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OLD BOYS WIN. WIUTIORA OUTCLASSED. Old Boys met Whitiora at Rugby Park and had an easy win, the snore being 24 points to 3 in their favour. Play was fast, open and spectacular, and the issue was never in doubt. Old Boys were much superior, and both their forwards and backs brought off some well concerted movements. The Whitiora forwards had their fair share of llie ball, but their backs were outclassed, the Old Boys’ rear division playing a bright game. Play centred round midfield from the kick-off until Whitiora took the ball up with a forward rush. Madiil relieved, and from play in tiic Whitiora half the ball passed through two hands to Head, who scored foe Old Boys. Hawke converted. Old Boys 5, Whitiora 0. After that, play remained for a long spell in Old Boys’ Territory. The Whitiora forwards almost, succeeded a rush, but McMiken cleared nicely. A period of uninteresting play set in, neither set of backs executing any well-finished movements. Old Boys’ next try was a lucky piece of play following a kick sent to the Whitiora full-back. Mitchell was beaten by tiic bounce, and Finlayson, following up fast, was able to go through and score. The try was unconverted. Old Boys 10, Whitiora 0. Tlie black and while forwards rallied, and Lineen got over from a forward rush. Mitchell’s kick went astray. Old Boys 10, Whitiora 3. Shortly afterwards Madiil opened up a rush and the halt went to Kemp, who kicked. Mitchell was caught, with the ball, and Hamlin scored for Old Boys. The kick failed. Old Boys 13, Whitiora 3. Old Boys came again, hut their forwards kicked too hard. Kemp secured from a relieving kick, and, passing lo Hamlin, enabled him 1.0 cut ill neatly and score. The kick did not succeed. Old Boys 16, Whitiora 3. Whitiora rushed play to the rod quarter, but Head picked up and came through t,o relieve in fine style. Hawke went llirougli to the Whitiora line with a great solo effort, but the bounce of the ball beat him When just about to drop oil it. Old Boys were •riven a free kick for a pass lrom the ground, and Head added the points. Old Boys 19, Whilora 3. Whitiora livened up a. bit when Mitchell came up to the inside backs. .Tust before half-time Old Boys neai > snored, hut Head was caught with the the Old Boys’ rushed the ball through hut lenme relieved. From a mark the XNhitioia half, Buckland, essayed a kick at Coal but llie ball went wide. Ihe ilj'ora forwards kept Iho hall m he red half, but Kemp ran through to the Whitiora quarter, where he kicked Follow mg up from llie kick, lie picked up ban and dived over. Head made no Sake with the kick Old Boys 2Y Whitiora 3. Old Boys’ forwards pressed but Whitiora obtained relief with a free kick. In the ensuing pla Murray, the Whitiora forward, made a great dribbling rush hut lost the ball to Kemp, who kicked out. The forwards took hold of the game for a time no side having any particular ad vantage The Old Boy backs were the firs to make use of the ball, and from a pas» rush Hawke ccjtrwk » tvrinns looked dangerous for Whitiora iS feme lime. » d ™Vr midfield. Hamlin H U V“,L. Ljl ora niri Bovs but grounded the ball ovei S C dead-ball line. Whitiora livened up o towards the end, and Robinson almost succeeded in scoring, but the whistle sounded with the score 01 B °Mr s! was the referee.

