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Till' Council held it-i ordni irv nioiiH|'\ !•' tlll n ' I I t'll'TiHll Hllld < UlO , I ' 1,11 mhl.'o. >>n Tinn-d iv. I'n'viit : Ci >. W I. I' Wtlli iMi-, .1 f l*'ii tli. W I' Knth, .Maclean, L'liopinoll, (ionltl, ■). J> Smith, .md 1). M uplij. O\|i)lU) \M) (1( 1 VMKUIIX.h K<) Ml Ml -I. l>.nle\. Keniomt, win to cniii|)l miiii'/ of tlii> Ij.ifl -t itf "i this ht>t\\ei'i» M it.nn it i and tin" s\v.iui|i, and .i^kinp tin- Ckiuhil to put it in <;n|iM\ Cr. At.iclt'in --.ti<l the ro.ul^ (iuj,'ht to he put in nj|>.ur. The c»t wnuld ncit bo He niked Kite-. from distiict were available f"i tli>j put pose.— Cr. J. C. Firth at,'ieed tlut it w.i«> npc*-»>«iiry to h.ive the Kudi i<>p tired, and that \orv little would doit. He lUtfI,'Oated that Cr Williams, the lnetnboi for that riding, be authorised to have the woik done at a cost not etceodinp £"). - Ci. .Smith moved a resolution to the alime litfeut, w hicti was seconded by Cr. Smith and cariied.

Cl.vkk's Drain*. —Mr Nickle agun wrote urging the Council t" have the work attended to. — Cr. Murphy thought the complaint a just one. — The Chairman sud if water was dmuted fr<»m its n course into pmate propeity, people li id i light to complain. — No action was tiken. UoiXDXHY and Rom K^rov Bnthri~», Ti: Alton \. — Mr W. 8. Kichaid-on .ipph d 111 1 the council to form ;t footpath^ tin* iliove -tied*, and tlio rc-iidonti «ov wiUinfr to contribute f foi £ tow.ird- it.— Cr. Smith thought it would not take mucli to do the work, and piop^ed tli.\t th^ Council expand £'10 towards it. —Ci Murphy said the Council should dnote more attention to the wants of IV Vroh.i.— Cr. Gould thought if the C mnuil could not perfoim the whole work it should not do any.— Cr. J. C. Filth .said if tlie residents would contribute half of the e\ pensc the council would do the work, and moved that the engineer be initinctod to give an estimate of the probable cost.— Asrn'ed to.

Faiknmov of Ko\n FiiOM .ToHNsroxs (}\i\ to.To\ck's.— Mr Tho*. Wells * ut-d ■i!i the council, and explained that when lie \\m-i in Waioronffomai lately his brnticr ratepayers had requested him to attend tin; council, and uige it to do this in >si nece*, sary work. It was the worst pirt of the whole load, and .it certain places it w.i-> quite i in pas-able. There was no formation, but portion could be easily made. Tii • distance is about 1"» chains and the cost would be about t'H. It was a mitter of noce— >it\% and n it of comenionci', .md he asked the council to do the woik befoie the wiutei set in, in order to keep the ti lihe open.— Cr. Mmphy fully c umboiatcd wh il Mi Well-, had stated.— Ci, .1. C. Fu t'l s ud the council could expend a c ' miiii theie, lint it must be cueful of u^iici-i.'. - Mr Wells said he had b»en tlue<> year-, there, and not a shilling had been spent on the void during that time.— Cr. Smith said it would become a part of the main road to dmbiidtfo.Cr. Fnth suggested Mr Wells should collect contubutions towards the woik, and oh'eied to give £"» tow.udi it.— Mr Wells thought it would lie difficult to do mi, as the people were doing very badly, and the authorities at the Thames had been le peatedly asked to assist. — Cr. Maclean said the council could not spend money on lu\une>, and asked why the people at Waioiongomai could not put their hands m theii pockets themselves. -Mr Well-, thfy had pockets, but it was not a lu\m\ but a nece-sity.—Cr. il >uld thought tincouncil had treated Wainron^oin u yon badly. Cr. Maclean mmcd tint th" l>itteiy contribute £3, the lesidents fc~>, and the council -ft the \\<tik.— S on«l«d b\ Cr. .1. C. Firth, who offeied f") to ai-1 it. — Cr. Murph\ Waioroii^oui u hid nit £"» to giw\ He thought the council should vote t'JO for the work, and pmpos>| an anifiuliiiuiit to that effect, whic'i w ■- >•' '".i dod by Ci. Smith. -The motion u i , ciiik <) by li to •_' - Mr Wrlls thanked the cm ml mil with In'w.

