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SIXTH ANNUAL SHOW. , RECORD ATTENDANCE A GREAT SUCCESS. I-Mvsi-dmt.—Mr Win. Affleck. Vice-preei-cfe-ttt, Mr J as. Ryan. General Committee—Directors: Me»srg T. A. Buckingham,, 11. It. Bissot, WinBulck; T. Claims, Jno. Caxriok, D. Claris A. Cochrane, J. Horrell, Alf. Duncan, Jno. Ewan, Jas. King, M. O.'Brlon, S. James, Jno. Lindsay, W. J. McGregor, D. 3lurchison; A. 11. Officer, T. Power, Jas. Sal-ton,.J) Hilchk'i and G. L. Walton. Hon.-, Vet., Mr C. H. Williamson. Yard ! Supdrdniehdietafcs : Messrs D. jCl'ark and Jno. Carrick. Secretary and ' treasurer, Mr J. Fisher. W JUDGES Cattle.—Mr T. Paterson. Stud Sheep—Mr G, P. Johnston Cross-bred Sheep—Mr D. Marshall Draught Horses—Messrs R. Davidson;, A. AJHson and C. Cooper Light Horses—Mr R. M. Lawlor i>ogs—Mr I). D. McDonald Pigs.—Mr H. Moffat Fat Stock—Mr F. Price. Dairy Produoc£-Mr J. Mathesan and Mrs Lindsayi

Tho sixth annual exhibition of live stock a nd dairy produce took place on the Association's grounds on Wednesday last, and was a great success. 'lhj clay was an ideal one, and as a consequence there was a record attendance, over <L/1 being taken at the gates, which is some £lo better than last year. The entfies received al.-.o

onstitukd a record, being thirty better than last year. Follow Lag is a comparative 'statement for this year and the previous one : ■

luring the afternoon the Otautau iii a sß band ('numbering 22 strong) under the conductors-hip of Mr F. B. ivingy cl:sc<j.uised some exceikat iaU3ic. The oihcials worked well throughout the day and the prize Hungers of tlie various classes were posted up on boards in large figures, thus enabling the public to. seo the results from a distance^ CATTLE In the opinion, of the judge, the exhibits were not up to the quality ulmch should be expected from such a valuable dairying district. In the Shorthorns! the aw, a rd for the Chain*pion Bull went to Mr Geo. Anderson. The Ay shire's, Herefords, and 'Polled Angus breeds were only a moderate iOt. The ciossbreds, however, showed an impfrovenient, tho prizes lor these going to Messrs J. Lindsay, M. Boyle a-rJtt Mrs A. Walker.

SHEEP, Tlio exhibit of sheep in the ofpiniooi of the judges was above.the OAlerage. i here was strong competition in Bolrd.r Leioevters, Roinney Marshes whilst the quality ot the Lincoln s and Stoop shared was also good. DRAUGHT UORSES , Notwithstanding the fact that a number of good Clydesdales have been e.\|ported to Australia, Southland still some excellent Clydesdales, the display on Wednesday being an excellent otic. The three exhiblits ol entire horses were well known animals. Messrs (Fordo and Toole's Garth land s Pride was placed first, Shepherd King being second. The former horsa also gained championship honors. In ihe two-year-old class Mr W. Blakio secured first prize, the prize for yearling going to Messrs R. and A. Officer. Jn Brood mares Nellie G-rayj was ai'ain t 0 the lore securing first. Ohampioniihip honors were however, awarded to Mr J no. Ewan's Rose oi a three year old filly.

THOIIOUOimnEDS & HACKNEYS. :J(uid!g'o—Air R. Lawlor (Gor©.) a Stewards— jUeSßrs .Duncan., Officer and (Jochramo. The judge was very pleajsad witlhi loth thoroughbreds and hueknieiys. la ihe latter classes large entries "wiere 'for ward and the work of placing 'the • jptike winners was a most arlupus one. &Ir C Co o in.U)'s Roseraere tba champion lor thorough jreds. The priae for 2 year olds «, to Mr (I. 11. Spragg's Castasnore. Mr B. McNay's Seekashore ixn.-d championship honors for thoroughbred mare, From a stronfc class Mr W. Walker's Embrasure r w:as awi&rd etl first for Ivadj's hack. Mr 11. H. was responsible for most of tb e jrizea in the harness ehass.