CITY NEARLY BEATEN. FULLY EXTENDED BY- HUNTLY. The game between City and Huntly at Rugby Park was very exciting and although City won by 14 points to 8, tbo score could not, on any account, be taken as indicative of the respective merits of the two teams Huntly were distinctly unlucky and played well as a learn, but the several players thev carried as “passengers’ were responsible for their defeat. The Huntly forwards were persistent in their attacks and all solid gratters, but Ltie luck was against them, lor the last ten minutes of-'11)0 game lluntlj never gave City a chance and had thenmovements had a little more finish City would have walked off the field a beaten team. City got moving immediately from the kick-off, and made the pace willing A passing bout seemed likely to he successful, but a bad pass by Brown spoilt the movement. City maintained the pressure, but liutnly forced. Hurt intercepted a City pass, and almost went through, opening up a dangerous attack which carried play to City s line, but au attempt to pot a goal failed, ami Clemett broke away, lluntly infringed, and the penalty allowed City to clear, lluntly renewed their efforts and flung ttie ball about in good style, but their movements lacked the finishing touch essential for a score. After a period of scrambling forward play in City's quarter, their forwards broke away with the ball at toe, and took play well upheld. From a scrum ill Huiitly’s quarter the hall went out to Clemett, who flashed over Tor an easy try in the corner. Going'." kick failed. City 3 lluntly 0 Shortly afterwards, Buckingham snapped up the ball from the ruck, and putting- in a good run down the line, evaded two opponents to cross for a nice score behind the posts. Going s kick was successful. City ’... 8 lluntly 9 Huntly responded with several strong forward rushes, but a free kicl) brought relief to City. Play was returned to mid-field, and Rungi fumbled when taking the ball, allowing Going to obtain possession and dive across llis kick was unsuccessful. City - It lluntly 0 City continued the pressure, and a snappy passing rush saw the bail go out t.o Buckingham, who cut infield to score liis second try. Tin; kick was missed. City U lluntly 0 Brown got possession and made a good run, but his p;iss went astray, lluntly assumed the offensive, and from loose play in front of City’s goal McDermott snapped up tile leather and dashed past several City backs to score a line try. He was successful with Die kick. City - 11 ilimlly .. 5 A few luinuta* later MoDcrinot.l. again electrified Die spectators with a ,brilliant run up the side-line, and a nice centre kick, which compelled City la force. Half-time sounded shortly afterwards. After the interval Huntly giiacked,

