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SHEEP IN STEADY DEMAND fias LOWER; CALVES LATE RATE. FAT STOCK AT WESTFIELD. There was an increase in the num- , jer of beef cattle yarded at the Westfield fat stock sale yesterday, the total being about 550 head, as compared with 420 last week. The price advance which resulted from a short yarding last week was not sustained and extra choice ox dropped is, bringing 20s per 1001 b. Choice and prime ox sold at up to 19s, in c° m_ parison with 20s last week, and there was a decline of from is to 2s in the prices of prime cow and heifer beer. The quality or the offering was generally of a high order and a steady demand was maintained. The decline In values was not unexpected. The weakness in the market is due to heavy supplies and the restricted demand. Although the season is fairly well advanced prices have averaged much below those of last year. At this’ time' in the previous season choice ox was selling at 30s and bullocks were realising up to £l3 a head, • about £5 above the ruling rates. i Values for sheep have been fairly well maintained recently, and yesterday late rates ruled except toward the close, when prices were slightly , easier. In spite of. a heavy yarding of sheep the demand was steady. The quality of the offering was favourably commented upon. • Spring lambs, were penned in average numbers. The quality was good and a steady demand was maintained, prices b?ing on a level with last week. , . . . Lower prices ruled for pigs, which were in fairly heavy The quality .was somewhat “patchy" and stores also eased 3m value. Calves were penned in larger numbers and sold at approximately late rates. However, the demand eased toward the end of the sale, and values tended to decline. Very few good quality, vealers came, forward, the offering being comprised mainly of young oalv’es. ‘ -■ Comparison of Prloos. The following is a summary of the prices realised, for fa.t st.ock for the : last two weeks at the Westfield fat •took sales: — ,

Best price in the ox beef market was made by a line of several steers from Mr H. E. Reed, of Waerenga, which were disposed of at values ranging from £6 15s to £8 2s 6d. Two trucks from Mr C. G. Vosper, of Cambridge, brought up to £B, and a further' consignment from Mr Reed, of Waerenga, also secured this price. One truok from Mr G. Vosper, of Maungatautiri, brought up to £7 17s 6d, and £6 17s 6d was the top price of a line from Mr W. A. Jefferis, of Waerenga. Two trucks from Petch Brothers, of Te Kuiti, sold to £6 155.In the cow and heifer market top price was obtained by Mr H. Windsor, of Tamahere, with a truck realising up to £6. A truck of cows from Mr VV. McLean, of Walton, realised up to £5 7s 6d. Two trucks from Mr B. C. Orr, of Ohinewai, sold at up to £5.

Alfred Buokland and Sons. Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, report on the sale as follows: We penned fat cattle to the number of 291 head, as against 188 head last week, comprising 202 steers and 80 oows and heifers. The quality generally was first-class, and, although there was a steady demand, last week’s advance was not sustained. Extra ohoice ox sold to £1 per 1001 b; ohoioe and prime ox, 17s to 19s; secondary and plain ox, 14s to 16s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 15s to 18s; ordinary cow beef, 12s to 14s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in prloe from £7'los to £8 for steers from Mr Gordon Vosper, ‘‘Dingley Dell," Cambridge, and Mr H. E. Reed, Waerenga; heavy prime steers, £6 15s to £7 7s 6d; lighter prime steers, £5 15s to £6 12s 6d; light prime steers, £4 15s to £5 12s 6d; small and unfinished steers, £2 10s to £4 12s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £5 to £5 7s 6d for cows from Mr W. McLean, Walton; heavy prime cows and heifers, £4 to £4 17s 6d; lighter prime oows and. heifers, £2 15s to £3 17s 6d; other killable cows, £1 15s to £2 12s 6d.

