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Local and General.

A good general servant is wanted at the Bank;

Tenders for the alterations at London House will not close until Tuesday. Tenders are invited' for the formation of a stock truck on Heuly s Road.

The annual balauce-sln et for the Borough appears on our fourth, page today. Muss will be celebrated at, St Gulumbkille’s Ghuich at hail-past eleven On Sunday. Attention is drawn to Messrs Turvey & Offwood’s replace advertisement.

Mr Edgar Harding has been appointed local agent for the celebrated Raleigh bicycles.

Captain Edwin telegraphed to-day Strong winds to gale from between north and west and south-west; glass fall.

Mr H. S. Fitzherbert has been appointed Crown Prosecutor at Palmerston North.

The Kaiser’s inspection of the United States warship Kearsage is considered a great breach of naval etiquette and the Americans regard it as suspicious.

An escape of gas in a bedroom at Woolloomooloo suffocated a woman named Taylor. A second woman was rescued in a critical condition.

We congratulate the proprietary of the Egmont Post on the conversion of that excellent journal into a daily. The paper will in future be known as the Stratford Daily Post. We regret to hear that Mr Sowry was seized with a very bad turn last evening at the close of the Council meeting. On enquiry this morning we learn ho is slightly better. The football match Dannevirke sub-union versus Hawke’s Bay, played at Napier on Wednesday, resulted m a win for Hawke’s Bay by 28 to 6. There is a probability of Miss Beatrice Yartha, the celebrated pianist, with her concert company, coming to Woodville on the 15th inst.

The Rev. Mr Wilson, of Dannevirke will conduct Evangelistic Services in the Methodist Church from Monday to Friday next.

Bulgaria is placing 3000 additional guards on the frontier owing to increased agitation in the Principality, the result of continjßopersecution of the Macedonians, r

The Judge of the Circuit Court of Newark, New Jersey, has declared the United Shipbuilding Company insolvent. The directors failed to take the proper steps to protect the bondholders. An official receiver has been appointed. Mr Justice Byrne declined to sanction the Allsop Brewery Company’s proposal for the reduction of capital on the ground that the scheme as it stood was prejudicial to preferred ordinary shareholders.

Mr J. Cameron in a business announcement in another column desires it to be known that he is prepared to execute orders for parties, dances and picnics, and has always a large stock of small goods and confectionery in hand. Refreshments rooms have been fitted up at the shop. There were a couple of loafers in town yesterday soliciting from passers-by the nimble “tbrummer.” “just to make up enough to take us to Napier." as they stated pitifully. Four of these threepences constituted the price of two drinks which was all they were working for. Needless to say they did not ,get drunk. The King’s Bench quashed the judgment against the Sportsman newspaper for publishing bookmakers’ adyerlisements from Holland. Counsel for the Sportsman contended that the Legislature only prohibited advertisements in reference to horses kept for the purpose of betting.

Madame Melba hes been commanded to sing at Buckingham Palace during President Loubei’s visit; also at a gala and operatic performance. There is an unprecedented influx of French visitors to London. The French are delighted at King Edward’s remarking to Bonnat the artist: "We will give President Loubet a reception such as has never before been given to a Chief of State.’’ The Senate of the Chamber of Deputies has unanimously voted £24,OCD in connection with PresidentLoubet’s visit'to London. The King and Queen of Italy have arrived in Prance. Brown, a New 'Orleans speculator, backed in New York London, Liverpool and Antwerp, is organising a corner in States cotton. The Standard’s New York correspondent states that the trust will practically control the entire cotton supply. The cotton mills in New England are closing, and half a million spindles will be idle. The Rhode Island and Lancashire mills are stopping on Saturdays and Mondays. Some of the Oldham, Rochdale, Burnley and Bolton mills have closed. The Liverpool and Manchester mills are doing a minimum amount of business At a largely attended meeting of parents in the Woodlands Road Side School on Wednesday evening, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : —" That a delegate be again sent down to Napier to urge upon the Education Board at its next meeting the claims of the district to be made a separate school district.’’ There are now a considerable number of youths in the Upper Woodlands road, whose education beyond the Fourth Standard is in complete, inasmuch as it is impossible for them to journey from four to five miles to the Woodville School. One papent assured us that two years ago he deliberately kept one of his gipls, who was in the Fourth Standard away from the examination in order that she might haye the benefit of another year at the Woodlands Road School.

