ln is. 3-year Hereford steers £3 12s to £9 ss, 2-year Hereford steers £7 10s to £7 13s. 3-year Hereford Polled Angus sheers £9 to £9 lfi«. empty cows £6 ss, Polled Angus cows in calf £7 7s to £8 7s. best springing heifers £l3 to £ls 10s, medium quality heiTers £lO 10s to £l2, smaller £7 to £9 ss. later calvers £6 to £B, good quality heiTers in milk £l2 15s to £lfi 10s, other heifers In milk £7 10s to £lO. choice quality cows in milk £l7 15s to £22 tos. other quality cows In milk £l2 to £ls 10s, medium £« 10s to £ll, best springing cows £l3 to £ls 10s, medium quality cows £lO to £ll 10s, late calvers £6 10s to £B. Sheep.—• Medium prime wethers 3fis to 395, lighter 3is fid to 355, heavy fat ewes 28s 3d to 31? 9d, lighter 22s to 27s 9d. heavy fat hoggets 2*Ss od to 29s 3d, light 23* to 25s 3d, store hoggets 15s to 18s. Pig*.—Choppers £3 16s to £4 7s. heavy baconers £4 5s to £4 fis, light £4, buttermilk pigs and heavy porkers £2 18? to £3 12*, medium porkers £2 10s to £2 16*. light £2 4s to £2 Bs. good quality large stores £2 2s fid to £0 7s fid, large stores 37s fid to £2 Is, smaller 30s to 355, slips 32s fid to 37s fid, best weaners 25s to 31s 6(1. others 18s to 225, maiden breeding SOW’S £5 173 6d to £6 15s, Tam worth and Tamw-orth-cross cows close to farrowing £5 to £7 l •»•=. sows with litters £5 12s fid to £lO, Tamworth boars £3, Berkshire boars to £9. PAEROA REALISATIONS G. W. Vercoe and Company, Ltd., report having held their Tortni-ghtly stock sale at Paeroa. when the advertised entry came forward. competition for all classes was keen throughout and a satisfactory clearance, resulted at prices fully equal to those which have been ruling in other centres. Good-quality Jersey heir--23 fid, later calvers £8 to £9 17s fid, small up to £7 tos, good-quality Jersey cows (early calvers) from £o fs to £lO 15s, others £9 15s to £9 ss. backward and inferior To £B. heavy fat Holstein cows to £y IDs, fat Jersey rows £6 16s to £7 2s fid, light Jersey lieirers Li ifis to £6. other medium boners to £i, good-quality yearling heiTers £5 7s to £6, others to £» Is. Good Tat hoggets sold to 28s. Medium porkers brought £2 15s to £3 3s, good stores £2 4s to £2 9«, others 30s to £2 2s, weaners up to 2 35. '

PRICES EASIER FOR DAIRIES 0. W. Vercoe and Company, Ltd., repoTS that at their weekly Frankton dairy sols on Wednesday a large entry of dairy oowa and heirers came forwsrd. Buyer* wers not present In large numbers and price* received were slightly easier. Porward Jersey heifers made ill 15* to tit 10*, Jersey heifers (later calvers) £0 10* to £ll ss, Shorthorn helfera £9 16* to *lO 10s, Jersey heifers In milk £8 10s to fctu ss, Jersey heirers (late) £7 IS* to £9 6», young Jersey cows (springing) £ld to £ll 10-s, young Jersey cows (cal-ved) £9 10s to £ll 11 s, aged Jersey-cross cow* (springing) £7 10s to £9 ss. aged Prle*lan cows (springing) £6 10s to £9 10*, unsound cow* £5 15s to £• 6 lfc*. TE AWAMUTU QUOTATIONS Messrs Oalgety and Company, Ltd., report on their usual Te Awamutu **l« on Thursday as follows:—There was a good yarding or sheep and a Tull yarding or an classes or cattle. Firm prices were again obtained for any entry or quality. Prime rat wethers on account or Mr *C. McDonald, 'Korokonui, topped the market n £9 3s fid, wlille other sheep from Messr* R. M. and W. H. Thompson and Mr H. B. Strawbrldge, Halrlnl, sold at £2 is fid and £2 Os 9d respectively. In the otltl* section an outstanding pen of prim# heirers ex Mr James Fleming, Paterangl, made £l2 10s. Prime Polled Angus bullocks on account of Mr R. 0. O. Cowl*, Parawera, and Mr H. C. Ash, Klhlklhl, realised £l2 10s and £lB respectively. Sheep.—Heavy prime fat wethers tt 0* 9d to £2 3s fid, lighter to £1 1*» to ft, unfinished wethers 30s to 31* fid, heavy rat ewes 28s 6d to 30s fid, lighter 22* to 2 6s, prime fat hogget* 28* to 80* fid, lighter 23s to 25s fid. Cattle. —Prime fat bullocks £l2 to €l2 10s, lighter £lO 6s to £ll 2s fid, heavy prime fat heirers £ll to El* 10*, prime fat heirers £9 5s to £lO It*, lighter heifers £7 5s to £8 2s fid, heavy fat caw £8 15s to £9 10s, lighter £fi 10s to £B. heavy fat Jersey cows £6 17* fid to £7 Us, lighter £5 10s to €fi 3s, heavy boners £3 15s to £4 6s, medium £2 10* to £3 12s fid, light £1 8s to £2 Ss. Store Cattle.—Pens of Polled Angu* bullocks In good store order attracted much Interest and arter keen competition sold at rrom £9 17s to £lO 2*. f-year Polled Angus and polled Angus-cro«» steers £6 14s. Pigs.—A good yarding of fat pigs came forward with a full yarding of fat* and stores. All classes sold freely at full late market quotations. Large buttermilk pigs to light baconers £3 8s to £3 l-3s, buttermilk pigs £3 to £3 B*. heavy porkers £2 16s to £3, medium £2 10* to tt 15s, light £2 to £2 10s large store pig* 35s to £2 ss, medium 30s to 35a, tmail 25* to 30s, slips 28s to 3 2s, good weaners 2fis to 30s, medium lßi to 26*. medium choppers £3 Is to £3 Bs, sows to farrow £3 to £6 15s. Berkshire boars £7 15*. A

