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The secretary of the Hamilton Fire Brigade begs with tliauiis the receipt of an honorary m mbor's subscription of 10a from Mr J. A. Young, dentist, Victoria-street. On March 2nd next the Naw Zealand L'.au and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, will (.fl'cr ior sale by auctijn, at the \ oiuuteer Hall, the remain uj portion ot the Woodlands hstite, comprising 9 508 acrts ot the pick of tue estate. An advertisement appears in another column.

What appears to have been an attempt to enter the Hamilton lirancii of the Union Bank of Australia was made on Mond-iy night. The teller (Mr Kerr) was on the premises, in his room, when he heard a noise as of someone crawling lip tile roof towards tho skylight, which is over the banking chamber. He at oaco wuit out for assistance, but on his retu-n tup intruder had made good his escape. No tri-ce of anyone could be found.

A t'cinpen-ai ion Court will sit at liotorua on the 11th of this uiont", the Cnief Justice, Sir Koberc Stout, presiding. It is to deal with the Case of the \\ aiinaua block of about 47U0 acres of iand, whica is be ng acquired by the Government fnrn th" Assets Sir Kobert St .ut li ft Koiorua on Monday fur Whakatane, in oid' rto view the land. The Chief Justice travelled overland front Wellington to Kotorua.

M s Livingstone Bruce, the diugbter of Dr. bivinKSti.Qe, let*, Southampton recent.'y for Rhodesia, to vis-t tne Victoria Fal.s. The falis were ciscovered in ISjo by the great missionary eipiorer, who named thi m alter Victoria. Curved upon a tree on "L.viugstone I-land," which overhangs the abyss, the initials " i).L" are still discernible, and in his boos the doctor confesses tuat tnis was the one occasion in his life tnat ho was guilty of this iorin of vaniy.

On the occasion of a recent examination of th'? native school on the coast (says tne Opotiki Guirdmn), some severe weather was experienced. Many of the children started ttieir homes, aad swam the swollen river, 30 anxijus were they n x to miss the examination, and as a result the Education Department h->s requested the teacner to convey to the children and their ptreats its appreciation of the efforts made by them to be present at the eximination, in the face of such adverse circumstances.

The Fiji ''imes say?: " The 190G sugar crushing campaign, like the expiring days of the year, is neany at end. The Ba and Lautoka lactones have closed down, whiiti the others are on the point of d ing so. It uiay haopeu that on tne scire of emergency one or possibly two factories imy continue operations into next year, but Fiji's harvest of its main staple—sug ir, is n-iurly "t end, and at th'S period of writing tlu cr-ip-t. r ntxt year promisa a most bountiful harvest. "

King Edward, who alw lys personally selects tho ikslgn tuc the Koyal i_'hl" aim»s Card, chosy tor i'JJii a cuhj-ct ilius: ratu. g in a chatming mauai r the Angio-Japane.iu Alliance. It depicts a b»h-r«'om oceue, «here British 1 Hi-ors are ieading through the mazes ot au Eogii-n dance, tne tjracitul baauties of Jap in. E.icli c»rd is i.xquisit ly hand-p tinted, and the On-mtal g'-WQS ot the ladiui give a touch of briili mt cok.u", which bleud-j harmoniously wi h the Britiih uniforms. A siuip.o Christmas greeting is the only lettering and each card u signoi by His M.j .sty.

'1 lie New Zealand Loan and Mercmtile Company, Limited, open the New Uorough s»le y irds to-noriow, with their first stock sale ot' tiia suison at 12 o'clock. A Urge entry has been red ived ot ail classes of cattle, upwafis cf 180 head of cime steer and Cuw beef wiil be yarded, ana a good attendance of buyers is aamire I. Two to four year trash steers, ind 12 t> 18months cattle, as well as two and threeyear- Id dairy neitars will tie broiu'nt to - ward, tat aud store eh ep, lambs ant h ggets, are also on the list. \ line of 8 youns; staucch draaglit lucres and geldings from Auckland should be worth inspection. Sale starts at 12 o'clock.