Mr H. M. McNeil, surgeon dentist, will bein Woodville every Thursday, and may be consulted at Mr A. E. Hugh’s.

The death is announced of the wellknown bandmaster, Dan Godfrey,

Mr W. Martin and Mr J. McCormick have both disposed of their properties on Pit fold Bead. The most valuable feathers are those of the mirbsal; ii bird of Argentina. They are worth about £‘i2o a pound. Two hundred Catholics at Strasburg, er raged at the Socialist victory, attacked the Jewish shops and stoned the Jews; and Protestants. The military suppressed the disorder. The Australian graduates of Trinity College, Dublin, are trying to obtain the Doctorship of Laws for the Hon. Mr Irvine, Premier of Victoria, in recognition of his services in connection with the late railway strike. Petitions in favour of t,ho tolalisator continue to pour’into Parliament, and from what has been gathered as to the opinions of members the machine is safe for this session.

An explosion fired the lAn'on Pacific mine at Hanna, Wyoming. One. hundred and seventy five workmen were killed. Twenty-five bodies have been recovered, most of them being mutilated, Some of those in the mine were rescued alive, despite the smoke.

An indignation mob at Hastings (Eng.) with yells and missiles, prevented a London auctioneer from selling the furniture and belongings of a man who resisted payment of the tax under the new Education Act. The auctioneer fled through a back window, the police protecting him. The train from Billao to Barcelona (Spain), was derailed while crossing Nalvo bridge, and fell into the Majerilla River,-30 feet below. 110 were killed and 100 injured. The engine and 20 ears fell. A number were drowned like rats. The injured were hours among the wreckage before adequate help arrived. Several went insane.

The grand jury at Montgomery, in Alabama, found’ nine indictments of negro slavery. Slavery against planters is alleged. Negroes are fined for ficticious offences and planters pay the fines, taking the negroes into slavery. Whippings are frequent and some result fatally. Deserters were some times chased by hounds. Messrs Abraham & Williams have decided to hold their special sale of dairy stock at their Woodville yards on Monday 27th July. We understand they have already a large entry, including unreserved clearing lines of milking cows. The firm also hold clearing sales of Mr James Morgan’s cows on 12th August and Mr A. Barnett’s on 19th August. Full ■ particulars of all the above sales will appear in future isses. ■ “ The public may be reminded that instances of sly grog selling by or with the connivance of policemen, assaults upon civilians of a most aggravated character by' policemen, co-operation with spielers by policemen, and a system among policemen of giving information to persons to whom an unexpected visit of the officers of the force would bo unwelcome, have been recorded and alleged during Mr Tunbridge’s term of office.”— Napier Telegraph. A despatch received from Colonel Rochefort, the chief British officer accompanying the Abyssinian column, dated 6th June, shows that the Abyssinians, before the Mullah’s flight northward, surprised his Baggari Horse and spearmen at dawn on 81st at Jeyd near Bur. After a slight resistance the enemy’s mounteds fled. The Mullah’s uncle and 1000 camels were captured The Ahyssinians’ presence prevented the Mullah from obtaining water south of the Gerlogubi Galadi line- Colonel Rochefort, writing on the 14th June, states that the Abyssinians, owing to insufficiency ol water, are unable to reach Gerlogubi. Grain requirements necessitated them going to the Shebele district. A special meeting of the Woodvi'le Borough Council was held last evening, when the Mayor and all the Councillors with the exception of Cr Stace were present. An apology was received from Cr Stace. The business w'as mostly of a formal nature - It was decided to call applications for the position of s-xton, to be in next week. A vote of thanks was accorded Cr Redwood for the action he had taken in connection with cemetery affairs. A proposal to subsidise the proposed technical classes was defeated. It was decided to apply to Mr Carnegie for a grant towards the public library. The Mayor and Crs Motley and Nicholas were appointed a committee to deal with the matter. Before the meeting closed an irregular discussion took place on cemetery affairs, and it was decided that in future the Cemetery Managers should have the sole control of the work done these.

