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Y/EEKLY MARKET REPORT. TREND .OF PRICES, Merchants report that good busi- ! ness has been done hUfarn* imple- | menls, f .-ft i liters ami slocT foods during Show Week. Fowl wheal is in good supply. miil prices are a shade firmer al :>s 3d. Maize is in good demand al. '.is 3d. Mais: Machinedrcsscrt Duns are retailing at 7s, A grade Cartons at 6s Gil. and Algerians at 7s 3d. Bran and pollard have ad- I vajiecd in price, and nn\v stand al 13s i"i and J3s respectively. Blenheim chaff is quoted al £l2 10s, am! local I at 110 Ins.

Fruit supplies have cased up. and j prices are hardening. Good Delicious ; apples are now bringing up to 12s GO. j and Slurmers and Doberl.ys Rs 'id. j Cookers are rather short, ami selling j at 7s Gd. Tree lomatoes are scarce, and have been disposed of al, about ; Ids. Passionfruil are in sliorl supply and mnking up In I is. Pear prices are linn. W'inler Xelis and Cole being] sold al J2s Gd. Cookers are quoted al Gs to Bs, ami lemons 13s to 16s. j Oranges are selling B 13s, tomatoes (hothouse) r,,\ to !o.i hi, ami a few outdoor varieties of lomaloes at is lo Gs ease, while Cape gooseberries are making 3d pel' lb. Good supplies of poultry came to hand again last week, and fair prices were realised. Heavy breed cockerels made from 3s Gd lo 4s, light 2s Gil to 3s 3d, voung hens 2s I'd to 3s 3d, old hens is%d to 2s, ducks 3s to 3s id, and White Leghorn pullets Gs 7d. Egg and butter prices arc unchanged, though eggs' are still scarce.



The Department of Industries and Commerce lias received the following cablegram from the High Commissioner's office, dated June 5: —

Tallow. —Spot market remains firm. Present quotations arc: —Mutton: Fine ■i."is to 45s 3d per cwl.; fair to good, 43s to 445;, dark to dull, its Gd to 42s Gd. Beef: Sweet and/or mixed 44s to 44s Gd per cwl.; fair to good, 42s 3d lo 445; dark to dull, 40s to 41s Gd. Mixed: Fair lo good, 42s 3d to 43s Gd; dark to dull, 40s to its Gd. Gut, etc.: 37s to 41s per cwl. Fruit.—-Market is fairly active. Athenic and Tairoa shipments clearing well. Botorua unloading and reported in good condition so far. Argyllshire and Marnari also commenced discharging. Current prices are:—Cox's Orange, J is lo 20s per case; Cleopatra, lis to 15s; Stunner, J3s lo 14s; Dunn's Favourite and Jonathan, Us lo 13s; Delicious, lis Gd lo 12s; Borne Beauty, Wolscley and Statesman, lis Gil to 12s Gd; Ribslon Pippin, Us lo lis; Macintosh, 7s to J is. Majority of pears ex Athenic in fail' condition, but buerre bose, same Winter Cole, very bad. Beurre bose 2s lo 3s, Winter Cole 2s lo 7s, Barry pears us lo Bs, Winter Nebs 7s to 10s per tray.

Hemp.—Manila quiet and barely steady. "J" grade June/August shipliienls sold at £36. Sisal slow. No. 1 Tanganyika float, Continent, sold al £it 15s, tendency downward. New Zealand very quiet; Highpoints float sold al £35 10s, easier tendency. Value to-day £35, fair £33, June/August shipments. Wool. —Sales continue, with conditions and prices fully up lo opening level. Peas.—Demand is good for Maple Partridge, as spot stocks depleted; 100 s asked for Tasmaniau and 02s Gd for New Zealand ex store. New Zealand afloat selling at BGs, August/September shipments Sis. Blues, prices have advanced in sympathy with Japanese, but demand small. Good quality New Zealand and Tasmauian worth about £ls ex store. Beans.—Slow. English best winter making 47s 6d, choicest spring up lo 58s; New Zealand value 46s ex store.

Oats.—Slow. English best while offered oils Gd; now crop winter oats progressing well, bul spring sown backward. No. 2 Canadian Western, May/June shiphents offered al 39s 9d; no business reported. New Zealand, 27a (id. Cocksfoot. —June shipments Danish value 84s, new crop, September/October shipments, 77'.