Pi nriov la Sio\k\ Ci.i i:k.— V ]n.i.iu . i sitfiud l)y <H le-iduits of Tv Ai >L i and W.inHMii^iniai, was urn 1, praying t'i<; c urn oil to a-.-i>t in dm doping the nniu 1 il 10 Minn.' 1 - of tlio district bj foimmt,' .1 ti uk t • rft'iifj Crock. Theie w^ coii-icleialil' prospecting going on tht-io, and tli>- m•» Ii id t>> Ciiiry the itono to To Aiclia <m tlieii backs. They asked the council to e\ pand £">0 for that purpose. --Cr. J. C Firth the council could apply to fie .Minister of Minoh, pointing out the fact' stated in the petition, and in order to open up an nnliied distiict, allow the council to <pend £">0 out of the balance of the t',<oo grant, in order to make a track, on the same terms as the other-». £120 b ilance of the grant remained in lund.-T.ln> was seconded by Cr. Smith.— Cv Mtirpliv thought the locality would prove a good croldfield. — Motion carried.

Wive Roi'Es.— Me-.brs Porter and Co., and T. and S. Mori in and Co. tendeied for thj supply of Bessemer t>t-el wiie, aud the Intter's offer was accepted.

Chvuu'vblk Aid.— A wa-. read from tlie Charitable Aid Board .' when the council intended to pay amount •>f cuitiibution, dtid also one from tlie Premier saying, unless- the council paid the amount tn the Thames Cli uitible \id Hoard, the Government would have to Ukc action, and would -V>\> the amount iroin future .subsidies. The amount was st.itfd to be £">lo.— Cr. Murphy asked if it would not hi' better to have a al Tt> Aioln. — Cr. Smith thought tho council shonld object to the Thames ho-pitil being inidti a .sep irate institution. Both the Thames and Ohinemuii County Councils objected, and lie thought if the council also protested, the Government would reconsider the matter. He was of opinion it wax inadvisable to allow the Thames to hive the contiol of the hospital .is they would spend the funds a*> they liked. He moved that this council object to the Th imi^ being created a sep n ate institn tu>n — This was seconded by Ci. Gould and cairicd.— Cr. J. C. Firth thought the demand a giox* injustice and that tlie council should object on broader grounds — Cr. Chepmell said the council could not escape, s>o long ab the pie-ieut Act compelled them, and considered it is useless to protect against it. — Ci. J. C. Futh said the council weie willing tv support the poor in their own district. The Act teemed with iiiiccuracies — Cr. Smith thought To Aroha should be founod into a scpniate district.— Cr. Firth 'aid the Government would be very careful how they set the whole country against them when so clo&e to the sitting of Parbain int. They made a whole year's demand for an actual period of three months. It was most piepostcious. He mo\ed, "That whilst tins council are ready to support their own poor and all charges for persons injured in the Piako County, they decline to piy any money in satisfaction of the d-Miiauds made by the Thames board, on the gioundi of their gross injustice and illegality, and that copies of this motion he sent to the Government and to tho Thames Board." — This was seconded by Cr. Smith and carried.

Rkpohi'-s. — The engineer forwarded his monthly report as to works that had been done ; and the tramway manager -ent a statement of the number of new trucks received. The battery receipts for the month were £57 3s, and the expenditure JL'UI.