Scalds are always painful and frequently quite serious, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a liniment especially suited for such injuries. One application gives relief. Try it. D. B. Harris sells it.

What happened to Jones ? who knows Perhaps ’twas a cold in his nose, Or maybe a cough, which he conld’nt

shake off, And denied him the joy of repose ; Quite likely he both did endure, Which him to his room did immure, Till a friend said one day, Drive your chills all away With— ' Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. 9

Nothing succeeds like success, and successful trailing enables C. Sandford & Co. to offer 25 Ladies’ Maes, 45s quality for 355, and the 25s for J9s fid. All new up to date styles, and reliable makes. They are also reumiing in cash 4s in the £to all purchasers of gents’ macintosh coats, Staudaid makes and at all prices. If a client of the Ocean is killed by accident it will pay his representative? £IOO ; if he loses two limbs, or both eyes, or an eye and a limb, it pay him £100; if he loses one limb or one eye it tyill pay him £SO; if he is laid up by an accident it will pay him 10s a week for 30 weeks, all for fourteen and six a year or less. Larger amounts in proportion Rowe Fennel, Agent. ISOjyJ

'Gone!! Vanquished!! Absolutely cured I! The old man’s cough is gone. For years he was troubled with asthma; now he is quite cured; Bock’s Balsam has cured ! It has cured others ! Has cured thousands I Bock’s Balsam cures Bronchitis in all its stages—old standing coughs, ordinary colds, heals cuts, cracked hands, etc. Bock’s Balm is tree from narcotics; relieves everybody; many a blighted life made happy by it. Prices Is fid. Obtainable locally from Mqntedh Bros., and A, E. Hugh,—Advt, 31b

For Influenza and Cold in the Hoad take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure Is 6d and ‘2s Od,

By an announcement elsewhere it will be seen that Miss Mills (late of Kb kcaldie A Stains) has arrived, and is now in charge of the dressmaking rooms at Messrs D. G. McKibbin & Go's. tier, reputation is such that the firm has every confidence in recommending her to their customers. —Advc. The ' Creates r Danoer from colds and influenza is their tendency to result in pneumonia. It reasonable care is used and Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy taken, all danger will he avoirled. It will cure a cold or an attack of influenza in less time than any other treatment. It always cures and cures quickly. L.B. Harris sells it.

Elsewhere Messrs D. G. McKibbin & Co announce that having purchased a leading manufacturer’s sample clothing at a discount of 4s in the .£, they are offering their entire stock of men’s, youth’s, boy’s, and ladies’ macintoshes at the same discount, viz., 4s in the £ sterling. This we need hardly say is a unique opportunity which will no doubt be largely taken advantage of. If toothache gives you cruel pain, Be thankful it is not a sprain ; From toothache we assure you Bock’s Herb Extract will cure you. The above is free from acids, being a purely herbal compound, gives instant relief, without injuring the teeth, anp proves permanent in most cases. Bock's Herb Extract. Price Is. May be obtained locally from Monteith Bros, and A. E. Hugh.

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Woodville Examiner, Volume XXI, Issue 3573, 3 July 1903, Page 2

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Local and General. Woodville Examiner, Volume XXI, Issue 3573, 3 July 1903, Page 2

Local and General. Woodville Examiner, Volume XXI, Issue 3573, 3 July 1903, Page 2