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For fru't, ice creams, candies, afternoon tea and refreshments don't forget to piy a visit to'l idd and S anton's booths at the A. and P. Showground oa the 9th. There was only one ticket on the winning double, St'ir Kos > in the cup and Captain Shannon in the Stewards at Cliristchurch on Saturday, and the fortunate holder got Xio6l.

The opening services in connection with the Hamilton Baptist Church will bo held on Friday next at 3 p.m. A tea meeting will take place at 5.30 p.m., and a public meeting at 7.30. For fruit, ico creams, candies, afternoon tea and refreshments, don't f rget to p iy a visit to Tidd and S*anton's bn .tbs at the A. aud P. Showground on the 9th.

The result of t lie election of members of the Fi ncourt Ho id Board yesterday w»s as follows: —R. Swuyne 30, J. Hannon and W. Cowes 30, W. llrov.ii 24, B. Lund 23, A. Jamieson 5. The first live were declared elected.

On Thursday night the Sydenham Post Office was broken into hv burglar-, entrance being ellt C'ed through the back door, which was prised open. Everything had been securely locked up when the office (was closed, and the nocturnal visitors were forced to go away empty handed.

At the present time there is a gentleman in Napier who has in his possession the death certificate of his son. Abut an hour afte- receiving the ortitteate the father noticed the child (newly born) move, and took measures to preserve life, with the result that the little fellow, niw two and a-half years old, iB to be seen, the picture of health, in Napier, to Idling along the street after his father or mother.

The Meadowbank farm, li'enheim of 1480 acres, aud the ruu of 18,500 acres, both freehold, balongiag to Mr G. B. R'chardson, wer-t sold last week for JE16.000. The farm was purchifei by a Wellington syndicite, who intend cutting it up for closer settlement. The run was bought by MrR J. Bell,of Riverlands farm. The nearest boundary of tbe run is within three miles of Blenheim. The price paid for the farm portion was X 25.000.

Sir Joseph Ward formally cpened tbe farmers' iu Cliristchurch on Friday, in the presence of a lirge number of a large number of farmers and othera. At luncheon, after he had proposed " Success to the Undertaking," the Premier said that the position of New Zealand on the London market was duo mostly to the efforts of the farme s themselves, but the grading system had been a great factor. He said the company with its 1400 members, could not fail in succeeding.

A telegram from Port Dirwin, published in tbe Sydney papers of Monday last, states News was recived by tbe police yesterday that James Leo, a stockman, was lost on Ju'y 23. He was last teen near Foolsche River, whilst assisting to drive cattle from the Territory to Queensland. He stayed behind to search for some missing horses. Subsequently a search was made, and black trackers followed his tracks for weeks, but no trace of the man's "ody could be found. He is supposed to have been eaten by wild dogs.

We have often had instances related t} as of the difficulty that exists in securing signatures to native leasns, in some blocks the number being over 300 (says the KawhU Settler) A Kawhia resident lately instructed his solicitor to search the title of a block of 19 acres on the II i; bjur, and was am. zed when he was inform-d that there were 91 natives in the block! I'he solicitor suavely wrote: " I think you must have made a mistake in the block, as surely you wtuld not have the heart to face the herculean task!" The sslicitor was quite right. The Waikato Fancy Fair, which, f blowing the praetios of previous years, is to be held in a marquee pitohid at the oorner of I'easdale and Knox-streets, will be opened by the Rev. Father Darby at S o'clock this even n„'. A busy bund of workers are now giving the fi ishing touch to the various tills, and the fair promises to be even maro successful thau its predecessors. In addition to other atcractiuns the children nave prepared a number of fancy dancjs, including the Spvnish Cachucha, the English Maypole and the Swedish Fan dacces.

Reporting on the non-success of the attempt to annihilate Cbristchurch dust with calcium chloride, the Christchurch city surveyor writesbis hundredweight was put on eaoii 10 chains in UOO gtilona of water. Ti,ia was done on Fiiday afti rnot n. On Saturday afternoon I could eee no difference b .'tween the treated and untreft'ed streets. On M mday morning the dust wa3 flying just aa badly on those as any pirts of the streets. The cost of the material tor 10 chain.-! amounted to £2 l t-i, at ,£9 per ton. This sum wou d have watered the 10 chains in Oxford Terrace four times per day for 12 day?, allowing lbs par d'iy for the water-cart, teams, ani driver."

Lady Salomon, who was accompanied by Sir Richard Sjloiu >n, K.C.M.tJ , K.C.H., Acting Lieutenant-Governor of the Transvaal. recently laid the f miulati jU atone of tlie bible llou-ie now being erected by the Hritiah and Foreign liible Society at Johannesburg. In the course of his speech Sir Richard said he had a firm belief lu the work of the Bible Society, and wished to express his sympathy with those who were engaged in carrying out that work. In this connection it is interesting t> note, tl at Scrip'urus in no less thin 52 lauguagea were sold lust year from the Hible S iciety'a depot at Johannesburg, and a fifty thud language was a<ked fjr by a newcimer to the " Gjid-n City," he wanted a Hible iu Iceland.c, which was unfortunately not in stock at the uumont.

