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0\ iAttWtmeonn NOTICE. r ¥"* FI F, Uiidcrsi^npd is very desirous to find a a h<>me for each of his two boyi. used l! 2 and 10 respectively, where th-y will be kindly heated ai d Ifnrrit sum« trade. IN. P. — A l'i'eminni will be sr'vpn if reqiiimd. .W.'O F. Mf)i:])Y. " Independeni OSiice. July 14:.. If GO. ~ IT €% il Cemwisßa: int., T^e«" Zi'HlsnJ, i Wellinjjton. 20ih .Inly, IRSO. j npFTCDEHS in dnplica'e. will bs received inril 1 noon of WediiFsdny. .^rh .Anru«t, from persons wiilinir to contract for fH-ni-hin? thp uii'lcr- j nicjuioi eil articV, to l e ilelivcri'd to the Ceminissaiia' a; Tarnnnki within a reasonable period afier the acceptance of Tender. 15 Tierces of Now Zealand Cured Salt Beef. The Meat to he of the beat cutiMty that csn '^c <:blainfil. Pflclted in casl;s. with tha qnnniiiy elea< - ly • lit upon the head of esch 'I hi 1 Contractr-'- io pive n. Wurravtry to the eflVet flmt the vent bhall !icpi> trond hix months nfter dclivciy nt Tnianalsi, nr.d su'jcot to tlie auproval or n-jection of a Honrd of Officers, nt any time (Hiring the poiiod of \Vnrr:ii!try. The Controller of AAi r T!xpfndi ( tnre willinsr to ! »lye a trial of Cu"cd Beef from this Port, will receive the nieve quantity as a sample of quality. «nd iijion it will (k't)pnd v.hether ho will draw further snppl'er. or not, from \Vfllina;ton Information a<? to what Tender lias been accepted wi'l be given iinnicdint' ly. nml thn Bond mnst tht>n be cenip'eled wit!) two snri'ties for one third or the ostitrnteil fun<mnt of supply. Fo'ina of Tender, and any further information tli h t may be required, be afforded at this Office. Payment will be made bore. Tt will bs neee9sar> for the Cn'itrco'or to appninl an fluent »i Taranaki, in the event of any dispute arising. A. F. ADAMS, A. C O. CommissaWat. New Zealand. Wellington, UOih July, IF6O. FORAGE. SEALF.D TENDERS in duplicate will bo received hy the undersigned at this Office until noon of WmsESDAY, the Hth of August next, fiom persons willing to contract, for Rtipplying Fora«e for Military service at Wellintrtop. From Ist Septembf-r, l«0n, to 31st March. l«fil. The price to be ettt'ed at. per raiiin, the ration to eons-ist of: — 8 lbs. Maize or Oats 4 lbs. Bran 12 lbs. Hay 4 lbs. "Vfhcatcn or Oaten Straw The terms pnd conditions' of the contract will bo the jams ns those published in the " Wellington Independent " nrw?papcr of iho 2Mrd Dcc?nibcr, IS^O, l:en'Jpd "AniMial Contracts." Any further informKiion that may be rpqoired, with Foini^ of TfnJer will be supplied on application at this Office. A. F. ADAMS, a. c. a. PICKLRS, SAUCES, JAMS, &c, FREE FROM ADULTERATION. 'T^IIE great Medicnl .lonrnal, the " London .)• Lancet, '' on the 4th February, 1554, dp.clnrcd tlio snniplc-8 of Vessrs Crosse & Rlaekwood wore eniiivly Fn^n yßou cop?Eir, and this statement. was» afieiwurds fully confirmed hy the Ana'yticnl Chemisf, Dr. IT assail, in his work onFcod and its Adulterat'on. CROSSK & BLACK WELL, of Snho Square. liOiidon. who hnve fur many yenrs the hi»h honor of supp'yinpr Heu Majesty's tahle. with their Manufactures, wifili tn en.ll the attention of consumers to the erreat supmioii'y of their Pieldes. Sauces, .lams, Tart Fruits, Petted Meats, and other table delicacies, th? whole of which are prepared with that strict tifention to quality nnd purity, for which they hnve been & lo'iq- celebrated. Their Sutlers are universally admitted to be the best exported, and those who have once tnsted them, never return to iuf rior kinds. C. & B. ufe none but the best inpredienia in their various preparations, and although pnrcl a u Prs mny v ,>t be able to obtain them so cheaply ns the c; shipped hy other Manufacturers, the superiority of quality will be found to more than compensate f>r any increase of coat. To buy a chenp article because it is cheap is mere'y to throw money away. C. & B.s Oranpre Marmalade, cannot be equalled, it is mndein £i'ver Puns, ei-tii-pl? from the Seville Orange; their Mushroom Catsup also is the very best that can be obtained from the famed Leicestershire Mushrooms. The above, and all other articles of Cnosna & Bi.ACK'.VELt'a manufacture, may be procured of Storekeepers in Wellington, and throughout Now Zealand T O V\]BT, T C ANS, AND THE TUBLIC IN GENERAL. ■ r I" 1 HE Undersigned having recommenced bunifl ness in the Ginger Beer and Cordial line, I hopes by strict attention to business, combined with really good articlps to merit ?i f;hare of public patronage. All orders punctually attended to. THOMAS COOPER. I Corner of Pipitea and Murphy Street. Thorndon Flat. July 33, 18fl0. TO BE LET, I DWFI.T.ING HOUSE with Shop Front, / \ situnte on Lamhton Qimy, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall. For puriieuhu's apply to W. W/VRTNG TAYLOR. 25th Mny, ISOO. KEATING'S PERSIAN INSECT POWD E H . , TTNIUVALLTCD in Fxteiniinating Mosquitors, LJ Flees, Hugs, Flies, Beetles, Cockroaches,, and erery d«scription of Insect infesting Ani nn's, ' and Poultry, protucu Clothes, &c, from Motsis?, ONLY INJUHIOUS TO INSECT LIKE. See thnt the nnme of THOMAS KEATING, 7!) St. Panl's Churchyard, London, is on every Puckett Sold by all Agents for Keating's Cough Lozenges PRIVATE DANCING CLASS FOR JUVENILES. TO PARFNTS AND GUAItDIANS. Mli. LKVVIS be»s respectfully to intimate (hat &hoii'd sußicieiii, inilti'.:etm-nt oifer, he will l>e happy fi open a prha.e Dunciug Class for liiveniii'.s, on the a'teruoons of Tuesda)'s and Saiu.diiys. For terms, and all further particular?, application to bn ma ie t.» tLe Academy, .Molesworih ttVl't. — The pub.i: clhss for .Inveuiles is now eslfthlished. February G, ISOO.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 4