and O’Sullivan potted a goal a second or two after the whistle had been blown for an infringement, much to the disappointment, of the Huntly players. Curley and Timms led a lluntty rush, which almost resulted in a score. A penalty hick was missed by O'Sullivan. Huntly pressed City hard for a time, and were unlucky not to score, City having much the worst of the game at this stage. Offside play by Cily allowed Huntly to gain considerable ground, but City gradually returned play upfleld. They were awarded a penalty, but Going’s kick missed. A good City rush, in which 11. Johnson and Buckingham figured prominently made the situation dangerous for Huntly. Schultz and Buckingham again opened up the attack for City, hut their work was useless, for Huntly were showing improved form and gave City a hot iiine. City infringed> and McDermott found the uprights with a good luck. City 14 Iluntly 8 Huntly continued to press City, but Buckingham cleared with a good kick. The Huntly forwards never let up, and City did not have a chance of opening up the game, while Huntly continued the pressure. City showed signs of tiring within ten minutes of time, and from then onwards Iluntly had matters practically all their own way. Play became very exciting, and Huntly kept up a continual attack, which severely tested City’s defence.. City were hard put to it to keep Huntly out, and were glad when time was called. Mr Rabonc was referee. UNITED DEFEAT FRANKTON. CLOSE GAME AT WHATAWHATA. United defeated Frankton ,by 8 points to 6 at Whatawhata on Saturday after a close game. United’s score consisted of a try by Lindsay from a forward rush, the score being converted by .Tohnston, while IL Charleston kicked a penalty goal. Two penalty goals by Mathieson made up the points for Frankton, whose inside backs were weak. JUNIOR RESULTS. Juniors. City 6, Gordonton 3. Old Bovs li, Horotiu 4. Old Boys’ scorers were: Ladner and Grant, and Bruce kicked a penalty and converted one try. Marists 21, Iluntly 3. T. 0.8. 31, Old Boys IT. 5. High School won from United by default. Thirds. Frankton 10, High School 6. Fourths. Old Boys 3, T. 11.5. 0. This was a great exhibition of football and was stubbornly contested. Technical just missed equalising right on time. T. 0.8. 20, High School 12. GAMES AT AUCKLAND. AUCKLAND, Monday. The opening matches in the second round of the Auckland Rugby football competitions wore played on Saturday in perfect weather. The results were as follows: A SECTION. Grammar Old Boys 18 v University 10. College Rifles 12 v Marist Old Boys S. Ponsonby 36, v Grafton 3. B SECTION. North Shore 16, v Suburbs 8. Training College 33, v Ellerslie 0. Newton 6, v Manukau 6. GAMES AT TE AWAMUTU. ... Albert Park, Te Awamutu, was the scene of two senior and one thirdgrade matches. The game between Te Awamutu and Parawcra saw the latter team at the top of their form to produce a complete surprise. Sonlors. Parawcra 14 v. Te Awamutu 8. Te Awamutu were the first, to score, Winter scoring a sensational try, which was not converted. Campbell then scored for Parawcra, which Dare failed to add to. In the third quarter Mizen “dummied" successfully to score a try, which Winter converted. From then on Parawcra took charge, Bailey scoring two tries, one of which Haureotio converted, and Dare completed the tally with another good try'- Mr E. T. Crump was referee. Pirongia 17 v. United 5. For Pirongia, Eric Bell, Hunt, Reichenbacli, and Young scored tries, one of which Eric Bell converted, and he also kicked a penalty goal. For United, Maddem scored a try, which Alby Johnson converted. Third Grade. Ohaupo 9 v. Old Boys C. A try and potted goal to a try, and a penalty goal. Mr E. Gee was referee. Parawcra’s defeat of Te Awarautu brings Pirongia to the head of the seniors. Parawcra and Te Awamutu are a game behind. MATCHES AT CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE, Saturday. Seniors. Hautapu 3 v. Leamington 3. Juniors. Boyce Cun. —Cambridge 19 v. Waipa nil. The visitors were outclassed. p;AKO UNION COM PETITION. TE AUOHA, Saturday. The third round of Hie. Pinko Union’s Rugby competition commenced to-day. Terriers drew with Hot Springs, 3 all: Cily beat United by 10 points to 7. After a hard game United proved themselves the better team on the day’s play, and were unlucky t,o lose. Juniors: Terriers beat United, S to 0. Third grade: United beat City, IS to fi. RANFURLY SHIELD. HASTINGS. Saturday. The second Banfurly Shield inalrii of Hi cseasnn, Hawke's Bay v Wanganui, was played to-day in fine, cold weather. Hawke’s Bay winning by 36 points to 3. INTER-SSL AND F3XTURE. NORTH TEAM SELECTED. NAP I Fill, Sunday. The North Tslaml team to play the <outli Island at Wellington on Saturday next has been selected as follows : —■ Fullback: Xepla (llawko s Bay). Three-quarters: Svenson (Wellington), Blake i Hawke’s Bay . Lucas (Auckland). Five-eighths: M. NiehoHs -'.Wellington), Cooke (Hawke’s Bay). Halt': Mill ‘Hawke's Bay'Wing Forward: Porter .Wellington). Forwards: Irvine (Hawke's Bay.*, Lomas (Auckland), Finlayson (North Auckland), M. Brownlie (Hawke's Bay), Harvey • ( Wairarapa), Kiveli (Taranaki). Swain (Hawke's Bay). Emergencies.—Rack, Sheen (Auckland), forward, A. Thomas (Wellington ). Mr R. Union, of Wellington, has been referee for the match.

