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Despite the slippery ball, greasy ground and showery day the Rugby football provided at Rugby Park on Saturday, when the Sage Memorial Cup competition was resumed, was fast, open and exciting. The game on No. 1 ground between Frankton and Old Boys was particularly bright, but was marred by some unpleasant inoidents, two players being ordered off the field. Frankton are now fivo points ahead on the championship table, but they are lucky to be there. They had to defend most of the match on Saturday. The game on No. 2 ground, when Technical register- , ed their first win was not particularly bright until the oloslng stages. Details of the games appear below*


FRANKTON BEAT OLD BOYS. PLAYERS ORDERED OFF. AHhougn Frankton were undoubtedly lucky lo win against Old Boys on Saturday the line game provided was marred by fighting, two players being ordered off the , held. The conditions were against bright open play, but both sets of backs handled splendidly and played good Rugby. Old Boys were clearly superior in the forwards and then' backs were given the ball from most scrums and lineouts. Frankton must be given credit for their splendid defence but, nevertheless, Old Boys played the better football and were distinctly unlucky in not gaining a clear cut margin. The teams were;— Frankton. —Edwards, Heeps, J. Denz, Griffiths, Everest, Snodgrass, L. Denz, 11. Hall, Davies, Tristram, Gilmer, Steere, Goodall, Bowler, Paget. Old Boys.—J. Heeps, Voice, Barling, Gann, Millar, Gillespie, 'McDell, Bryant, Tieljens, Gilbert Chitty, Potter, Henderson, Geol'f Chitty, Whittaker, Coombridge. Old Boys hooked the ball from the first scrum, McDell opening up the game, but Balding was caught in possession. L. Denz found a gap with a stab-kick a few minutes later and Frankton were on the attack. A good dribbling movement commenced by Whittaker placed play in Frankton’B twenty-five, but J. Denz opened up a nice movement which showed promise, but J. Heeps found the line at the twenty-five. Scrambling forward play between the twenty-fives followed. Getting the ball from most scrums and line-outs Old Boys were on the attack for ten minutes." Frankton were relieved by two free kicks, hut Old Boys were soon back to Frankton’s line. Tristram and Davies dribbled play down field and Snodgrass placed his team on attack, but a fine line by Gillespie saw play at mid-field again. Another free to Frankton placed them handy and the backs operated. Frankton Go Close. J. Denz went outside Griffiths after passing and gathering in a difficult pass made for the line. He handed on lo Everest who fell, and Voice forced. Griffiths picked up in a handy position but Bryant 'tackled him safely. Old Boys’ backs then handled in a neat movement. Voice fended off T. Heeps, but J. Denz came across and tackled him. Frankton then retaliated strongly, Griffiths making a strong dash, but he failed to pass out and the advantage was lost. Frankton were awarded another free but J; Denz failed. Old Boys were having, the Better of the game, Bryant, Potter ancl then Gilbert Chitty were close. Old Boys were the first to hoist points, Coombridge kicking a fine goal— Old Bovs 3 Frankton 0 Immediately on the resumption the play was held up owing to a fight. A few minutes later Geoff Chitty and H. Hall were ordered off for fighting. The game was again between the twentyfives for a spell with both backs handling very well considering the conditions. The territorial advantage was still with Old Boys when halftime bell was rung. Old Boys kepi the ball in and (he bac-kswvorkcd nicely, but the defence was safe. Frankton, led by Tristram. L. Denz and .Everest came back ancl the enthusiasm was running high but Gillespie found touch. The territorial advantage was with Frankton on the resumption, hut Old Boys cleared twice from two line-outs nn their goal-line. Coombridge. Whittaker, Bryant and Barling handled and Old Boys were close. Tristram then broke away from the half-way line and dribbling well lie scored a fine try. J. Denz just failed— Frankton 3 Old Boys 3

With the scores even the game was close and exciting, first one side and then Ihe other having ihe advantage. Old Hoys had tho advantage for another spell, and then Goodall, Snodgrass and Everest took Frankton right down, but Voice forced down. Old Boys Attack Strongly.

