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Meeting to re-inaugur»te the miniature Rifle Club at 7.30 to-night. Tbo Danuovirke County Council has decided to make a monthly donation of £2O to the war relief funds. The Dannevirke County Council has approved of the principle of taxing motorcars.

Recruits were trebled at Christchurch on Friday, following upon receipt of the news from Turkey.

The Alayor acknowledges 5/- from Airs E. Martin and 10/- from “ A Friend” for the Belgian Fund. Twenty-two Singapore mutineers wore court-martialled and shot and 23 were transported. Wo have to acknowledge from the Government Printers, the last number of the New Zealand Gazette. Alessrs E. A. Neely, J. C. McLean and S. Thomas of Woodville, have enrolled, and leave for Trentham on the 28th inst. We feel sure our readers will be glad to know that Mr John Grant is enjoying his holiday rest in Napier and his health has materially bonefitted by the change. W 7 o are insetting in to-day,s issue tho balance sheet of tho Woodville Borough Council. It is a very instructive statemeat of the borough finances and we commend it to the per’ s i of our readers. Last evening the sec. it Lain fioni Palinersten run into an engine shunting by the water tank. Tho driver of the Palmerston train received a cut knee and the passengers a nasty fright. Both engines wei-o slightly damaged and tho train was lelayed about two hours.

The Manawatu Patriotic Committee hold j, meeting last evening to consider stops to be taken re recruiting. It was arranged to call for a public demonstration next Wednesday and to hold a public .meeting to-morrow night in the square. The picture programme for to-morrow night is an interesting one. The star film is “The Reader of Alinds ” a Tlianhanser drama of 2000 ft. There are two other good dramas and several comedies. Tho topical budget is full of exciting war items.

Full range of Football jerseys, pants, hose, etc,, now in stock lor the coming .season at W. Galbraith and Co’s. *

Colonel Alaude, tho well-known military writer, declares in tho London Evening standard that the Australians’ and New Zealanders’ exceedingly brilliant conduct in the Dardanelles will jjrobably exercise u, great influence on the Gorina a General Stall, who had formed a very low estimate of their fighting value.' Now that the Canadians and Australasians have shown their capabilities the Germans will at last j 01111 u serious conception of what the British Empire in arms means. Form the good habit of inhaling

••NAZOL” and you’l! keep free from coughs and colds tills winter. Eighteen pence buys sixty doses.

As a sequel to the lift accident which (•Mjsecl the death of Miss Margery Dewes on March 26, the National Bank of New zlealand, as owners of Hobson Buildings, were charged at Auckland Court yesterday that they left the lift in charge of a person under 18 years of age, viz., a boy of 16 years and 10 months. Defendants pleaded guilty. The Alagistrate was of opinion that the bank was in an unfortunate position. He thought Turnbull and Jones, the firm of contractors for .maintaining the lift, were more responshnc\- hot it was explained that they could not be brought within the Act. The Magistrate imposed the minimum fine of £$ and costs, as the bank knew nothing of the matter except SO far as the Act made the owners technically responsible.

DANGER OF CROUP. The great danger in croup is the formation of a thick mucus in the vo'ce box and until this ja expelled, the spasmodic choking continues. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given in frequent doses will loosen this membrane and cause the child to expel it by vomiting. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is absolutely safe and certain fur croup and if given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after thecroupy cough will j p; event the attack. Sold by E. H. Leigh. '

The two Germans who escaped from Soames Island were recaptured on Wednesday afternoon at Orongorongo by a party of military police. The Order-ir.-Council was issued under section 47 of the Customs Act, as extended by section 24 of the Regulation of Trade and Commerce Act. In our list of bids for the Belgian Flag that of Mr S. Turnbull for illls was over looked.

Ivan Allan, Messenger at the Post Office had the misfortune to break lbs collar bone on Wednesday through colliding with another cyclist. A large map of the Dardanelles, the sea of Marmora, and the Bosphorus will be posted to any address for Bd. Apply at The Examiner Office.

