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For Sale l W ' m * For Sale £250 "NWT-100 Acres rich reclaimed swamp land, fenced and subdivided into 8 paddocks 60 •eree ptorghed and grassed; will carry IB milch enws well; new and well-built bousp, cow-shed, separator room, traptbed, ete. Price, £l9 pa acre, Terms, £2 0 cash. No. 113-1676 OCR REPORT.-We have inspected the above property, which it handily \mfflmmmmmmKM carrying capacity, and will make a good 300 ACRii — A Perfectly level dairy farm, sitnatod 2 miles from town, in one of the best dairying centres in the North Island; all "in splendid English pasture or crop; well fenced and subdivided by sheep-proof fencing into 14 paddocks; splendidly watered by streams, well-built and prettily situated homestead fitted with every convenience, man's room, large cowshed (concreted), large implement shed, iron granary, piggeries, yards, etc.; good •ssy to substantial man. No. 108-1599 OCR REPORT.—A good speculation either to farm or to sell. There are two very long road frontages, which make subdivision merely a matter of surveying. The land is as good as can be got, and nearby sections are selling at £BO an acre; i2O cows could be milked in one hewd on the farm in its present condition, and with good farming the land is capable of carrying 1 cow to J} acres. —MUKKIE SPEIRS AND CO. FOR SALE. v dairying land, fenced with sheep-proof fencing into 6 paddocks; splendidly watered by two permanent streams; 110 acres in good English 'grasses and clover; will carry 40 dairy cows and do them well. Well-built residence of 5 rooms, with wash-house and conveniences; cowshed, barn, etc. acre. The owner is sacrificing in order to get back on to a sheep farm recently purchased—MUßßlE SPEIRS AND CO. \fANAWARU ■"■ dairying land, situated few minutes' walk from the township; rich alluvial flats and heavy bush land; all save shelter bush has been ploughed and well grassed; prettily situated homestead of 6 rooms, wash-house, etc., cowshed. traD-shed. etc. Price. £35 nn acre. Terms arranged. No.llo-1612 OCR REPORT.—An ideal dairy farm without an acre of waste land in it; will carry 50 cows comfortably. Soil of the best, in a good position, metal roads to the door, a prettv home, and a profitable farm.—MURRIE SPEIRS A CO. FOR SALE. £IOO oE ' oßlT —9° Acreß level to undulating dairying or cropping land, situated within 2 miles of large town, creamery, school, etc.; fenced and subdivided and well watered; 55 acres in good English grasses and clover, with small cottage. Price, £lB 10s per acre. £IOO cash, balance easy. No. 115-1611 , in a good position. To a man o better opportunity to make a start is SPEIRS AND CO. 07A ACRES—LeveI dairying or crop- *" v ping land, situated within easy distance of Matamata; fenced and subdivided into 9 paddocks, well watered by two running streams; about 180 acres in glass, 4-roomed cottage, 6-bail cowshed, large barn 24 x 14, implement shed, pigstys, etc.; i acre orchard. Price, £lO per acre. Terms, £4OO cash. 105-1572 OUR REPORT.—A real good farm badly farmed. A capable man could __l il.:. _i l /inn • - very short time. Very suitable for cutting up; has two good road frontages. If you want to turn your small capital and your large energy into big money see us about this place, and we will motor you to inspect. MCRRIE SPEIRS AND CO. OUR SPECIAL Cambridge Dairy Lands On Exceptional Terms Prices Ranging from £4 an acre upwards. IK PER CENT. DEPOBIT—Two-thh-ds of which will be returnable against approved improvements during first twelve months, and the remaining one-third during the second twelve .months, or when the purchaser has completed improvements to the value of 20 per cent. 3600 *^REB—Subdivided in sections varying from 140 acres to 500 acres; well-improved dairying land, handily situated near to l i 7 » r J —** ~* "l"*"-* vvuunj, unruig been well farmed. Prices range from £4 an acre to £l7 5s per acre. OCR REPORT.—No finer dairying land at the money offering—on forma as rrnfkA 9a Mn Via rkhfcnin»d F*iva /tf* »*/.i.irm«j a» n dairy farms, with up-to-date buildings, shedding, etc. We can confidently recommend intending purchasers to inspect these sections. Write or ring us and make an appointment. We will motor you from Hamilton. —MCRRIE SPEIRS AND CO. FOR BALE. FOR SALE. 100 ACRES— Handily situated dairy v farm, comprising 30 acres very beavy swamp land, perfectly drained GOING CONCERN-Including cows, an , ddr y> an <* 70 acres easy rolling downs . all m good grass and crop; well waterhorses, implements, cans, etc. E d, well fenced, and subdivided into 7 Only £6OO wanted from a substantial paddocks; pretty homestead of 5 rooms, farmer who will properly farm the land. wi th scullery, pantry, h. and c. water; 340 acres good dairying or cropping g°°d cowshed (concreted), taap-shed, land, about half of which is level, while implement shed, piggeries; handy to the whole could be ploughed with the school and creamery. Price, £25 per double-furrow plough; well fenced and acre - Terms very easy. No. 91-1458 subdivided into 16 paddocks, and splen£lso DEPOSIT PRICE, £ll 10s. ICO ACHES—Situated bandy te railway, school, P. 0., and tewnahip; feneed and subdivided, splendidly watered by stead of "6 large rooms and all conveni- of good quality, well worth the money j """ "3™> * P T L u J ences, two verandahs, large Orchard, asked. The owner will sell stock and \ ? 0 7Z * fl *St '^JSt' cowshed and engine-room, manure-shed implements with the farm as a going .^^ ™' J'f Ul1 * and £f* l £ implement shed, trap-shed, with 20-ton concern on very reasonable terms.- ! o^sJs>£?"L galo A w IW-1477 loft, pigstys, calf bails etc.; handily MTJRRIE SPEIRS AND CO. Loitunitvfir }l. f ™*TP tIT situated within easy distance of all Ske m/nev ThS a f25 i° conveniences. Price £l4 per acre, and QKf, ACRES—Heavy bush land, well irr ' H "u': n :„* d > ■jL* j stock at valuation. Terms for 'farm y&U fenced and subdivided, well \uLunt Z&TAJ™' **" ***** anr? «+/w»lr 4>.RC\C\ English pasture; modern residence of ttj. ■, , ..,,., 8 large rooms, return verandah, h. and , f+ Why f , go nght aW 7 *? *»«*>"««k» c. water service, and every convenience. Price, £ll 10s per acre. Terms, £ISOO OUR REPORT.—SoiI good strong cash. 97-1109 v. naiui bui nuc, aau even ,_ ■ 1 ~ 1 j 1 i Price, £ll 10s per acre. Terms, £ISOO Jf*. b n etter . la " d » to "** OUR REPORT.-Soil good strong cash. 97-1109 "°«nce with good motor roads te the «m, including 60 acres flax and cat> OTTR RFPOPT n{ , ha finao+ t > D ° t \ m^ esmQ restrietms? awamn wall drained- 9RC\ •• U KETORT — Some of tn « finest We are convinced that no b-" ' Dage-tree awuip, well drained, 280 \ irnetone country in the North Island, can be found acres in good English grasses and c over, with a carrying capacity second to none. s > 600 ho^ts > Earl ? plication necessary to the can grantee toe farm to be the best 250 head (mostly grown) cattle, and 90 Sole Agents.—MUßßlE SPEIRS AND value of the kind offering. Earlj- appli- per cent . of the lambs were turned off co Hamilton. fiSMf'TP i° M + URRIE SPEIRS fat; good motor road to railway station. Anu LU., bo;e Agents. —MURRIE SPEIRS AND CO. MURRIE SPEIRS & CO. - Hamilton

