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SmvAiins : Messrs .1. S. Buckland, F. Ti. li. Sm.ile, H. Evans, W. C. Bieakell, J. Tmnbiill, and JR. Parr, .ludge, Mi W. K. Carter. Handicappor, Mr W. Starter, Mr J. S. Jiucklaiid. Clinks of Course, Me>srs A. Rowo and W. Boddam. Clerk of Scales, Mr A. Wilson. Hon. Sec, Mr Geo. Smith. Tub Annual meeting of the above turf club was held on the com so at Monms\ille, yesteulay, under somewhat favourable auspices. Considering the inclemency of tile weathei the previous day, it was generally considered that the elements would not bo favoui.iblo for the mooting, but to a extent the anticipations m this respect \veie not milled. The sun duung the morning was unpleasantly hot, but, as was expected, in tlie evi'inng the lam came down heawly. As to the attendance, this was not so huge a-, was looked foi, theio being not m >io than :T>o people present, including a iiumbei of natives. A l.uge muiilvi of thusoweio fioni Waikato, aiid not a few put in an appearance fiom To Aioh.i. In a young distiicfc like Piako, .uid coiwdoi ing tlie fact that a lockey club has been oiganiscd foi the bettoi conduct of the race meetings of the distiict, it is somewhat suij)ii-ing that a tempoiary gi uid stuul Iris not cn 1 now been elected for the aocomodation of tlie public. Tin cmuse, a-, may be oxp-ctod, was unpleasantly heavy in places ; and, as a matter of consequence, the time of the \anous e\ents was not .so punctual as it might have lien ; in fact, all the laces won* a long way behind tune. Mi (Jiunlan, of Te Aioha, hid tlie lefieshment booth, and cateied to thi* satisfaction of the public On the whole the day's meeting wa^paitially succ.'s^tul. As to the ricin;;, tlie Handicap Huidles was looked upon .is a qcit.unty f<u .ledwatoi, but he being sciatchod bofoio the, owing to a little toinpoiai> lameness, the place of f.uouiite developed upon tin' Aioha cob; who, vi 1 daiesay, would have st >od a good show toi Ihst honoui . had he not met with an unftn ucc'uhnt .it the om) of the 3 ace. (^uilp had an easy \ictoiy. .Foe staited a wai m f.nomitv? for the Maiden Date, »uitl was well lidden by Hodson, but he was ■Hidently kept in lesinyc too lon*,, as the finish \eiy plainly indicated. Taupin v.vs the most likely li'oise had lie stilted, but (Juilp i in a \eiy game laco throughout, .md won. The Cup, for which six staited, was the l ace of the da y, and resulted in a boil o\ei for Mr Allwill's filly, Victoria. Robeit-tho-Dt'wl staited a waim favourite, and had been well backed to win. Kowi •iiul L'irrv had also been well fancied. Uufoitunately Koboit slipped at the enhance coi nei, and lolled on his ndcr, Hodgson, vlioescipid almost unhuit. Tauphi also fell, shghtlv disabling his rider. Follow ing is a nioi e detailed account of t'.ie racing :— II WIIIOW 111 HDIJ.s, Of2o-o\s. ; 2 miles, over eight flights of Inn die-, Bft. (Jin. high. Nomination, lso\. ; acceptance, lsov. Mi Douolas' eh q (iuilp, Oyis., 10 -.t (GHdsmith) 1 Mi Caitci's bi g Old Ti eland, aged, 10st, (Wilson) - Mi Halciow's br q Whalebone, aged, 10st r 3 .ledwatei was sciatched. Whaleb.nio .staited the f.nounte, and the tno ])a\nig got away well togethei, ho took tlie lead until leaching the fiist hmdle, wlieu both hoise ami lidei came to gnef. (^uilp then took the lead, and though Old lieluidwas kept well up, lie was unable to get a lead mg position. (Told-riiiith kept his hoise in the lead fiom st.ufc to finish, and landed an easy wiiinei. Whalebone's udei having lemounted made an excellent lace, but had esidently lost too much giouiid to be a dangerous lival to eithei of the leading hoi ,e-5. Wils.m lode Old Tiolaml witli only One stiu up all tlnough, having bioken a leathei at the stait. MVIDLV I'LVIi:, Of 10 snvs ; Ij nnloi> ; weight for ,\^\ Foi hoi ses that ha\e ne\ei won an ad\eitised prize exceeding 10>ov&. Fntiance, lsov. Mi Douglas's eh q <^uilp, dyis., !Nt. (lFariison) 1 Mr Ciaven'sch g'Too. r iyis. !)st. (llodviu) 2 Mi T. liodsou's b q Chailie, aged, i) 4. (l.ockley) . 