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TE AROHA UNION. GAMES ON SATURDAY. WIN FOR HOT SPRINGS. Hot Springs defeated City 9 —3 a Te Aroha on Saturday. Springs kicked off and forced th< pace from the outset. A penalt; against City near the posts resultec in Stewart placing a neat goal.— Springs 3, City 0. Clarkin headed a forward rush ui field, but Jacob saved with a higl kick, his men getting well under 1 in time to carry the play back t< centre. O’Connell, Arkle and Sykei followed with effective back play Street and Palmer led a forward attack through the opposing pack, anc 1 Burgess made a line breakaway. Gibb; j put in a pretty run down and gainec I considerable ground. Springs resI ponded by pressing hard. Rackhan I and Gibbs- made pretty runs throug): and a free kick resulted in Rackharr kicking a poster. Each City rail} was successfully countered by Springs and the score -at half lime was— Sprirgs 3, City 0. In the second spell, of forty minutes, City assumed the aggressive right away. Rackham raced up rield with the ball, and Maloney and Rowe backing him up, got play Into Springs' twenty-five, where O'Connell nicely saved. A long line kick by -Rackham was followed by willing scrambles near the Springs’ line. Cleverly seizing his opportunity Kerr crossed the line. Springs 6, City 0. On resuming City worked down field with a splendid dash. Burgess was successful In forcing himself over the line and scoring.—City 3, Springs 6. Springs’ forwards put in good work, Finlayson, Keaney, Caulton and Shaw showing decided dash. Finlayson battled through the City vanguard, sent -the ball out and Arkle snapped up and scored. —Springs 9, City 3. Even play ruled Lo the call of time. For the winners Kerr, Arkle, Pillcington, Stewart and Sykes priyecl a very solid gnne, while Roach: Fjniayson, Keaney, Ckulton, Clarkin and Shaw played Well up to form. In the City team Jacob was' again safe as full-back, while his kicking proved useful throughout. Gibbs, Racklifim and street, in the backs, executed some telling and clever work. All the forwards played consistently and with commendable combination. Mr W. Sweeney was the referee. JUNIOR GAME. CITY DEFEAT HOT SPRINGS. In a well contested game against Hot Springs victory went to City by 8 points to 3. Two spells of thirty minutes were played. In the lir-t spell forward scrambles ruled in the early part. Then Springs forced ihe play and Invaded City territory. Up and down play followed, Brasting, the City wing three-quarter, and Dicken putting in spirited dashes. City pul up a strong aggressive movement, Brasting getting away with the bail, passed to Cordes, who was sent out at the corner. Soon after Milne scored and Stanley converted. —City 5, Springs 0. Springs retaliated by sending play right up lo City’s twenty-five and from a forward .struggle Absolum slipped over the line cleverly.—Springs -A 3, City 5,

Very even play ruled in the second spell. Following a series of scrambling bouts Palmer scored for City, the kick at goal resulting in a poster.— City 8, Springs 3. There was no further score.

For City, Brasting played a fine game, while Cordes, Willis, Worrall and Stanley were consistent throughout. In the forwards Vernall, Milne, Dicken and Palmer registered good play. In the Springs’ team Morgan (2), Douglas (2), Glover, Lyall, Absolum, Carruthers and Metherell thoroughly proved their usefulness. Mr J. Gavin was the referee.

REPRESENTATIVE GAME. TE AROHA v. PARNELL. Following is Hie senior team selected to play Parnell at Te Arolia next Saturday:— Full-back, T. Goldsbury; threequarters, O’Connell, Heathoote, Jackson; 11 ve-eighths, Sykes, Arkle; halfhack, Goodfellow; forwards, Cleave (rover), F. Goodfellow, Mikkelsen, Rowe, Maloney, Needham, lleggarty, Shaw. Reserves: Forwards, Deed, Ritchie; hacks, Kerr, Stewart. Te Aroha v. Haurakl Plains. The following will represent Te Aroha seniors in the match with Haurakl Plains to he played at Ngatea next Saturday;— Full-back, A. Roach; three-quarters, Gibbs, Worrall, Gemmell; five-eighths, Lipsey, Rackham; half-back, Stewart; forwards, Burgess (rover), Street. Caulton, McLaren, Payne, Finlayson, Palmer. ltesreves: Backs, A. Piikington, forwards, J. Keaney. Juniors. The Te Aroha junior team to play Haurakl Plains juniors on Saturday next will be as follows: Full-back, Gardiner; three-quarters Hines, Slockiey, Martelli; five-eighths I. Graham, A. Mackle; half-hack, C. Stone; forwards, Kimi, lieathcote, li. Slockiey, W. Morgan, Edmonds, Glover, P. Winter, Grant (rover). Reserves: Backs, Whitten, Hubbard, Stevens; forwards, Cordes, J. Winter, J. Morgan.