Connie Little of Kumerou met with an accident at school on Wednesday morning, While playing hockey she trod on a piece of glass, which cut through hei boot and inflicted a nasty wound in her foot. The teachersadministered first aid and she is progressing lavorably. Mi’s Horne acknowledges the receipt of the following sox: ---3 pairs from Mrs John Bowman, 2 pairs handknitted from Airs W. Martin. Balaclavas, 5 from Airs Essen, 0 from Airs Haigh and 100 handkerchiefs from Airs Balfour-Kinncar. Lieut. AYIII. Aloorhouse. who died heroically during the recent bombardment of Courtrai, w7is the eldest son of Air Ed. Aloorhouso, and was an hei" to Urn Rhodes estate in Wellington. Ho was second in the English Aerial Derby and had a commission in the flying corps.

A residence at Kiritaki owned by Airs Clausen, of Whangarei, ami occupied by Mr Sexton, a dairy fanner, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday, along with the contents. Air and Airs Sexton were in the cowshed milking, having loft children alone in the house. On their return, they found the house in flames, but were able to rescue the little ones before any harm befel them.

A transport which returned from Egypt brought 113 men of all ranks under Sharp from tbo Alain Expeditionary Force. Tho party comprised (3!» rank and tile and two olticers invalided, four prisoners to complete sentences, one oflicer, and 21 mon classed as “undesirables.” The names of the returned men will not bo available until the authorities have had time to verify tho lis.s.

In our report of tho Pspatawa Social an unfortunate error crept in. limitations were given by tho Misses < L >. Id .-Leary and C. Baker not Messrs as stated. Much credit is due to Mcsdames O.Neil. McLeary, Prydo and Curry for the capable way they managed tho refreshments.

In the public interest an Ordcr-in-Coun-ci! has been issued prohibiting the export of butter from the Dominion to any destination save with the consent oi the Alinister for Customs, such consent to be granted only on the making by the exporter, or by a responsible agent, servant, or representative of the exporter, of a statutory declaration as to the ultimate destination of the consignment so to be exported.

Why pay dearly fur Baking Powder when 'SHARLAN DS —the best that can ho produced- costs less than others - Ask your grocer.

A shearer who had come down to Sydney from the country in order to enlist, was “ turned down” by the doctor because he was flat-footed, the medical inspector stating that a man with flat feet could not carry a pack ot 35 lbs. for a distance of 15 miles. The shearer replied to this by stating that he had often carried a 6olb swag 40 and 50 miles a day in following his occupation.

For Chronic Ghost Complaints, Woods’ Peppri-mint Caro, 1/5, 2/0. The danger of stock wandering on the roads was exemplified on Monday' evening. Mr L. H. Joyes, of Pahiatua, accompanied by Mr A. Paget, was returning from Woodville on his motor cycle, and in order to avoid a collision with a horse on the road at MangaUiinoka, the party came to grief. Mr joyes sustained rather severe injuries to the right knee, but Mr Paget escaped unhurt. The wonder is that both escaped so luckily.—(Pahiatua Herald)

The Woodvillo frioiids of Air C. Oulsnam will be pleased to know that ho has made a marvellous recovery in the Napier Hospital. Ho will bo well enough to leave the institution this week. Chatting with an Exajxinek representative on Tuesday, Mr Oulsnam said there was nu justification for the complaint about the food that had appeared in a Napier paper. He, for one, was quite satisfied with the quality and abuubance supplied him,gaud attention of the doctor and nurses could not have been hotter.

Nip that cold in the bud by treating it instantly with “NaZOL.” Taken on sugar or inhaled, “NAZOL” never fails. (50 doses cost 1/6. Some months ago people in the co intry districts of Hawke’s Bay were preying for rain. The hills and plains were in a frightfully parched condition and stock had to be taken to pastures new. It was indeed an anxious time tor farmers, who were forced to sell their slock tor a mere pittance. Then their he.iris were gladdened by a spell ot rain, and in a few days the grass began to shoot up everywhere. The barren hills more assumed their green hue and a plenteous supply ot winter pasture was available. The country round Havelock, Fernhill, Taradale and Petane is now in excellent condition and affords splendid grazing for thousands ot head ot car tie and sheep.