A special meeting of tha Hamilton Bor ugh Council was hold last evening, 'here ware present: Hia Worship the Mayor (Mr J. S. Bond), aud Ors. E.lg—cumbe, Coates, Barton and Davis, Tho pri icipal business was tho revision of bvla*\., The licefor coaches plying tor hire was increased to tho same rate as formerly, XI, 15s, and 10s for different i.iariori-i of the year. Diiver.s' licenses were reduo'd to 5s and Is for temporary licouoe; ; carters' licenses were altered, jo

jas to make the charge 20a, 15s and 101 for "11 vehicles carrying over 1J tons, for vehie'es irder that weight the charge will be lOs, 7s lid and ss. A pr - posal to tax bakers' and b tellers' i-artg was struck out. With those alDelations, the by-laws were ccdfirme'"'. A special meeting was also ht .d to co .aider objections to Alexandra ■ it was resolved to proceed wich the work, aud present a memorial to the Governor, asking him to take land required under tha Public Works Act, Twelve hundrod new Govfirnmect inspector?, writes a Naw York correspondent are now constantly employe ! in and ahou' j the meat and pioking house j enforcing the legislation fbat resulted from | the revolting revelations ot a few ironths j ago. Tho proper sanitation of tho plants ! haa rigidly insisted upon. It is pIoI quant of the laxity an 1 slovenliness that j formerly txiatwd that of the nearly 400 I Uigo Eiaush'ering plants in the ciumtry | there was hoc on" that di i not ne°d cleaniiitr up aud altering in crder to cimply with the requirements if 'he n«w Act; ani some of thena needed to be practically re built. On the day the Hill became effective about forty of them Ind failed to conform to the sanitary regulations, and consequently their products were barred from inter-Mate commerce. But very soon they rouiiJ it to be the part of wisdom to accep 1 " the dictates of tho 'i iuned meat' put up uu'Jar the new conditions oontain the magic Government stamp, " Inspected and passed"; and this is accepted as pretty conclusive evi- ! dence that the contents of the package aro wholesome clean meat, ! Moreover, it is insisted that tho labels state j exaotly what tha ti"3 contain, so that the

day of vea! masquerading as poited chicken sottuie to hive pasted, is showing what a vast amount of ground the Araariona packers have to make up, tho exportation figures for August re of interest In that month the exportation of tinned beef totalled 659,1271b, a-i against 5.048,5381b in the oeueepoadiog "ivttt" of Ivt

The following tenders have been received by the Education Board for the erection of a school building at Riukubia: W. G. Dudley (accopted), .£209 9s; J. E. Hampton, £212; A. Grayson, j£263; W. Wilson, .£203.

According to tho Wellington cor'espou-dc-nt of the Dunedin Star tho Royal Commission to inquire a- to what li j tive lands should be dealt with to en-me their being ( ccup'ed for s ttleiuanc. will ooiup'ise trie Chief Justice (--ir b'ob'.-rt stout), Mr Justice Cooper and Mr A. T. Ngatn, M.H.K.

A man named John Grayson wag brought by the police to the Waikato Hospital yesterday, sufferiiig from pneumonia, He had been found in the train at Taumaructi in an exhausted condition, due to the effects of a drinking hnut in Auckland. Though attention waa immediately forthcoming, Grevson died at seven o'clock last night. An inquest will probably be held.

Clause 39 of the proposed new Borough By-lawn as framed ith f?- view to charging a license fee of five shillings per annum on every "private cart " in the Borough of Hamilton. This mea'.a that butchers, bakers, storekeepers, fish and vegetable sellers Wiiuld all have to pay for each cart—their service although they did not ply for hiT. Cr, J. A, Young pointed out last night that this was a unusual proposal and on his motion the clause was struck out.