Gillespie Ihcn broke away and placed' Old Boys close, Millar, Barling, Gann and Barling handling in turn. Whittaker figured in another bright movement and was very close. They were awarded a free, hut Coombridge missed the kick. Tho game was very exciting in Franklon’s twenty-live for a long spell hut L. Den/, again cleared. A fine line by Gillespie saw Old Hoys close again. Millar fell one yard short, and from a five-yard scrum Gann reached the lino but Edwards kicked the ball from Ids bands as he dived. Another line line by J. Beeps saw Frankton struggling again. Frank too were busily defending until T. Keeps broke away and dribbling tho length of the Held, tie scored close in. the bounce of the hall favouring him. Snodgrass failed— Frankton *> Old Hoys 3 Frankton attacked ;i l the commencement. but Old Boys were soon up

again. L. Denz, however, lound the line well down. The Frank ton backs then handled well, but McDell tackled solidly. Frankton continued to attack and they were awarded a free, Snodgrass kicking up and under. Frank*ton were on the attack for a spell, but J. Heeps forced. Griffiths then had another run, swerving past 'three players, but Voice came over and tackled him beautifully. Tietjens and Whittaker both received attention for injuries at this stage and both had to go off. A. Lissette coming on into.'the forwards. The closing stages of the game were played in Old Boys’ territory, the game ending— Frankton .... 6 Old Boys 3 The Rev. P. Sergei was the referee.




Technical Old Boys registered their first win this season on Saturday when they defeated Marist by 9 points to 5 on No. 2 ground. it was a slowmoving, scrambling game until the second half had started, when play livened up considerably, both teams attacking alternately. The teams were:—

Technical Old Boys.—Dalbeth, Porteous, Liddy, Allen, St. George, Gibb, Smart, Banlder, Plough, Pardington, Robinson, Rae, Peart, Brown and Templer, Marist. —Lewis, Me Galium, W. J. Cassidy, Kilpatrick, Clark, Jordan, Trotter, Grace, F. Cassidy, T. Cassidy, Williams, Devcich, Lomas, Nicol and Gwynne. After tiVlarlst had kicked off Pardington opened up the backs and patchy play followed in midfield. Both sets of backs attempted to handle, but the combination was ineffective. Trotter initiated a back movement, which W. J. Cassidy continued,- but the former missed the return pass and a good chance was lost.

For some time play was of a scrambling nature 1n the Technical twenty-five before Dalbeth and Allen took It to half-way. Gibb and Liddy led the Technical backs in a rush which terminated on the side-line. St. George and Liddy then figured in a dribbling rush which reached the line, but the ball wont too far. Marist were then penalised in a dangerous position, Allen missing the kick narrowly. Offside tactics gave Allen another chance at goal, but the kick was disallowed and a scrum ordered. Marist • worked Into the opposing twenty-live where both Kilpatrick and McCallum made essays on the wing, but the Technical, tackling was reliable. Lewis had a "pot" at goal from well back but missed narrowly. Solid packing by the Marist forwards kept Technical in check for some time, and the halves made abortive efforts to open up the play, which was of a poor 1 standard up to that stage. At last the Technical backs operated successfully, Liddy carrying on;a combined movement to feed Allen, who dashed over near the corner. Pardington failed to convert. — . Technical 0.8. ...... 3 Marist 0 Shortly afterwards Technical were pressing and when Lewis kicked to clear the ball struck Pardington and rolled over the line. The Technical forward followed up and fell on the ball for a try. Allen’s kick missed. Technical 0.8 G Marist 0 Marist assumed the offensive and swept into the opposing twenty-five, where W. J. Cassidy narrowly missed with a penalty shot at goal. Marist Take Offensive. After the Interval Marist again attacked. in the Technical twenty-five Trotter cut in and handed to Clark, to W. J. 'Cassidy, who was smothered by Porlcous on the side-line near the corner. In a series of scrums Technical gained some territory, the backs making repeated efforts to penetrate the Marist defence. Clark made a fine solo dash which gained ground but his slab-kick was effectively smothered by Dalbeth. Loose, scrambling play ensued before the Marist goal, where the Technical backs cut In frequently, but failed to get through. Marist returned play to the Technical twentyfive, where Trotter got away from a loose scrum and fed Gwynne. Kilpatrick was forced out with the ball and shortly afterwards W. J. Cassidy attempted a shot at goal from a free unsuccessfully. Marist maintained the pressure and in the ensuing scramble on the line Devcich fell on 1 lie ball for a try, W. J. Cassidy converted.— ■Marist 5 Technical 0.8 G Technical then started a swift movement in midfield. Pardington gathered in and fed Liddy, who gave the ball to l'orteous near the twentyfive line. Porteous streaked for the line and scored after a magnificent sprint in which McCallum nearly overhauled him. Dalbeth failed to veri.—Technical 0.8 9 Iv . Marist j

Technical staged a similar movement in the next few minutes in which St. George dummied ids way through the opposing backs and gave Porteous another chance. However, the -winger's in-pass was intercepted. Templer was prominent In a Technical dash up the side-line, hut was recalled to a serum.

The game ended soon afterwards, leaving the final tallies— Technical 0.8 9 Diarist 5 Mr A. G. Watkins was jhc referee.