HEADACHES. ALiny women habitually suitor from headaches whh-h make lifts a daily purgatory. Frequently they are caused by indigestion audio relieve them permanently you must remove the cause. For indigestion, biliousness, constipation, disorders of the slotiiiicli and liver there is nothing better- than Cham) erhiin’s Tablets. No headache can exist when Chamberlain’s Tablets are taken. Sold by E. It. Leigh.

A gentleman at present in Hamilton has received an interesting letter from aj nephew', who is a middy on board the' Queen Elizabeth, giving details of that* vessel’s departure from Portsmouth for, the Dardanelles. The writer states (says the Auckland Star) that the greatest secrecy was observed as to the new guns on their vessel, and care was taker, to mislead German spies. At the time of the vessel leaving Portsmouth It was thought that Portsmouth was surrounded by a flotilla of German submarines, therefore every precaution was taken to secure the safety of the Queen Elizabeth. In the darkness she slipped out’ surrounded by 50 vessels, filled with German prisoners, and nothing further was heard of her until she reached the Dardanelles.

fu Auckland the other day the sender of ’■rivate telegram giving unfounded war news was wann-d by the magistrate and fined, ip. and costs, T dent.-Colonel If nine, ofliccr commanding (ho district, said (be case was broughl to slop the pre' -'ilont and deplorable practice of circulating incorrect reports of casualties among our troops, and Mr Fraser, S.M., remarked in this case an old lady was evidently rc-pe-dlng street rumours in good taitb. She probably did not know this is contrary to the" war regulations. .Perhaps tlm case will boa warning to those circulating such rumours ifor the maximum lino for this of c ice is A o.’)

■!•/;.! buys a great , big English Moloton blanket 05 inches wide and 85 inches long (full double bed size) and sent post free. .Splendid (o use in place of sheets and aluio.5 1 - as cheap. 1 hey (eel warm when yon get into bed. Scud cash with order. 'Money refunded in full if you desire it for any reason. Collinson and Cunniugh 11110, Palmerston North. *♦*

There must be something wrong somcwheic says a practical teacher, when we are told by tbo Headmaster of the Pahiatna High School i hat children will l ave nono of the rural course, that (hey dislike the work and hate cows. This seems to be the experience of more than <no rural school, and leads to (be convict ion, proved by (ho exodus from (lie village (o the town'in England, that town pursuits appeal to country children and it is from the population of the city dial our I'ucuro farmers come. Wdl this is not

surprising, but it is pertinent to wonder in that case why the rural schools are not established in urban and suburban areas where most boys want to be farmers, and the country schools arc not given that appeals to them. \et it is a pity I Perhaps the teachers are a little in fault ! One wonders if town bred teachers, with all the enthusiasm in the world, can instil anything but a. mild feeling of superiority in tbo mind of a practical coimd'y boy.' Wo have seen it glimmering in the eves of primer children when a blight and quite intellectual pupil teacher from (he city is proclaiming her lack of perception as to the difference say, bet ween a Jersey and a Hereford cow.

CRAMPS AND CuLIC. Take a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy at the first sign of cramp or colic and a (lire Honed attack may bo warded oil. Hundreds ot people who are attacked with camps and colic use Chamberlains’ Cobc and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never fails to give relict. Sold by E. It. Leigh. STOP CHILDREN COUP MI,VO.

Ftoji the children coughing by giving (diem Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. A cough racks and weakens the out ire system and quickly leads to serious bronchial trouble. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts quickly in giving relief from coughs, colds or bronchial troubles. It is easy to take and tastes good, and is sa‘o for children for it contains 110 narcotics of any description. Fold by E. IT. Leigh.

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Woodville Examiner, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4627, 7 May 1915, Page 2

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Untitled Woodville Examiner, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4627, 7 May 1915, Page 2

Untitled Woodville Examiner, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4627, 7 May 1915, Page 2