The official opening of the new Hamilton Borough saleyards takes place at 11 a.m to-morrow, Mr H. J. Greensladc, Mil R,., performing the ceremony. la the unavoidable absence of the Mayor (Mr J. S. Bond), Cr. I! irton will represent, the Council. As stated yesterday, the townspeople had arranged for a cold luncheon, to be served in a marquee on the ground, to which all those attending the sale will be invitod. I l-ose tndr?!srn who subscribed to the fuud are asked to make a p. int of being present so that that tue function may be Carried out s uicessfully.

With reference to thy app>in : meat of assistant sup riiitendents of mercantile marine at Auckland and Wellington, tho Minister of Marine inf rrns the Wellingt m corresp,indent of the Star that it has been decided not to make any permanent appointment in the case of Auckland, where Captain Attwood will continue to carry out those duties as heretofore, extra clerical assist mceb-ing given iu the office for the purp se of enabling him to devote h:s whole attention to outside works. Captain Stringer, of iho union Company's Steamer Koto Kino, has been appointed to be aasisfant superintendent at the port of Weilliagton.

It is reported that an etfjrt is boint: made to get a jud.;e of the supreme Court to acc as Chairman of the Native Land Commission. I here is a d'lliiulty, owiug to_ the early departure ot Mr Justice h.dw >rdit f r England. ,*lr Justice Williams has returned to the colony, and will tike over the work 3t the utago judicial district. Mr Justice Cooper is in Wellington, and will remain there. I'ha Press understands that Mr Justice Denniaton is likely to go to Auckland in place of Mr Justice E iwards. In that event Mr Chapman would come to Ctiristchurch. That wouid leave the Chief-Justice free (if ho thought tit to accept the appointmaut) to become chairman of the Native Lund Commission.

The Government \ iticu'iturist (Signor Bragato), who is at present in Wellington, state* that the crop of grapes in New Zealand this season will be a record tor tne coiony. He has recently visited nearly ail tne grape growing districts in both isiands, and was pleased to tiud that nowhere was there a sign of disease. At the Government Viticuitural Station at Waerenga, in the Waikato, live acres are in fuil bearing, and it is expected that between 2'J and 25 tons of grapes, which will produce between 30J0 and -WOO gallons, wid be gathered, l'ne vines piaated on the other 15 acres at Vvaerenga are doing well, and wiii be bearing m two years' time. Eighteen acres at the Government Station at Arataki, liawke's Bay, are down in viues, aud should be yielding good crops in 1909. According to the London coreespondent of the Melbourne Age, Mr Arthur Chamberlain (brother of the ex-Jolonial Secretary) has just made an honourable sacntice whica very few "hard-headed" business men ot the type to which he is said to belong would be inclined to bear—perhaps not one in a thousand. Several years ago (explains the cjrrespondent) he took cnarge of thn Tubes Limited, an amalgamation of companies that, had been engaged in the Cycle trade. The Capital was ii1,350,75U. He became managing director and largest shareholder, soon there w;is an over-production in the cycle business. Piicea declined steadily, and it has been found at length tliAt I'ubes Limited cannot go on without a reconst-uc-tion, which wouid yioid something to the debeutuit-holders but nothing t.i the cieditois. Mr C amberlam himself is the heavie-.c individual loser, yet he has personally gUiranteed payment if au creditors' claim;, in addition to meeting his responsibilities as a shareholder, and he has pluckily dec.ded to carry on tne business as actively as when it is reconstructed. M-rny a sharp managing director in similar circumstances has taken opportunities to lighten his buritn. Hr Chamberiaia holds 43,000 ordinary shares, on which he has to pay a call of Is per share; ho has -13,000 preference shares for which he will get nothing; he holds 23,000 debentures which cm never be piid in tull; aad he has leat. the company in cash JM759. It often been that the company could have saved itself by j >iniog a combine or ring, but Mr Chamberlain has steadily objected to any such device.

Study true ecoaomy, which is to purchase the bnt quality obtainable. Tneretore patronise Jas. E. l'id.i's Imperial Grocery and Confectionary Stores, Hamilton. 6

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Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8098, 9 January 1907, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8098, 9 January 1907, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8098, 9 January 1907, Page 2