JUNIOR RESULTS. Junior. —High School 8, Railway G; Frankton 3, To Kowliai 0; Marist 14, Technical Old Boys -i; Karamu won hy default from Ruakura. Third Grade.—Technical 0.8. 0, Franklon 0; Old Boys 10, High School O; Marist 14, Teehhtcul School Li. Fourth Grade. —Technical 0.8. 8, Franklon 3.

Intermediate Secondary Schools.—• Alai'isl 11), Franklon 0.


TOURNEY AT WAITOA. Tin.' animal seven-a-sldr i>>ll riinnicMl l ror I lie Muririisen cup \v a > played at I lie Walton School grounds under the control of tbe l’lako sctiuois 1 sDom Asso*

elation. Good open football was witnessed in all games, Springdale who were no match for any or the -other teams being the exception. Messrs W. J. Neels and N. Dey were the rererees, while Mr D. M. Fraser was timekeeper. The results were as follows: First Round.—Tatuanul 3 (a try by JStockbridge) beat Kereone 0. Te Punlnga 11 (P. Barton 2 tries, one of which he converted, and| kicked a penalty goal) heat Springdale 0. Waltoa A G (tries by H. Klaus and W. Brewster) beat Waltoa B 0. Semi-nnal.—Waltoa 3 (try by Klaus) beat Te Puninga 0. Final.—Tatuanul 6 (tries by S. Brosnan and J. Stockbridge) beat Waltoa 0.



The best Rugby game of the day at Morrinsvlllo was that on No. 2 ground between Old Roys and Eastern. Old Boys' first scoro was the result of a brlllant solo effort by Attken from his own twentyfive. Following a spell of even play lvian secured for Old Boys and racing down the side-line handed on to Morgan, who scored. Old Boys continued on the attack and were again rewarded, when Simmons scored. Eastern strove hard In the second spell to reduce the margin, but Old Boys’ defence was equal to the occasion. A few minutes before time Altken kicked the ball over Eastern’s line and scored. The game ended with the score: Old Boys .2, Eastern 0. Mr D. Allen was the rjlereo. Terriers v. United. ■After a close, even game, tho match between Terriers and United results.! In a draw of three all. King sewed lor United and Stirling scored ror Terriers. Mr K. Atkon was the referee. • PATETERE V. WARDVILLE,

A heavy shower before the game started made the ball greasy at Bedford Park on Saturday. Wardville kicked olt and roreed the pace. Tho Pntetore forwards went back to Wardvllle’s twenty live. Watson took the ball from Ellis and fed Tyrrel who went over alongside the posts. Brown goaled. Paletere 5, Wardville 0.

Wardville attacked hut Strong drove them back to hallway with a fine kick. Wardville handled the greasy hall well and Stewart was compelled to force. A mlskick by Brown was well followed by Newsome to the Patetero line and Hughes tried a fast pot which was charged and Strong found touch at his own twenty-five. Ellis and Wharawara ran strongly up the lar side, but the Blacks worked back past halfway. Small fed Otto who sent on to Brown. The five-eighths cut In and scored between the posts. Brown converted. Patetere 10, Wardville 0.

Saxon kicked into Tyrrel, who carried on for Otto to score. Brown made a poor attempt. Patetere 13, Wardville 0. In the second spell Laverick led the Wardville forwards to Patetere’s line and from the scrum Sullivan fed Lynch who dived over. Saxon kicked a poster. Patetere 13, Wardville 3. Bradford was hurt and Wardville played on a man short. Sullivan, Lynch and Walker combined well but the defence held and Patetero forced. Play swung to the other end and Wardville forced. Murray and Ellis were conspicuous In a Wardville rush hut Patetere roreed. Sullivan fed Lynch who went across for Ills second try. Saxon goaled. I’ateiero 13, Wardville 8. ■ Time was called shortly afterwards. Mr W. E. Clover was referee. IYIATAIYIATA v. HINUERA. v

Matarnata were first to attack hut Hawke relieved ninuera with a good kick. Hinuera got the ball from a l!ue-out on their twenty-five line aiM Brown sent out to I.owrv who kicked through to put Hinuera oil attack. From a scrum in hts own twenty-five. Carlson obtained and ran through the opposition but lost possession when tackled on Hie Hinuera goal line, lie recovered and grounded the hall for a try. Fitzgerald missed the kick. Matarnata 3, Hinuera 0.

Warrender. Wright and McLean led the Hinuera forwards In several onslaughts but could not score. From a line out. In Ills own twenty-live, Fussey sent to ltegbie, to Carlson, who cut In and handed to Cole who sent on to Fitzgerald. The latter player made ground and passed to Cole but a knock on saved Hinuera. Matarnata backs were again in action, but Carlson was well tackled and a Tree kick relieved Hinuera.