There was a heavy yarding of sheep and a keen demand for all classes, with values slightly firmer (1650 sheep were sold). Extra heavy prime wethers, shorn, sold from 13s 6d to 14s 6d; heavy prime wethers, shorn, 12s 6d to 13s fid; heavy prime wethers, woolly, 13s.fid to i ts 9d; medium to heavy prime wethers, shorn, 11s 3d to 12s 3d.; light to medium prime wethers, shorns. 10s 6d to 11s; unfinished wethers, shorn, 9s to 10s fid: extra prime woolly hoggets, 12s 6d to 15s; lighter prime woolly hoggets, 11s 6d to 12s fid; unfinished woolly hoggets, 7s 3d to 10s 6d; extra heavy prime young ewes, shorn, 10s 3d to iOs 9d; heavy prime ewes, shorn, 9s fid to 10s; heavy prime ewes, woolly, 9s fid in ils; lighter prime ewes, 8s fid to 9s fid; other killable ewes, 7s fid to 8s fid. Lambs were penned to the number of 426, as compared with fififi last week. It was a steady sale, with values much the same as last week. Heavy prime lambs made from 12s to 13s fid: lighter prime lambs, ]os fid to 11s 9d; light prime lambs, 9s in 10s 3d; small and plain lambs, fis to 6s 9d. Fat and young calves camos forward in increased numbers. The demand was less keen and values for

all classes were lower. Runners made from £2 to £3 16s; heavy vealers, £3 to £3 7s;; medium, £2 12s to £2 16s; light, £1 16s to £2 2s; small, 18s to £1 6s; rough and bucket-fed, 10s to 16s; bobby calves, 2s to ss. A total of 300 calves was sold. The pig pens were also well filled. Here again competition was not so good, and our quotations are considerably lower. Choppers made iss to £2 4s; extra heavy prime baconers, £2 8s to £2 16s; medium, £2 to £2 3s; light, £1 12s to £1 16s; heavy porkers, £1 7s to £1 10s; light and medium, £1 to £1 6s. Stores also realised lower prices. Good-framed, 17s to £1; slips, 14s to 16s; best weaners, 10s to 12s; smaller and weedy, 4s to 7s; sows due to farrow, £1 15s to £4 4s. A total of 608 pigs was sold.

Dalgoty and Company, Ltd. At our weekly Westfield fat stock market to-day the offering of ox beef was an average one. Although the quality was first-class, 'values failed to reach last week's level and the market is quoted Is lower. Cow and heifer beef were penned in under average numbers and here also values were easier. Extra i choice ox sold to 20s per 100 lb.; choice and prime, 17s to 19s; secondary and plain, 14s to 16s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 15s to 19s; ordinary cow beef, 11s to 14s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £6 15s to £6 17s 6d; lighter prime steers, £6 to £6 12s 6d; light prime, £4 5s to £5 17s 6d; small and unfinished, £3 10s to £4 2s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £5 10s to £'6; heavy prime cows and heifers, £4 to £4 17s 6d; lighter prime, £3 2s 6d to £3 17s 6d; oiler killable cows, £1 10s- to £3. Sheep were penned in large numbers, the quality of the offering being first-class, and sold under a steady demand at late rates. Prime heavy hoggets made from 12s 6d to 12s 9d; shorn, 10s 6d to 11s 6d; prime medium hoggets, 11s; shorn, 9s 9d to 10s 3d; extra heavy prime wethers, shorn, 13s to 13s 6d; heavy prime wethers, 13s to 13s 9d; shorn, 12s to 12s 9d; medium wethers, shorn, 11s to 11s 9d; light and unfinished wethers, shorn, 9s 6d to 10s 9d; heavy prime ewes, 11s 9d to 12s; shorn, 10s 9d to 11s 6d; lighter prime ewes, shorn, 9s to 10s 6d. ' Spring lambs were offered in numbers slightly bigger than necessary for requirements. With a few exceptions the quality left nothing to be desired, and values generally rufled at late rates. 'Heavy prime lamb sold from 13s 6d to 13s 9d; medium prime lamb,' 12s to 13s 3d; light prime lamb, 9s 9d to 11s 9d. Calves. were yarded in large numbers ’ and sold at late rates, except toward the end of- the sale, when values eased. Very few good quality heavy vealers were penned. Runners made from £1 15s to £3 10s; heavy vealers, £'3 10s to £3 16s; medium vealers,-£2" 17s to £3 7s; light vealers, £1 18s to £2 10s; small’vealers, £1 to £1 17s; rough vealers, 7s to 12s; small and fresh, dropped, 2s to 18s. There was a large yarding of pigs and prioes were rather easier. Choppers made from 30s to £2 ss; heavy baconers, £2 6s to £2 14s; medium baconers, £2-to £2 ss;. light baooners, £1 14s to £1 17s; heavy porkers, £1 9s to £1 14s; medium porkers, £1 5s to £1 8s; light porkers, £1 to £1 4s.