3 Hectoi also staited. (^uilp went oil" with a lead, well followed by Chaihe, with Hootoi and Joe following. Coining mund the entiance coiner, Hectoi lan tlnough the wire fence, thiowmg his uder, but doing neither any haim. continued in the lend until passing tlie indie's bo\ the first tune, wlun Joe seemed likely to dispute the lead with him. Cli.uhe during the next lound made good luuning, and coming past the eutiance comei .100 took the lead. Quilp again crept to the fiimt with Chailie and .Too close up, but he maintained his lead until the finish, beating .Joe by about a length. The contest cie.ited much excitement towards the hnish. sm'lM.kV h.\( i: (Handicap.) Of 15sovs. For hoises within a radius of 10 mile* ; must be boua fide property of ownois three mouths pievioiu> to date of iaces. Entrance, LI 10. Mi J. MoGlashau's br m Tuna, 4yrs., (Hodson) 1 Mi Tmnbuir.s Piako (Goldsmith) 2 Mi H. Duck's bi g Na])pur Tandy, 4yis. 3 None otheis staitid. Tuna led fiom start to finish, and won a fan ly contested lace. Nappei Tandy had not sufficient stay foi the distance. Piako lan a veiy good second. I>I\KO CUP IIVN'OR'AI', Of t3")so\!s ; .second hoihc to save his stakes ; two miles; nomination, lUovs ; acceptance, Isov. Mr All w ill's eh f Victoria, 3yis. 7st., (Peaison) 1 Mi Fostei's bi g Rcwi, aged, 9st. 31b., (Loekloy) 2 Mi Kaiibheld's gi g Lany, aged, (Ist. 31b-,. . 3 Eobeit-the-Devil, Welcome IJavy, and Taupiri also started. Mr Auckland succeeded in getting the hoi .ses well away together. K»\vi assumed the, load, Welcome Davy, Victoria and Robei fc following in the order named. Rewi maintained the piide of place for the fiiht lound, and passing the box the first time was still leading, with Robert, Welcome Davy, Victoiia, and Taupiri followiug in oidei. Larry then looked like going up, but he did not .succeed in nnpioving his position. Victoria now ciept up behind MrFostei's gelding, and passing the entrance gate the last round both hoiHQs were, rijiiuiug neck and neck. Robert, who was utill looked upon a.s a certainty, was here making jjoori lpiinin" for leading honours, when he .slipped «.nd rolled over, and did not appear in the contest after. The race was now between Rewi and Victoria, Larry and the others being ft long May behind. Comrrrg up home, Victoria wrested tha lead from Rewi and maintained it until the finish, winning by about a length. The win was a very popular one, although the horse was not backed. Taupiri came to grief during the contest, injuring his rider, and Welcome Davy also met with an accident, colliding w ith one of the posts, fortunately without injuring his rider. It is a question whether Larry was not distanced, Welcome Davy ceitainly was.

GALLOWAY RACE. Ono mile. The Eat 1 Vanity ... . •• . . 2 Ofiv reporter then left.

A' man ' fldvertjges a plogk for, sale which keeps .tjnje jftXjgathevflf. In oiie respect, the bootblack resjenibleg |;hp — hje can't shine when jit ' 'Rats' axd Miqe. ~Jf you' »^!sb to , dpstroy'thcm getTi packed of H^r^M^oy: ,Y«^,a',N , i-KiLLijR Tg^d.'.api Is'^ttf t^e\db«sijne(i

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Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1780, 1 December 1883, Page 2

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PIAKO TURF CLUB MEETING. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1780, 1 December 1883, Page 2

PIAKO TURF CLUB MEETING. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1780, 1 December 1883, Page 2