Messrs Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report for Ihc week ending .Tune 4:— . On Monday we held a clearing sale at Aria an account of Mr 11. Harrison. There was a large attendance and keen competition for everything offered. Two, four and six-looth owts in lamb to I'tomnev rams made 20s, 4-year ewes in lamb to ilomney rams 2;is 3d, aged ewes in lamb 12s fid, fa) and forward cows £2 os In £3 13s, ompfy heifers £2 12s to £2 lis, woanors 24s to 2fis vearling steers £2 lo £2 -is, 'M-vear steers £4 17s. Implements, furniture and sundries sold well.

At Taumarunui on Tuesday our cnIrv comprised 1730 sheep and IS3 head of cattle. The allendaucc was only small, but we have lo report a good sah> practically Ihe whole yarding being sold. Fat and forward wethers made 22s 3d lo 255, .cull welhcrs 13s 3d, m.s. lambs lis Od lo 17s :id. small lambs is Od lo lhs, small 2-tooth ewes in iamb to Homnev rams 22s 2d In 22s (hi, '.-year ewes in lamb lo Romney rams IGs 3d to 22s Od, poor conditioned IDs 1" lis'od. fat cows £'. In K-'i 12s, si-"™ onws 25s lo £3 15s, big 5-year bullock ,;;, 17s 0.1, 4-year steers £5 to £7 9s, 2-year sleers £2 ins lo £3 10s, empty heifers l'i 17s lo £2 12s. \l, I'in I'iu on Thursday we had good' vardings of sheep and cattle. Bidding was not very brisk, but praolirallv evervtliing changed hands, rmir-vear ewes in hnnh In Ronmey ~ s '|s s |(, 2 Is, 2-loolh ewes in lauili I,', liomnev rams 20s. m.s. lambs 12s |,, | is Od, small lambs Ids. fat cows !■■; lo.s In L's fat heifers £3 5s In £3 7. i -,.;,!■ steers £5 In £0 ISs, ISmimlhs s -s >:2 lo £3 2s od. store ~,evs C2 In '-: 1 . bulls K2 10s In £3 10s.

PEDIGREE BERKSHIRE PIGS. Mrssrs Dal-'ety and d.... 1.1 d., report hi.vina liehl Messrs Chilrnll and Tom|in«oii's lirsl annual sal 'TeIIn pa pedigree lierkshire I'igs al ITanUlon S.devurds on Wednesday, June 2. Tie vendors lieing well-known In ters of hiidi-ehiss pedigree liorkshiros, ami having iniporled both I'rolll Knglalld ond \merica of reeenl years. there v.-as a large attendance of buyers rrnm nil purls of the Dominion. The vendors plaeed ihe catalogue in Ihe auctioneers' hands for unreserved sale ami as Hie quality offered was first-class, compidilinil was keen. The pigs were all in good condition. _ The Sows in pig made up I" 23 guineas. Young bi.ars made up In IU gns, maiden sows to '- I l gns. and weaners In it gns. HAMILTON STOCK 9fILE. The I-',liners' Co nporalivo '.llClioneering i inmpanv repurl : Krnukloii Yard.; on Tuesday sve li id i full :,ardiu« ei' :eer ,jniiicipall;. mv