Loan and Mercantile. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, Company, Limited, report at Westfield beef was penned in larger numbers than last week, and although there was steady demand values were easier by Is per 1001 b. Extra choice ox sold to 20s per 100 lb.; choice and prime, 16s to 19s; secondary and plain, 13s to 15s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 16s to 19s; secondary, 12s to 15s. Heavy prime steers ranged from £7 to £8 2s 6d; lighter, £6 to £6 17s 6d; light £5 to £5 17s 6d; small and unfinished, £3 to £4 15s; heavy prime young cows and * heifers, £4 15s to £5 7s 6d; lighter, £4 to £4 12s 6d; light, £2 15s to £3 15s; others, 30s to 50s. Sheep were yarded in large numbers, most shorn. There was a ready demand, with values very firm at lata quotations. Heavy prime wethers made from 13s to 14s 3(1; medium prime wethers, 11s 9d to 12s 9d; light prime wethers, 10s to 11s 6d; small and unfinished wethers, 8s to 9s 9d. Prime maiden ewes, 11s to 11s 6d; medium prime ewes, 10s to 10s 9d; light prime ewes, 9s to 9s 9d; inferiorly fatted ewes, 5s to 8s 9d; prime hoggets, 9s to 13s. ’ , , Spring lambs were penned in large numbers and sold readily at late quotations. Prime lambs made from 9s 6d to 14s 6d; small and unfinished lambs, 7s to 9s. Pigs were penned in large numbers and values were easier on last week's quotations. Choppers sold from 10s to £1 10s; heavy and medium baconers, £2 5s to £2 12s; light baconers and heavy porkers, £1 12s to £2 2s; medium porkers and light porkers, £1 3s to £1 10s; small and unfinished porkers, iSs to £1 Is. A large yarding of store pigs sold, .at late quotations. Large stores made from £1 3s to £i 4s; slips, 14s to 18s; weaners, 8s to 13s. <s Calves were penned in average numbers. Values were easier on last week’s quotations. Runners made from £2 to £4 ss*; heavy vealers, £3 to £3 16s; medium, £2 10s to £2 18s; light, £2 to £2 8s; smaller, £1 to £i 16s; small and fresh-dropped, 3s to 18s; rough calves, ’ss to 10s.

t l • This week Last Week BEEF (per 1001b.) — Extra choice '21/Choice . and prime ox . .'. ' Choice and 16/- to 10/15/- to 20/prime . cow and heifer . 15/- to 10/16/- to 20/i oner & rough 11/- to 15/12/- to 16/SHEEP (per head) — Heavy prime 12/- to 16/wethers. ... 13/-to 14/6 Med. wethers 11/- to l'2/9 11/6 to 14/9 Unfln. wethers 8/- .to 11/6 8/- to 12/Prime ewe? . 8/6 to 12/6 8/- to 13/6 Unfln. ewes 5/- to 8/3 8/- to 9/6 Hofcgets 0/- to 13/9/- t0 13/6 Spring lambs Unfln. lambs 0/- to 14/6 9/9 to 14/9 6/- 10 8/9 6/- to 8/9 CALVES (per bead): — 30/- to 82/6 Runners 3 5/- to 8 5/Vealer3 187- to 76/- . 18/- to 90/PIGS (per head) — 34/- to 56/Baconers 32/- to 56/Porkers 20/- to 42/18/- to 44/weaners 8/- to 13/9/- to 16/6 14/- to 18/17/- to 24/12/- to 19/Large stores . 18/- to 23/-

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Waikato Times, Volume 112, Issue 18777, 27 October 1932, Page 14

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BEEF VALUES EASIER. Waikato Times, Volume 112, Issue 18777, 27 October 1932, Page 14

BEEF VALUES EASIER. Waikato Times, Volume 112, Issue 18777, 27 October 1932, Page 14