UtTMPING. , As usual there-was a large turnout in the hunter's class, and out of four-ie..-n entries most were #ood fencers. Trie placed horses gave a very im>J exhibition, the award ultimately falling to Mr W. J. Cowie on Beaumont, with 2J points, J. Swale ta .lng second and third place's on Snat[>*o* and Jittaa 2 and »3 P oirats respectively, P L. Donwn was •fourth with 21 )oiuts. The high jump was not very strenuously contested, and Mr AV. J. owie on Beaumont was again the winner, with P. Be 8» wOwd* Mx Cowie crowned his success by gaWg .he verdict, lor the best rider over fen-PRIZE-WINNER?. -,he principal prize-whmers» aw :-U. £l 7 4.. VJ. Ewan £l2 l2s Mrs Jk>bn LditoJ'«ll ss, J. McCroslie Jiß, J. B. Sutton #ft J Oarriok £6 lis, andG. Aaderson *s.

DAIRY PKODUCE.. The exhibition ol Hairy Produce w!as n excpV.wl ono and the quality was -.ueh that the judges hadamost dii■icuit tasking in dieting the j»ue». Mrs J TiiKlSav secured most ot tue prizes 'thus winning Messrs Thomson and G-arcV:nei s Cup. , ' Following is the detailed p^e-list--CATTLF Shorthorn—Bull, 3-. is nn<l upwardsnmvh Beck; 2yra, <T Amleison ; l.yi, G AnriermM). Cow 3yis »n upwnr.• ■, G Anderson 1, B C .id 2, \V kenm-dy 3 ; ||«ffp 2vrs, G A .d,..8..n 1 "».i oh. v . 2, J Lindsa 3.

Ayrshire—Bull, my a<,'e, J Manson ; Cow or heifer, J Mitnson' 1, A Fish r 2, J Lindsay. Hereford—Bull, any a<<e, J Shaw 1 ; cow or heifer, J Cxi rick, - Polled any asc, B Ward 2 ; cow or heifer, J Warrick 1, B Ward 2 and 3.

Crossbred—Cow or heifer, in milk or in calf, for dairy purposes. J Lindsay 1, Mrs Walker 2, M Boyle 2 ; pair cows in milk, M Boyle 1, A Mansoii 2 ; Cottars Cow, Mrs Walker 1, A. liulmtn 2, C. . Par Center. Fat Cattle—Pair Fat Bullocks, Jno. Carrick ; pair fin c.'vs, W Kennedy 1, B Ward 2, JCanick 3 : i.he fat cmw, Win Kenuerj- 1, J Ciiifclc 2. si peep Border Lc'cjsUt—Ha.: , 2:sheii and ovV r —J McCrostie Imi I <.h. A. Allison 2> W. Kennedy 3 ; Ham, I blikii---J. Kennedy ; Rani hus;yutt—J. McCrostie 1, W« Kennedy 2 and 3 ; Twu Ham lionets—J. McCrostie 1, W. Kenuedy 2 ; Ewe, une shear or over, with lan.b at fo t— J. McCrostie 1 rri'd oh., W. Kennedy 2 and 3; J. McCrostie 1 and 3, A. Allison 2 ; Pen .<f two Ewe Hog!* ts J. McCros'iel, A. Allison 2, W. Kennedy 3. Romney Marsh.—Han,, 2 chear aiid over—R. H. Lisselt ; Ram, one shear—A W. Rbdgeie, juti., 1 itndeb., 0. Garlner 3; Ram Hoggetl— 0. Gaidnei 1, A. W. Rodger, jur. 2, R. H. Bk-sctt 3 : Eajp, one shear and over, with lamb at foot—--1 Gardner 1 oh. and 3, A. W. Rodger, jnr. 2 ; Ewe H ggei —0. Gardner i and 3 D. Cameron 2 ; Pen of two PJwe Hoiigsts —C. Gardner 1 and 2, D. Cmieiun 3. Lincoln. —Rum, one shear and upwards —J. B. Sutton 1, ch. an i 3 ; Rmi Hogget—J. B. Sult(>n 1,2, and 3; Ewe with Lnib at fool, one chearand upwards—J. 13. Sutton land ch , 2 and 3 ; Ewe Hug<>et—J. B. Sutton 1,2, nn.l 3. English Leicester. —Ewe, one shear and upwards, with lamb at f ot—J. B. Fnide 1 and 2, J. McCrostie 3 ; Ewe Hogget—- ,.. B. Foide 1.