MORRINSVILLE UNION. THE COMPETITIONS. Conditions were most favourable for football at Morrinsvillc on Saturday. Fine weather, the grounds in perfect order, and keen contests between enthusiastic players, all contributed lo make it the lies! display of football shown hv Ihe Morrinsville Association this season. Following were the results: — Seniors.—Kereone li v. Terriers 12; United v. Waitoa, 9 all. Juniors.-—Terriers 3 v. United 9; Springdale 3 v. Waitoa 0; Kereone 17 v. Te Puninga 9. Thirds.—High School 19 v. Unite 1 3; Terriers 12 v. Kereone U.

Kereone v. Terriers. This was one of the best games played on the ground this season. Kereone went out with three juniors who had already played. Terriers fielded a good side, including Anderson ex-Waikato rep., who was playing his first game this year. Terriers soon rushed their way into Kereone’s twenty-five, where from a good scrum Tai sent the ball to Robson, who put in a good run and passed to Diamond, who got over to score first blood for Terriers. Kelly was entrusted with the kick, which just missed. Kereone woke up, and their for-, wards, by dribbling play, got to within a few yards of Terriers’ line. The backs indulged in passing, Bodmin to Cameron, to Dennis, ending in the latter scoring. No goal resulted. Both sides were now at it, playing bright, open play. Kereone found the line near Terriers’ end. From the throw-in strenuous defending by Terriers, in which -Diamond shone out, resulted in a force.

Terriers were making good use of the line. W. Cameron kicked the ball, which went out three yards from Terriers’ goal-line. A scrum was ordered here but Terriers cleared. Terriers stole a march from the kick-off .and by combined play had Kereone rattled. A Kereone player was off side, and Kelly landed a goal. The score at half-time was Terriers 6, Kereone 3.

On resumption Kereone opened up play and threw the ball about, C. Cameron, Donovan and Bodmin doing good work. Terriers were playing a great game and took a turn in passing, but broke down when in a good position. From a good passing bout Donovan scored for Kereone, making the scores 6 all. Diamond again scored soon after.

Leeson (Kereone), who was playing a great game, picked up near Terriers line and went over to score. Cameron converted.

Terriers were not to be denied, and Robson, Anderson and Kelly took play to Kereone’s twenty-five. A Kereone player was off-side and Kelly kicked a splendld'goal from well out. Kereone took play to Terriers' end, but by good kicking and passing Terriers worked their way to Kereone’s twentyfive. Kereone were again penalised, Kelly adding the points. The game ended—Kereone 14, Terriers 12. United v. Waltoa. After a hard fought game, mostly confined to the forwards, the game ended in a draw, 9 all.

JUNIORS. United v. Terriers. Terriers defeated United. This was United's first defeat for 16 games, including last season and this. United were without Somers arid Hubbard, who were still sore from the match at Hamilton. Terriers deserved their win, the result of a penalty kick by Davis.

Waltoa v. Springdale.—Springdale won by three points to nil. High School defeated United by 19 points to 3. For High School tries were. .scored by Coombes, Osborne, and Pickett. Pickett converted two and also kicked a penalty.

TAUPIRI SUB-UNION. Vl/AIKARE v. EASTERN. This game was played at Orini and after a hard-fought hut uninteresting game Eastern won by a converted try to a penalty go lu. The game was far below Senior standard, any attempt at combined play by either team being most crude. Eastern kicked off and Waikare soon had the Easterns defending and an ugly rush was cleverly stemmed by Carter. Hanna picked out of the scrum but Barclay’s kick, at the goal went under, T. Henry offended soon after and this lime Austin made no mistake. Waikare 3, Eastern 0. Hanna kicked well downfleld. Taylor further improved. Kingl mulled, and Taylor following up fast secured and went on to score a good try, the same player adding the major points. Eastern 5, Waikare 3.

