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Tut; following is the text of the engineer's icpoit, which we weie unable to insert in list issue : — To niK Chvirmw Wui>a County Council. Sin, — Dvuintr the p ist month the weathvr geneially h is heen favourable to the execu« troii of road woiics. The few days heavy ram has h<i\v ncr t >ld <m tho approaches to various budges, wherever situated on • down grule,. Tne storm water having overflowed the wat.;i t iule> and running down tie cjiti 5 of t'u i uJ, his scoured out hole- on the siuface, leaving them in a bad condition foi ti iftic. The approaches to Cow ley's Gull\ hn.igoand Walker's Gully bridge have su|f t ied in this respect, and each will rnquiie the seivice* of a man with a dray to m.ike up the holes in the road and to clean out the watei -tables. Cr. Ridler informs: me th it the appioachcs to No. 1 bridge on tue H unilton-\garu<iwahia road arc also m a bid condition from thin cause. A man with a h,u-.e and dray will to wanted hero foi a t"w d ivs t«i execute tho n>c 'ssny iHjiiiis. On t'u» Whataw hattH i uilto-i ro id there is i long cutting near McfJ'itch'.Mi's, the water -table through which has become c mipletely blocked up by s.iit falling fr nn the slopes, and requires cleaning out on both sides light through, otherwise the rain water will be forced to hnd a eh innel along the roadway. The grade i-. a long one, the cutting narrow. If nut attended to, the siuface will cut up by the nevt heavy rains. A man for a few >J iys would e\ecati' the repiiis needed when this part of the in id would be good for the winter. The ap.u.> iclias to Mystery Creek culveit aii'l Cuni'Ml's Gully bridge were als i in a b.t I c > l'liti hi ; these I have had i>'puied. Sov^ial places on the Te Awa-muUi-Ali'N.urh a l ,> ul ait' in a similar conditi vi ami will iei]une attention. I hay« a^'aiii to call the attention of the. council to the condition "f the Wliatawhata bridge This budge is veiv much in want of screwing up and pimtmir, at least half-a-dozen of the decking planks aie rotten and require icplicm^. Notice boards should aKo be put up, cautioning the public against diagging logs over the bridges. This piactiee I undei stand largely prevails, to the great destruction of the decking. The boards ou^ht to ba written in both Knglish and Maon. Referring to instructions ie Day's drain, in company with Mr Council! *r (J >rboy, 1 called at Mr Day's on Friday last, but failed to see him, be being in Auckland. We were therefore unable to do anything in the matter. AnangeiutMits will lie made to wait on Mr Day agun. Woiks completed sinco last meeting of c mncil :- The contract for gliding at I'iteiangi cheese factory has been cunpMed, and I nv.iminend the payment of the bil.iMC", t'l4 .Is yd, due to tho • oiti ictn, t I.;, th i w th the return of his deposit. Tne M ni,'u>ikn Road Board i,'ieed to p iv t<o tow irdi the cost of this v.oik, lpji'i. 1 i f i i'is f.ii which should now be .1 ide to tl.t 1 . ■li ■ ii"l Tii. 1 grading contract u u W t'sli s.nii tit ■ ( )'i nip i P.itemngi road, ill I) it v. ■ nplt fi tl. The works have li.i vi,\li tv iv ,n mil' >■ d by the contractor fin luu month fimn this date. I recommend tlut tii sum of f.s7 be advanced on this woik. Ttie contractors for the diversion of th" Min^M'iko creek have finished theii woik, witn the evcption of levelling down the li'.iteiial excavated from the cut. This was specified to be carried out at an ingle of l">to 1. Mr Gilford, the proprietor, I undei stand, wishes this part of the work omitted, a* th" soil tikeu out of the drain is of I'oor quality and w<>uld injure the laud ovei which it would lie so spread. Ho infoimed me he would write to the council regarding this matter, and if the council agree to concede this* point the. works will be completed. I may state that beyond a risk if the cattle knocking down some of the soil into the dram, the leaving of the stuff iv i[uestion will in no other way affect the woik. The conti actors have to maintain the works three months from date. On the c impletion of this period I beg leave I 1I 1 as'v if the supervision and further maintenance of this chain will fall upon the council, or will the whole woik revert back to tho propnutm .' I would recommend the payment of £2") upon this job. Th« balance, together with the deposit, to rein tin in the. hunds of the council during the period of m lintenance. Mr J. t/oombes, the c<>nti actor for claying the H unilti'ii - Whatawh it.a road between Diiisdale's creek and Frankton Junction, has finished tho woik. I recommend the payment of his account, amounting to £34 l!)s 2d. The painting of the Cambridge bridge is finished, but I have not had an opportunity to inspect the work. Works in progress : — The contractors for grading on the Ohaupo load near Te Awamutu aie getting on but slowly with their contract. Their woik has, however, so far been done in a .satisfactory manner, and they ha.c promised to push on with the job. I recommend .\n advance of £1 on thin job. The con ti actor for funning and gravelling 'rmn Fleming's Gully is well advanced with this coiitiact, and expects to finish the same in another eight d.^s. I recommend that the sum of i\s3 18s be paid on this job. The same contractoi was the successful tenderer for grading at Rotorangi. This work he ha-> not been able to commonce till he finishes the one in hand at Fleming'n Gully. The contractor for forming in the Tuhikaraiaea drstuct has started operation-, and is making good progress, with his coiitiact. Whatawhata &wamp draiu : Tho omti actor-, expect to be able to complete this diam dining the present month. Their contract time is now up, consequently they will be about one month behind time. 1 would not, however, recommend the infliction of anj penalty. The sum of £1912 d is lecoinineuded to be advanced on this work. Works adveitiaed: In compliance with your nistiuclions, I ha\e prepared plans and specifications for the following w oi ks :— Rebuilding the Mangapiko bridge at Alexandra, gravelling portion of tho Alex mdi a-Te Awamutu road near Matthews", forming and gravelling between Ohote Creek and Bycroft's, forming and gravelling near racecourse, Ngaruawahia, gravelling and maintaining road between station and Te Awyimutu, gravelling Kihi-kihi-To Awamuta toad. Tenders fortheso woiks aie due, to bo < pined to-day. — I am your obedient &ci ant, Ai.nx. ARMvntoxo, County Engineer. Kihikihi, Bth March, 188 G.

Alia \ni»lk was too fond of stroug ili ink. Julius Ca:sar was inordinately vain and fond of dress. Demosthenes was always on the platform when everything was serene, and under it when them was danger. Peter the Great waa a glutton and a drunkard. Napoleon was addicted to lying so much that the habit became notonous. The Earl of Chatham always dressed and posed for effect. Sheridan was never able to give up the bottle and the gaming table. dforge Washington occasionally swore '.v lion he was very mad. Disraeli started out a dandy and remained one to the las>t. Alexander Dumas earned millions with I.Ls pen, bnfc could not keep out of debt — Chicago Times. Bj an eiror in classifying the wale not'ccs Mr Hniitei\ '•hoop advertisement appears iv tho third instead of the fuurtli pig-a of this issue,

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Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2134, 13 March 1886, Page 2

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WAIPA COUNTY. Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2134, 13 March 1886, Page 2

WAIPA COUNTY. Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2134, 13 March 1886, Page 2