Hinuera got the ball rrom a Hue-out and Brown sent to Hawke, to Settle, to Lowry, but an Infringement spoilt a good chance. Howard cleared for the Whites. Matarnata were getting a good share or tho ball at this stage but good tackling by ltinuera kept the score down. Fairly even play continued till half-time. Matarnata wore first to attack after the interval but the greasy ball and heavy ground made combined play very difficult. Settle pul Hinuera on attack with a good kick but no try resulted. Matarnata backs broke away and Cole, Carlson and MalUgan combined well, Cole scoring. Carlson missed the kick. Matarnata ti, Hinuera 0.

Hinuera made desperate efforts to score and went close on several occasions. They Kept Matarnata defending for most of the remaining time but Matarnata bad sent them back and were attacking, when the Unal whistle, went with the score, Matamata ti. Hinuera 0. Mr K. Croft was referee.

Auckland. College ililles G, Manukau 8: University i G, Otaliuhu II: Technical Old Boys JS, Grafton 5; Ponsonby 8, Marlst 8. Secondary Schools. —Senior: Sacred Heart V. Mount Albert Grammar G; ~nd c.rainmar 18. King’s College J-, I'out-llt Grade: Auckland Grammar \ i Sacred Heart A 8; Technical imllegc A 18. Takapuna 0; Sacred llrarl B Id. Technical College B 0, gjxlli Grade: Mount Allied Grammar \ i i. olaliuliii A .'I; Auckland Grammar A i « . Takapuna A 8: Technical

College A 15, Sacred Heart A 0; Technical College B 8, Sacred Heart B 0. Seventh Grade: Grammar A <l. Takapuna 0; Sacred Heart B 14, Mount Albert Grammar B o;'Auckland Grammar B 12, Sacred Heart C 12. Helensville. Silverdale G, Helensville 5; Parakai 9, Kaukapakapa G. Tauranga. Matakana G, Rangataua G. Pukekohe. Pukekohe Old Boys' 17, Te Kohanga 9; White Star 10, Bombay G. Paeroa. Old Boys 16, United 3; West 3, Ivarangahuke 3. Thames. College Old Boys 5, Iluimai 0. Whitianga. Whitianga 24, Kuaotunu 21; Tairua 23, United G. Taumarunul. Hauaroa 11, Athletic G; Taumarunui 37, Owhango 6. North Wairoa. South G, North 3. Otamatea. Paparoa 14, Kaiwaka 3; Waipu 11, Marohemo 3; Maungaturoto beat Kaituha by default. Whangarei. Hilcurangi 3, City 3; Iloraliora 7, Old Boys 3. Papakura. llunua 11, Clevedou 6; Karaka 12, Papakura 3; Arurimu 3, Drury 0; Grammar 13, Southern United 6. Rodney. Wellsford 12, Pulioo 5; Matakana 9, Matagana 0; Pakiri 5, Kaitoa 0. Christchurch. Athletic S, Merivalc G; Old Boys 29, Sydenham 9; Christchurch 21, Linwood 10; Albion 13, University 3. Dunedin. Southern 21, Ivaikorai 3; Union 12, Dunedin 3; Pirates 11, Zingari 6; Alhambra 56, University B 3; University A 8, Taicri 7. Napier. ■Marist 14, Hastings 0; Hastings Old Boys 22, Lskview 5; Technical Old Boys 9, Pirates 3. Gisborne. Old Boys 9, Waikoliu 7; Celtic 13, Y..M.P. 8; High School Old Boys 3. Marist 3. Taihapo. Pirates 8, Hula 5; Utiku 3, Hautapu 0. Wanganui. Marist 12, Old Boys 8; Kaierau 17, Wavertey 12; Ratana 18, Pirates 3. Wellington. Marist 5, Athletic 3; Hutt 13, Eastbourne 11; Wellington 18, Pclone 10; Poncke 10, Old Boys G. Now Plymouth. Tukapa 21, Inglewood 9; Clifton 7, Pa tea G; Star 15, Okaiawa G; Stratford 21, United Old Boys 0; Opunake 11, Kltham 9; Hawcra 32, New Plymouth Old Boys 8; Waimalc 31, Athletic it. Hastings. Celtic 13, Napier Old Boys G; M.A.G. 11, Havelock North 8. Palmerston North. Old Boys 3, St. Patrick’s 3; Woodville 12, Feilding 9; Kia Ton. 15, Rongotea 8; Massey College 27, United 0; Feilding Old Boys 9, Oroua Downs 0.

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Waikato Times, Volume 117, Issue 19598, 10 June 1935, Page 11

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EXCITING RUGBY Waikato Times, Volume 117, Issue 19598, 10 June 1935, Page 11

EXCITING RUGBY Waikato Times, Volume 117, Issue 19598, 10 June 1935, Page 11