McDELI, SHIELD. LOCO 15, MILL 0. At the week-end, oil the Weka Street recreation ground Loco 15 (three converted tries) defeated the Mill 0. Tries for Loco were scored by Motu, Burns and Mooman, and tile converting was done in each case by Dick. The weekly railway football festival was continued at .Frankton Railway ground at the week-end, when Loco met and defeated Mill in the McDell Shield by 15 points (three converted 1 ries) to nil. The match, now that the between the Sports Executive and the Railway Rugbyites have been healed, took place on the Weka Street recreation ground in ideal weather and before a large crowd. Teams—Loco (black): Young: Otto, Morrison, Ngere; Motu, Stewart, Duffy; Dick, Christensen, Adams, Hughes, Burns, Doherty, Lineen, and Tooman. Mill (groen): Dempsey; Walts, Glover, Lang, Vernall, Martin, Kerr, i Staunton, Brown, Paterson, Jury, j Wells, and Roberts (two short). Loco kicked off and carried the! play to the Mill line, where Mill saved ; by forcing three times in rapid sue- i cession. The pressure con tinned on j the Mill line, and from a scrum near the line Mill again forced. Mill now transferred the sphere of operations to Loco’s 25, where Doherty relieved with a mark. Play again veered to Mill’s end, where Motu from a line-out. got possession and dived over near the posts. Dick’s kick, a good one, sailed well over. Loco 5, Mill 0. From a line out Hughes broke away for Loco, but was well grassed by the Mill full-back, Dempsey. Mill; now took the offensive, bul Doherty j again relieved with a mark, and from : the return kick an attempted pot by Lang, Loco forced. Jury at this stage retired injured and Jamieson replaced. Following a Loco attack. Watts misdirected a cross-kick and Burns fielded the ball in front of the posts and | ran over unopposed. Dick's kick again | succeeded. Loco 10, Mill 0. j From a line-out, Roberts, for theMill, broke well away, but was called back for a knock-on. Loco carried an attack right from their own line to that of the Mill, where a free to Mill relieved. Dempsey, following fast after his own kick, had the Loco fullback bustled, but a save was effected, j Half-time came with no further score. Upon resumption Mill took a strong offensive, but Roberts got off-side near the Loco line, and the free relieved the pressure. Loco new attacked, and after some excellent work by Morrison, who was playing a great game on the wing, Tooman scored

under the posts. Dick again adfled the major points. Looo 15, MU 0. The final spell was characterised, by a series of attacks by tho Mill, who were unlucky In their efforts to score. Dempsey had two unsuccessful allots at goal, and although MUL continued their strong offensive, no scoru for them resulted.

Mr Sandos refereed with satisfaction. The play was vigorous but ragged. A knowledge of the line points was not greatly in evidence in the forwards, who need to be reminded that kick and shove are not the only things in the scrimmages, and that there is such a person at their heels as the half, waiting for the ball. For the Mill, Who played two short all through, Roberts, Wells and Staunton showed up well in the forwards; Lang and Vernall did excellent work as inside baeks; Watts was useful as wing, while Dempsey played a cool, safe and heady game as full-back. For the Loco, Hughes, Burns, Lineen, and Tooman put in some solid work in the forwards. Morrison was the outstanding wing three-quarter on the field, Otto played his usual safe and steady game, and Motu and Ngere did well what came their way. The curtain-raiser between Traffic and a combined Frankton team, resulted in a win for the latter by 22 points to 12.

ffiORRinSVTLLE GfiMES. MO RRINSVILLE, Saturday* The Rugby Football matchoß at MorrinsvlUe on Saturday resulted:— Seniors. Tatuamif 19, v Torrinrs 18. Kereone 19, v United S. Tho matches between Tatuanul and Terriers was keen and interesting. Terriers had a considerable lead in tho first quarter, and It was only in tho last few minutes that Tatuanul got ahead and won by the small margin of one point. Juniors. Tahuna 3, v Kereone 3. The gams was keenly contested. United 20, v Waitoa 0.

■FLU GERIVSB. riealth officers are a little anxious regarding Influenza. With many cases prevalent In mild Torm preventative methods are recommended. By Inhaling- certain medical vapours while sucking- Pulmonas tho air passages, throat and chest are strengthened and dangerous germs routed. Pulmonas relieve ’flu, bronchitis. They ease and protect. At che.mlsl3 1/6 and 2/6. a

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Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16816, 7 June 1926, Page 9

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RUGBY FOOTBALL Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16816, 7 June 1926, Page 9

RUGBY FOOTBALL Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16816, 7 June 1926, Page 9