The second spell was pointless, both sides making desperate attempts to add to their score but lack of any finish prevented, the game ending as above. Mr Ken. Young was referee. Notes on the gamo. For the winners Carter at full-back saved his side repeatedly. liis left foot kicks are a real asset. This player has not yet struck his true form. The three-quarters, Cook, H. Pene and Cowan were solid on defence. The former made some dashing attempts to score and with ordinary opportunities would be sure to pile on the points. A. Smith and i\. Pens played solidly, the latter showing flno

defence while the former never failed to hold up his opponents’ rushes. D. Smith at half had a gruelling time. His picking up was not as good as usual, while his passing was faulty and in keeping with his backs behind him. J. Smith as Rover played bis usual good hard game, but was well marked. The forwards did not play with their usual dash, probably missing their leader. Of an even set Taylor and Mulligan were outstanding. For the losers Ivingi as full-back was weak and was lucky to get out of it on several occasions. De Therry on the wing played well buthad few chances, being usually jammed on the line when/ given possession. Conte and Dingle have speed and with a little more knowledge of the game should be most useful. Barclay and Gordon did not combine well. Their passing was erratic, and seldom gained much ground. The former player did a lot of spoiling. Austin at half made few mistakes and sent it out to his backs in good style. Laurie as Rover played a good game from start to finish. Of the forwards Files, Wilkins and Soutor worked like Trojans and with Laurie were responsible for most of the mistakes of their opponents. NGARUAWAHIA JUNIORS v. KIWIS. On Saturday Ngaruawahn juniors met Kiwis on Paterson Park and gained a decisive victory bv bo points to nil. The game promised to be keen and open but 100 much whistle had the effect of slowing up the game considerably, although some very fine back movements were exhibited. Although the Kiwis have to date had an unsuccessful season they are young and light and are the makings of a really good light team. on Saturday their forwards showed most to advantage, and in the first half of the game hooked the hall from practically every scrum and fed their backs well. Their backs, however, were outclassed. They made a very fair showing and while their handling of the ball was quite passable they show a decided lack of coaching and training. The Ngaruawahla forwards were sluggish. Matt Welsh and Cyril MoFarlane both played outstanding games, but were the only forwards worth mentioning. The hocks are a tine lot. They play hard, keen football and handle well. Bill Tukare, as half, plays clever football. .As live-eighth E. Tukare, who is the 4 making of a good back, was inclined To be seliish and would hang on to the' hall. Meßurney is a sound reliable and aggressive back. De Blois, on the wing, is a heady player. His : handling is clever and he centres j nicely when blocked.

1 TE HOE V. GLEN AFTON. This game was played at Taupiri and resulted In a win for Te Hoe. Glen Afton won the toss. Te Hoe . kicked off and the game became very hard and exciting. The teams were very evenly matched and half-time was sounded without either side scor- , ing. After resuming Te Hoe gained the ascendancy and Glen Afton were hard put to it to prevent them from scoring. From a line-out N'ichol gained possession and scored for Te Hoe, Thompson converting, making Te Hoe 5, Glen Afton 0. I Te lloe still continued to press and from a scrum neax the line Connell secured and running round the blind side dived over the line, but having touched Hie referee he was brought ■ back and another scrum ordered. Glen Afton cleared temporarily, but Te Hoe came back and G. Powell scored. The kick at goal failed—Te Hoe 8, Glen Afton 0. Soon after the drop-out Glen Afton ' by quick following up scored a very clever try. Middleton converted and the game ended —Te Hoe 8, Glen Afton j 5. ' Air G. N. Twining controlled the ! game. ! MATANGI v. CAMBRIDGE. j 1 The Matangi Juniors met the Cambridge United at Matangi on Saturday, the home team winning by 12 to 5. Mr V. Phillips was referee. I GAMES AT OTOROHANGA. An unusually large gallery of spec- . tators witnessed three Rugby contests'] at Otorohanga, on Saturday afternoon. In the Otorohanga v. Otewa junior L contest, Ijie referee, Mr George Hyde, ] decided in favour of the former, with y 14 points to 13.

High Sciiool and Honikiwi juniors took Die Held under the direction of Mr F. Irwin, the former winning by 19 to 0. Otorohanga v. Kio Kio seniors contested for supremacy under the direction of Mr Harry Millar, the town lads winning by 14 to 0. MANIAPOTO v. OTOROHANGA. The Maniapoto Rugby Union team, to play Otorohanga on Saturday will be selected from the following:— Fullback, Trust; three-quarters, Wee; Wallace, Tipene; Five-eighths, Rata, Yates; half, Finlay; rover, Meredith; forwards, Stone, Turner, Wolfe, Hirst, l’aulke; hookers, Robinson and Armstrong. Emergencies—Trust (Pio Pio) and Roberts, (Te Kulti).

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Waikato Times, Volume 109, Issue 18350, 9 June 1931, Page 11

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RUGBY FOOTBALL. Waikato Times, Volume 109, Issue 18350, 9 June 1931, Page 11

RUGBY FOOTBALL. Waikato Times, Volume 109, Issue 18350, 9 June 1931, Page 11