Mr V. A. Pproul,manager at Auckland for the Ocoanic Steamship Company, informs the Herald that it has been do:ided to liy the S noma up at Sydney f. r a general oV'ilnul, ard the steamer "ill nut leave Auckland for l'ago Pago, II m'lulu, and S;n Francisco until November 3u. The Wntura will leave Au :kl ind on December 21, aud the Sierra un January 11, 19)7. Thi- prHctiially uieaus that one trip is being dr ppod, the Sonoma taking the Ventura's date and the Ventura the S.erra's. This will give each of the steamers of the iine a lay-over at Sydney of nearly a month, during which time each ve?sel will b i thoroughly overhauled. It is anticipated that they will then be iu perftc". condition, and well able to keep up t:-o contract time on the service.

A carter named William Wils n wis electrocuted at the new Miramar wharf by coming iu contract with a live electric lighting wireof 1000 volts (snys a Wellington telegram). Deceased and auother man named William Woldiu were engaged in carting timber from the wharf to Kilbirnie. It appears that tho wire had been pulled djivn by a lovd of furniture and a portion of the insulation was torn Hway. Weld n noticed the fallen wire and drove over it, but Wilson jumped off hia cart t j 'nit th-* wire to t aable another vehicle to pass. Immediately he touched the wire he tell and died almost immediately. Hh left hand whioh had been in contact with the wire showed signs of bu'ning. Deceased was single and is believed to have ootne Lom Au-tia ia.

For fruit, : ce creams, can lies, afternoon tea ani refreshments, don't forget to pay a yia ; t t Ti Id and Stanton's booths at the A, anl P. Showground on the oth.

For Hire TenU, Marquees, Crockery, Cutlery, and Glassware at lidd and Wanton's Imperial Confectionery and Grocery S ?res, Ilauii ton. 6

•'Are you going to the Exhibition?"— seems to be the burning 'juestion of the day. The i|Uestion whieb really inteie-ts you Mr Clothes-'vearer is—" Have you seen the exhibition of lovely suiting* in V. 11 ought' u'a window! - " I bey are all at ono pr ie, niuetj-tive shillings. It will cost you nothing to look, and it will save your money to order one. If there is nothing in the window to =uit your taste, just walk inside aud you will be suited at V. Houghton's (up-to-date tailoring establishment, Hamilton. 6 SICK IJABIE3 IN SUMMER. It is during the warm months of summer that mothers have to be most careful cf their little ones, and at the first unusual looseness of their bowels should give the little sutt'orer a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D arrhoea Remedy Get it to-day; it will aave trouble later on. For sale by W. Doy. Hamilton, Thos. Wells, Cambridge; Geo. M, A. Ahiar, To Awamutu; Green and Colebrook, Nffaruawahiaj Clua. Dallas, Taumarunui j T, H. Cmpui&n, Kihuuh;.

Mr Ralph literman, who yiv Dg up business, announces bis closing sale in Fans' auction room.

In consequence of the Waikato A. and P. v how beintr held on Thursday the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. will st'll at the Bor ugh yards t '-in rrow, (\\ edursday). good lines of prime cow and steer beef, 2j-yearold steers and In iters, fat elinep, etc., will be yarded in addition to yi uuk cattle and pi K s, etc. The sale will start at 12 o'ckck.

A special mooting of the Hamilton Borough Council was held lust for the purp -sb of fixing the levels of Flinem oa, Hiil, Ruakiwi, Collingwood, Thackeray and Clarence-st r 6tt3 and Ohaupo road, An objection was lodged by Mr G, S Barker iu respe:t to Thackeray-street, but, after consideration, all the levels were confirmed. A number of tenders for road works were considered but definite action was deferred.

Kumera and Tomato Plants, also a variety of choice flowering plants on sale at Tidd and Stanton's Imperial Confectionery and Grocery Stores, Hamilton. 6

PREVENT DESPONDENCY. Chamherlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerven, banish sick headaches, prevent despondency, and invigorate the whole system. Much easier to take than pills. For sale by W. Dey, Hamilton; Thos. Wells, Cambridge ; Geo. M. A. Ahier, Te Awimutu; Green and Collebrook, Ngaruawahia; ('has. Dallas Tauuiarumii; T. H. Chapman, Ivihikihi.

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Bibliographic details

Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8050, 6 November 1906, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8050, 6 November 1906, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8050, 6 November 1906, Page 2