Xk\\ Tr.WW.U AT WaIOUOV.OMU.— Mr Ferguson wrote to s.w that Ins Lr imway was now completed, and asked thr> council to take it o\er.— Cr. Mm lean said they wanted nu more tramway^, ami thought the couucil should ha\e nothing to do with it. He moved that the offer be declined. — The motion was seconded by Cr. Gould and earned.

AnvKiui->iN(.;.— The Te Aroha X<m\m and The WaiUato Times wrote t<» say they ciuld not alter their pie^ent ratob, wh eh were on the usual -tale.— Cr. Fnth thought if they could not obtain any reduction, they would have to do les* advertising and only in one paper. — Crs Smith and (ioiild thought it important to advertise in tlje papeis having the widest calculation, and that the matter should be left as before. Apietjd to.

Ti.vdi.Rv — Whitaker otreot: Lulling and Vu«.|..T. t'SJ Us; Ja-iips Orr £71 (.»«- ceptH(l) ; T kis. Stanl -v i 75 !k Klmoval or Council to Hamilton.—

J'ii • Cii i\- -' itt'd tint .ictinpon Mi Firth's i'i>ti'u t.<m- li" !iM t -k.-<l tin- Miynr of 1 1 in, ilt. n ,t tli \ i,'< iM iim) the Council ' ii.. ili l-uii'in il i\ of imcli month, and to >t.ttt <1 1\ would be suitable uul wiiit tii.- cl>.ir>fi - would be. I'll' 1 M ivoi In 1 it>|iliod that the f'Pimcil w is at lili-itv t<> imo the office mi a Thni-fli\ tn'«' of rharjji\ -Cr. J. C. I'ntii ■• ii'l th it !i<>\\ tli"> i.nlw.iy tune-table U.l-. ,ilti-i" 'I, it \\" tlfl lu> molt: convenient to in' rt .tt M.imilt'iii in future. Tlioy oiuld Him- tlui" 1 .it I'iT., „i,(J return at 1.25, tim- lining nt'nU threo hours for their I ni-iMitj — -. It -timk him, in order to Ret -m i.i ilinii. t">li> b-foic the council, to aak ii- Mtyni if tin* o'hi't *i wen* available. It w>iiM 1)1 ,vi ,i'l\ nit •;,''• t'» the council in \ vi > i-> u.i\-, .in I u<n)l«i iii iko their duties I oni'ioii- Me moved '"That the place of in '•"ing in futun' In 1 If umlton, that the i mm il <ii> in . t tli< n , the next meeti,i,' ht> 1m M at H uiiiltoii on Thursday at II :r> i in , aii'l tl> it tin* Mayor of Hamilton ii tli nikwl f..i lih 'ifft'f.—Cr. Smith said, t ikiiu' th" < ">n\i in iic of thu council into u-.''i'i iti m. it, \\o ihl in. bj'st to meet at » 1 limit in <'i Ci 'ptni'll -.lid they should in >w t> M • 'in-, ille wlnNt they are about it. He Ui hi/, it ih' \ would have no time to ffi't th>'ii <liii!ii v i uifl transact their bu»i■i • — - — within tin' limit named. — Cr. Murphy thought it w mid I)- bettor to sit at Te \ioli i. —The in iti"ti wa-> seconded by Cr. smitl), .mil c niii'd At ' ( h\i- Tho following accounts were p.i-v.od:-Wage- f '.U '.U 4d ; Auckland L'niihoi Cciiiiptuy, ii !)•> Sd ; J. Kmmitt and paity, £20 ; W. L', t's; D. Kyan, fj U (id ;J. X yd, tJ lt», ; W. Lloyd, 10* ; r S Hum], fl I* 3d; C. Tucker, £11 2s <>.l , J. WllW 1 1 lace, tl<)_> : C. Gould, travelling expenses, £7 His ; .). li. Smith, £25 os. This concluded tho biwine^a.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2134, 13 March 1886, Page 2

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PIAKO COUNTY COUNCIL Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2134, 13 March 1886, Page 2

PIAKO COUNTY COUNCIL Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2134, 13 March 1886, Page 2