Undertakers. CONBULT WALTER BURROW FOR FUNERALS AND CEMETER> REQUISITES. pURNITDRE, Shop Fittings, IV tore Framing, Upholstery, li.-i ing, Etc. Best of Workmanship. Lowest Prices Shop 'P-one 485. House 'Phone 2»b Hudner Bros. Late J. H. McMahon), UNDERTAKERS. Waikato's Leading Firm of Funeral Directors. Principal Furnishing UndernVrers am Embafmers.—Largest and Most Up-tc date funeral Furnishing Establis 1 en In the Waikato. Polished Caskets in Rima or 0»k. mmm Country Funerals Arranged Promptly. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. -^| Hudner Bros. Undertakers and Embalmers. Hood Street, (opp. iP.O.) Haniiltoi, Telephones: Day, 182; Night, 504 P.O. Box 49. Wilson & Canham, ltd. pkankton Junction. Also at Hamilton every Thursday Ward St., opposite Saleyards. Also at Cambridge every fortnight at Blackman's Auction Mart. BUYER OF Wool, Sheepskins, Hides. Calfskins, Horsehair, Tallow, etc. HIGHEST PRICES GIVEN. Farmers! Bring or send your skins before the weevils and rats damage the pelts. SHARP AND SUNS Hare for Sale some Splendid of hardy, acclimatised Nursery Stock, including— FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS, HEDGE PLANTS, ind BHELTER TREES. Ali Orders receive Prompt Attention, and Goods are delivered FREE to the Cambridge Railway Station. Catalogues FREE on Application, j HARP AND NURSERYMEN. HAMILTON RD. ... CAMBRIDGE (Established 41 years), CENTRAL HOTEL AUCKLAND. (Under New Management) O. W. HENDERSON (late of Okornire) Proprietor. First-cIaM Accommodation end If yea get a Chill, with sore throat d tightness el cheat, tackle it at once tk "NAZOL." It grip, it quicker awe* rane-