and heifer) a fair yarding of store cattle, good yarding of fat and store sheep and pigs were yarded in the usual large numbers. Prices readied in the licet' .pens were easier than those reported the previous week. Medium fat steers, sold to i: 10 10s; light £8: prime heavy cows and heifers £9 as lo £0 10s: lighter prime, £8 2s lo £8 ir>s; plain heavy cows, £0 is Cml to £C 17s Gd; well done young cows, £5 10s lo £G; light young cows, £•! 10s to £i IDs; unfinished and rough, £3 Ss to £'i Is. The advertised line of 2J-ycar Hereford S.H. cross empty heifers realised from £3 Cs lo £i ss. Sheep.—The competition for fat and store sheep was anything but brisk and all yarded soil at reduced rales. Prime fat shorn hoggets, 2-iS .'id; fat ewes, 20s; four loolii store wethers, 22s 3d to 23s Gd; best two tooth wethers, 10s to 21s 3d; small JGs lo 18s Gd; mixed age. empty store ewes lis: two tooth to F..M. ewes in lamb. JBs 9(1. Pigs.— Pais sold at slightly advanced rates, while stores realised late values. Best baconcrs, £'i lo £'i Gs; medium, £•'! 1 2s to £3 18s: good porkers lo light baconcrs, £3 3s to £3 10s; medium porkers, £2 10s lo £2 17s; well finished, light £2 to £2 us; stores 33s lo 38s; slips, I."is lo 255. Messrs llalgety and Company Limited report having held their weekly sale at Franklon saleyards yesterday. There was a fairly large yarding of fat cfillle, the majority consisting of cows and heifers. Prime quality cows and heifers sold at Info rates. The sleet's yarded were only moderate quality, and prices were moderate. Extra prime cows and heifers made £8 10s to £lO ss; medium £G to £7 15s; light and inferior £i 10s to £5 12s Gd; runners to £2 lis; -forward empty young good quality cows sold at up to £5 ss; store cows 35s to £3 10s; in-calf small heifers 50s; steer calves, mixed colours, 18s; heifer calves 15s to 255. There was a large yarding of sheep including a good many fats. The demand for fat sheep was moderate, and late prices were barely maintained. Prime fat ewes sola from 18s 9d lo 22s 3d; heavy prime wethers, 26s to 295; fat forward big framed four and six tooth wethers, 27s 9d; two and four tooth wethers 23s 2d; empty ewes, 15s Gd; good store shorn Jambs, lis 2d; four six and eight tooth ewes in lamb to Uomncy rams (good) 225; good two loo'th ewes in lamb, 21s. Pigs.—A small yarding of both fat and stores, which sold under keen compelilinn. Heavy baconcrs, £.", lGs to £4 7.5; medium, £:! Ss to £3 15s; heavy porkcrs, £2 9s lo £3 ss; light porkers, £1 18s to £2 ss: choppers, £1 to t'G is; largo stores, £1 Us lo £1 14s; slips, £1 Is lo £1 8s; best weaners, J Is to 19s; small, Ss to 10s. The N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., report:—

At the Hamilton sale yesterday we submitted an average yarding and quolc: Medium fat steers £9 5s to £lO 12s Cd; light £8 5s to £9; prime heavy fal cows £8 10s to £lO 4s; fat heifers £7 12s; light and unfinished cows £4 I."is to £5 ss; veal calves £2 3s to £2 12s: grown forward bullocks £8 to £9 Is: three-year-old steers, in good condition, £0 to £0 19s; store cows £1 10s to £2 (is; good fat ewes £1 2s yd In £1 3s; light 18s; medium shorn hoggets 12s Gd lo lis: small 7s lid; P.M. ewes ill lamb £1 2s. Pigs: The yarding of pigs was not so large as previous sales, but prices were a little belter I ban last week's rales. We quote: Choppers £i to £5 17s fid: heavy baconers £3 18s to £4 7s; medium £•'! fis to C 3 tos: light baconers and heavy porkers £2 13s lo £2 18s; porkers C2 3s lo £2 lbs; stores 2fis lo 295; slips 18s lo 21s; wcaners Ids lo lis fid: sows close lo farrowing £4 lo j;,j ios.

HIDES AND SKINS. There was a belter tone on the hide and skins market at Auckland yesterday. Competition, from par, was id lo ; }d Inc best, conditioned, while second-grade mid faulty found little or no cornpc liliou. Calves and yearlings were nn a par with last sale. As far as sheepskins were concerned, there was not so much demand owing Lo the decline in prices in London. 'lhe following prices were realised: Hides: Cow made up lo .v;d per lb. Ox hides, heavy, 7d lo 9d per lb; medium, SJd per lb: light, 5Ad lo Oil per lb. I try skins, three-quarter wool, half-bivd, up In I2M per lb; line crossbred, Hid per lb: medium, I Id per |h; coarse, JlV'd per lb; halfwool, in |d per lb; fells, 7.} per lb. Sailed slieepskins, halt' lo Ihrcequarter wools, medium, ."is 3d lo 5s 9o' each: large, lis 3d lo 7s each: extra large, I'rnm 7s 2d Ss 3il each; a lew picked exlra large, ,s s 9d lo 9a ml eachy, others al relative prices. Sheepskins. liesl bulchers, fells, 5s lo 7s 'id: medium. 3s lo is 3d: drv, Ihrei-'-cpiarler wool, 10(1 lo 12d; half wool, od lo lOd.

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Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16818, 9 June 1926, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL NEWS. Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16818, 9 June 1926, Page 2

COMMERCIAL NEWS. Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16818, 9 June 1926, Page 2