WAIHOU YARDING The Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., report:—At the Wethou stock sale on Thursday a full yarding or all classe* or cattle came forward. Fat cows and heirers sold under keen competition with value* remaining firm on late rates. A good offering of empty y-oung cow* and heirers met pplrlted bidding rrom local and outside buyer*, at values In advance of those ruling at recent sale*. There was a large entry of dairy cows and heifers, for which the demand was very keen. -Good quality heifers were keenly sought, realising at high as £l7 ss. The whole yarding changed hand* at price* fully e<yual to recent quotations Bidding was spirited for fat sheep and price? realised equally as high a* late rates. Pigs were yarded in Increased numbers and met a ready sale at values fully up to Frankton rates. Breeding sows also sold well. Quota* tlonsCattle.—Heavy rat Jersey cow§. £7 Ml to £8 its, medium £6 12s fid to £7 3s, lighter €5 15s to £6 fis. medium rat Jersey heirers £5 19s to £fi 9s, light €6 to £5 13s, heavy boner cows £6 5s to tft Us, medium £4 5s to £4 IPs, llrht r» 18s to £3 17s fid, sound empty young cow* £ 1 17s fid to £5 Bs. well-grown empty 2-year heirers £4 12s to £6 3s, other? £3 17s to £4 4s, yearling Jersey heiTers £4 11* to £4 17s. Dairy Cattle. quality heirer* Close to profit £l4 to £l7 s*. Jersey and Jersey-cross heifers close to profit flu ifis to £l3, later calvers £8 10s to £lO, Red Poll cows close to profit fio 10s to £l3 5?, Shorthorn cows close to profit £ll 10 s to £ i 2 ss. Slieep.-“Prlme U\ wether* Sts «<J, Jl«tl 32s fid to 3fis fid, unfinished 98s. fat ’A *9.l’*’ ral s<> Cd to 26* 6d. light fat ewes 21 s 6d Pigs.-—Choppers £2 p* to £3 fis' Ugbl baconers £3 8s to £3 15«. buttermilk pigs and heavy porkers £2 its to £3 4s. large store* 37* fid to £2 1s fid, smaller 35 b - best slips 31s 6d 10 SPs fid, others 24s to 30 s, weaners 17s fid to i9s fid s° w .s and litters to £7 11>*. mald.en breeding sows £5 10s to £7 15?, older J*a' S fi<L* 15S ’ 1 amwortlJ boars 1 9

HORBES AT OHAUPO Dalgety and Company. Ltd., report having held their Ohaupo sale on August 21 a- follows: —A medium yarding of horse* came forward Including the advertl*e4 line or horses rrom Canterbury. The d*i mand for good-quality horses was firm. Light horse* did not meet anv competl- ; tion. The following are the principal • sale-: Brown fi-.vear gelding. £4 2. 6 and , .-year-old mares, all farm work, £3l j Lght hair-draught horses, all farm Tvoit, I £2 5 to £3O; aged horses, all rarm work* j £l6 to £22; 4-year geldings, broken to lead, £3O.

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Waikato Times, Volume 127, Issue 21200, 24 August 1940, Page 18 (Supplement)

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SPIRITED SALE Waikato Times, Volume 127, Issue 21200, 24 August 1940, Page 18 (Supplement)

SPIRITED SALE Waikato Times, Volume 127, Issue 21200, 24 August 1940, Page 18 (Supplement)