Shropsh ires—Ram one shear aui up wards, C Gardner 1 and ch. ; ewe, lamb at foot, C Gardner 1 an I ch. : ewe h<><r«et 0 Gardner, 1,2 and 3. Crossbred—-Pen 3 crossbred ewes with lambs, S James 1, C Girdrior 2, E Clent 3 ; pen 5 ewe hocrgets, J E*un 1, C Garner 2, J McF*rlane 3 ; pen 5 wether hoggets, E Pendergast 1, W Kennedy 2, Jhs Ryan 3 ; pen 6 fat shorn wethers, W Kennedy 1 and 2 ; pen fat lambs, Jno. Lindsay 1, S James 2, C Gardner 3 ; pen wether hoggets shorn, J Ewan 1, S James 2, W Kennedy 3 ; Pen 10 fat hoggets ewes or wethers), shorn, most suitable for freezing, S James 1, 0 Gardner 2 & 3. DRAUGHT HORSES

Horse, f OUr years fln d ov»r,_ Eorde & Boole 1 and ch., J T T i s . *Me 2, J. u. Sutton 3. Entire Colt, three years.-Flannagan & Burk e H A Chrystal 2. Entire Colt, two jeiirs.-W-alter Blakdo I, R. and A. AH. Officer 3. Entire Colt, one year' -ft. and A. Officer 1, Jaa. Fittdlay 2 •>m. Stormouth,

Sin* (Produce Stakes r-Entir e Colt one year, sirc 8 _ by any .ontiro horse' entered lor above stakes.—R. and A. Officer 1, J as. Eindlay 2, Wm. fStorrnouth 3. Brood mare in foal or with foal,at loot.—R. Kennedy I, C. Gardner 2, J no. Ewan 3. ,Yeld Mare, four years and upwards.—i\V\ Gray aa d Sonfe I, A. Hall 2, J. Ewan 3. Übree year-old draught filly—Jno. Bw an 1, and oh., J R McDougall 2, A. Ball 3. Two, year-old filly—R. Kennedy 1, W. Blakie 2, R. and A. Officer 3. One year-old iilly—i^V r . .Blakie 1, R. Kennedy 2, W-; IGray and Souk 3. Sires Produce Stakes.—Filly 1 year old, sired by any entire horse entered for the above stakes.—W. Gray and Sons I, J. R. McDougall 2, Mrs C. M. Mcßae 3. Mare and two of her progeny—Jno. Ewan I, Group of 3 nrajfes or fillies—Jno. Ewan 1) R- Ken] ne:ly 2. Geldings, Etc.—Draught Gelding any age— D. Clark 1, VV. Stbrmd'itu 2, D. Clark 3. Pair ol Geldings, three years and upwards—D. Clark I. Pair Mares, throe years and upwards—Jno. Ewan I, It. Kennedy 2.' Best three-horse working .team, mares or geldings,—',J. Carrick 1, Henry Rubber 2. Thoroughbreds.—Entire threo years and upwards—C. Coombes land ch., J. P. Boyle 2. Entire two years— G.

11. Spriggs I, R. MoNay 2. Mire 3 years and upwards—R. McNay I and eh., Wm. Ktonnedy 2, iA. Galley 3. Fil ly,.twp yoars-iJas. Ryan I, J as. la* 2 « Hackney-Best Stallion for bneedmg carriage 'horses and weight-carrying hacks.-C. 1, D. Clark 2, D. R. Jones and .Co. 3. Weight carrying hack, maro or gelding, up to hiteen stone.-R. H. Bisset I, Jno. Oarriok 2, Hack, mare or gcldiug, upio *hirteen stone-R. H. Msßet I, J: B. Thomson 2, D. J, Qitoour 3< I-f * flack or Gelding up to eleven Jfcgß-r; J A. Wilson 1, Wm. Cartwright 9, W Kenedy 3. Horse, mare «jjg* bwt adapted for mounted up to fifteen stone fifteen hands t*o aLd uncter-R. B, Bwsett 1, J.B. Thomson 2, QWkr-W. Walker 1, W- K fT%, * ! v Beags 3. Rest Lady rider <-&*? B& Itee,. *«« hands and undeW*- *■** Beggs 2, G. F. B»3. * ' bands and under-P. hniwa •> -Wm. Kennedy 3. Tony, J-/ house ~, «»"v ~_ w T- prenderBiart 1, JB- Thomson 2,1> m „„r 3. light H..W »"°_° "" criven lut'he rau L . turn-out, \o^-^e^ndh^s s) for r , al Hamilton 1, OgAoand Thomson 2, Jno n-J***; Harness, *L,2 and ui*ler-Wm. to nedy l", iP. Fancy 2. Harness Pony 1* hands and under-P. Fahey I -R 9J«g house 2, Miss C. E. Thomson 3.. Pair Worsoß-R. H. Bisset I, Gilmour and Griflin 3, Tandem + U H Bisset 1, Gilnour and .taunt . • d Lhidsay 3 Thomson **> *wu»**» , ._ w t Jumping horses. Best J. cS 1" V 2, and 8. taping horae, over high Jump-V-P. Begg 2. ai , c ~J. Dick--pfiors—Berkshire, any v.*B° ' , • 1 E Chilton 2 and B.Bertetow son 1, L- Vr» l ™ . sojw, any age, m ff; ° r ™ llfl 18. Chilian 1, G, Chilton Jor yarded o, .itch worlds only-J. W, .1 it. Brown 2, -J- JNon-ue JCollie Tog or Bitch, wo|kers•« nl> j. McCrostie 1, J. B. Purdue 2, tt, kiyle 3.