A CARD FOR FARMERS. MANSON & BARR, LTD. WARD BTREET, HAMILTON. AGENTS FOR: Dnncan Implements, Windmills, etc. New Pattern Dunean Drill-fitted with Briton Turnip and Rape Feed. Full stocks of all spares on hand. Pnmp S«parators. Diabolo Separators. Oxenham's Patent Calf Feeder. Ridd Milking Machines. Nbaon Haryesting Machinery. Blackstone Cylinder Oil. GIVE US A CALL WHEN IN TOWNRoyal Cafe. VICTORIA STREET, HAMILTON 'Phone 228 rpHIS Long Established Business bar recently Changed Hands, B. C. LOWRY & CO. (Late Terraces, L*k« Taupo). baring purchased. Dining and Tea Rooms, Confectionery and Pastry-cook Business. Wedding Parties and General Cater ing Arrangements Solicited. 16? FARMERS SEE THIS. DAISY WINDMILLS SIMPLER, STRONGER, MORS DURABLE, AND WILL PUMP MORE WATER IN A LIGHT WIND THAN ANY OTHER ON THE MARKET. Made in three sizes, tft., Bft., and 10ft. And can be had with or without Galvanised steel towers Every Trill warranted. Write for Prices and Particulars T. R. CLOW, Manufacturer. Papatoetoe, Thompson & Qwillim (Late j. laynej UVERY STABLE Proprietors, MCWUUNSVILLB GENERAL CARRIERS All Trains met—Auckland, R~tcroa and Te Aroha. Vehicles For Hire. Telephone 18. HANCOCK'S IMPERIAL BEER LIGHT, PURE AND WHOLEBOM* Hamilton Monumental Yard Having purcriased from MR J. BOUSKILL bis business as above, and having laid in 8 new and thoroughly up-to-date itock, I am now in a position to supply MEMORIALS OF ANT DESCRIPTION i at nuoubii rati. Snppo Local Indoatiy by placing your orders with Thont jfa. bud** mr, wmwam.

SUCCESSFUL CO-OPERATION 7 Years' Rapid Progress SEASON OUTPUT OF BUTTER 130 Tons. 1,520 Tons. ANNUAL TURNOVER Approx. £15,000 Approx. £250,000 *a: - 1909-I0 1910-11 on-12 taia--1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 ITieWaikatq Co operative Dairy SO: a? ••■•r. :::: ■ ■■■■lll .^>*—^liS~«M!y IT SUITS EVERYBODY! Be * « *** ™>« i The pwl charts of th« ORION Opm or Cloee Fir* Rang* it it* Adaptability. CLOSED—It ■ the fine* Rang, in the Dominion for tuct and p«rfecl Cooking or Baking. The Oven* and Drau(bt arc capable •f regulation to • nicety. OPEN—It provide* a warn, coty fire at which to tit on the cold winter night*. It* cleanlinet* i* unexcelled by any Drawing-room Fireplace. GREAT ECONOMY in Coal ii .turned by tha 'l tplendid Double • pnrpoee Rang*. / ■ ■■■■ m !;V, *Ac/ieery Open & to* in addition too first ratt ORION Open or Close Fire M. L SHACKLOCKJ Lid ■W—t WBJJWCTOJI a ki/ctum TO FARMERS. For Bedrock Values Buy Direct from I the flariufacturer. Secure ior Yourself niddleman'- Profit. E. JONES, Mannfaciurea Collin, Hirnaaa and Sandigry to *u qM iu;ei. Ha employa 31 handi and hai the most ap-tc-da*« factory rj the pre* ▼inoe. Ha makei ChMk LIRCJ Pip* Pleu#h Ciltara from m gg. He makes Leather Lift** 1 Pipe Plough Csllart how t, a Ho make. RIDING fADDLEt from S|| j Ht makes a Stt Of lUGQY H ARNESB complete from 44 Igi ALSO-TARPAULINI, RICK COVERS or anythin a , 0B »iab to order at » clear aaviig of 15 par *Mt BELOW ANY PCBLIBHIB PRICE LIBT. Phone 935, Hamilton. Phone 8. Matamata Phone 81, Morrinaville i'sobc U -oa Phone S, Ta Aroha. Nearnaw**:* . *,* Waikato Farmers' Supply Stores Co., Ltd. Prime Southern Potatoes Ta(ble) Early Puritan, Up-to-date, Gamekeeper, etc. (SEED) Wheat, Maize, Algerian Seed Oats (Rc-cieancd) AT LOWEST PRICEB. WU Q Q CoUngwood Street, UfCCC n.r.o.j. thmSLum. W.r.a.b. (Opporite Dalclieah nod McDonald's Stable*).

A youngster, with the V.C. nioimiekei of Jacka, was given a. try-out recently at the Sydney Stadium, when he gave a display that won the high approval of the hoxing critics present. Grass Kugs, best made, trom 5s 3d. Hamilton Furnishing Co., Ltd. Bottook't Boots.— New rang* of this celebrated footwear just to hand at TMM m Sickness and vomiting from a disordered stomach may be relieved by taking Sharland's Fluid Mognesia. One shilling per bottle. 3 For Children's Hacking CoughWoods' Great Peppermint Cure.

Guard KT,? m Put a littU Icilma Cream on —r skin. It will keep tat face neck free from redness and fates the lips from crack--Mm baada from chapping and SSSS 1 "" No ToUrttoSa'caad; Outfit (foor -U 1C

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Waikato Times, Volume 87, Issue 13272, 30 August 1916, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume 87, Issue 13272, 30 August 1916, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume 87, Issue 13272, 30 August 1916, Page 8