DAIRY PRODUCE: Home-made chersc—Mrs Henry I and. 2, Sirs J no. Ijiudsay 3. Fac lory-made checse-Olontau Dairy Factory I, 2, and 3. Fresh non-separator butter, —Miss Murehison 1, Mrs M. Spilkaa 2, Mrs Jno. Lind&ay 3, Fresh

butter, hand separator—Mr» M. Spillane I, Mrs J. Lindsay 2, Mrs D. L. Stalker 3. Powdered butter—Miaa Murdhison 1, Mr 3 Jno. Lindsay 2, D. L. Stalker 3. Salt butter, iQ O t less than Bvio p o un|dß in jars—Mrs M. Boyhj 1, Mrs Jno. Lindsay 2, Mrs M. Spillario 3. Best fancy butter—Mrs J. N. Brown 1 and 2, Mr» Lindsay 3. Berft home loaf—Mrs D. D. McDom a ld 1, Miss M. Doyle 2, Mr* J, Powoll 3. Bei't baktr's white loaf—A. J. Dickson, 1, T. A. Chilton 2, J. Diokson 3. Bastf baler's brown lojat, T. A. Chilton 1, and 2, J. Dickson 3. Best Oat CakeMrs Jno. lindsay 1 and 2, Mr* J. Pihdlay 3. Best made girdle scopes.— Mrs Jno, Lindsay 1 and 2, Misa Kav-anag-h 3. Be»t Oven Scones—Mrs Jlno. Lindsay 1 and 2, Mrs I). D. McDonald} 3. Best tray of altemoon tea cakosl—six v-arictieli only—Mrs Jno. Lindsay. H.ea\iest Dozen Hen l Eggs—Bat 'Fahey 1, Jno. Lindsay 2, Miss Mira James 3. Roll of bacon—Mrs W. Walker 1, Jno. Fisher 2 and 3. Roll of bacon (farm cured)—Lindsay and Co. 1 and 2, (Gardiner and Thomson 3. Ham—ll. Bazlott 1, Tjind»ay and Co. 2. Ham, farm cured—R. Bazlott I, :Mrs Jno. Lindsay 2, Mrs Wm, Walker 3.

SPECIAL PRIZES Most Joints in stock classe*—C. Gardner, 45 points. Other exhibitors gaming over twenty points W'ere W. —enntdy 34 ; It. H. Bissott,26, J. B. Sutton 25 and J. McCrostie 23. 'Most points in sheep—C. Cardner, 42 points< Most poista in draught horseß—Jno. I 4 points. Runner up—R. Kennedy 12 Points. Most points in light horses—R. H. Biss'ctn, 23 points. Most poir.lts in Dairy Produce—Mr» Jno. Lindsay, 25 p,o,nts. Lady gaining mo'at points in dairy produce section—Mrs Jno. Lindsay. •Most points ia butter—Mrs J. Lindsay., eight points. Stallion whose produce gains mlost points in the aire's produce etokj>» rRoyal Derby, seven points.

. 1908 1909 Draught Horses 102 83 Ligut Horses 110 112 Cattle 30 51 bueop no 144 Pigs 4 6 Bogs 14 12 Hairy Produce 133 125 503 533

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Western Star, 19 November 1909, Page 3

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WALLACE A. & P. ASSOCIATION. Western Star, 19 November 1909, Page 3

WALLACE A. & P. ASSOCIATION. Western Star, 19 November 1909, Page 3