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0 txtb n rt'i% ?. fM E ART UN 7 I ON OV GLASG OW. NOTICE TO SCRfICRinF.Rii. a N As9'-rlßT.ent of TRAVIKS. wMi CLAPS ./^ cnnplete, ha\f jtist been received, and are i vow on Sale at the Stores of Stuaut, Kixross. A Co. J. M. STUART, Hon. Sec. Wellin?toK. SBUi July. I! fiQ. US! 1 nf MANI.'F.ACTTHFS. MACniNEKY, Sea., }'nr !'o)T>c Bin} T'or<-ijjn vpcnirf ments of KKS'RS. CHAR! K<* T). YOUXO & COMPANY Ki.jiiiieers. lnm founders Pniler Makers, s»d Cdinrnrto'S, 19, Great George Sirrpt. Vrvlminsler, London, and al IV rl), FSTFAM F.NfiINES. STATIONARY or Fm'd. m I'o»izo>ital, Benm. Levrr. aiv' Oar.k Ou-rhead prinHp'cs, T-lich Prpsaure or Cordensinp: fiom four to fifty horse Power, siutab'e to all eiretuns ancc". Portable F.npines, with all tre latest improvement p. for Agriculture, Min-'nfT, Purrpin,?. Sowing, nnd every othet fnrpose for wl.icb occftsif>Ußl or temporary power is required, Ircni four to twenty hoitt povrer. MAC'IUNKRY. flour. Pngar, Paper, and Oil Mills ; P.rewer's Plnrt. Qunrtz kpcl On* CJrnshinjr Machines; Puniniup, Miiiinpr. Siiwinsr, l'litiivns», Brirk and Tile wmkin? MflrliiixMy : Wn'or WI-ceN-. Over-shot. Ho viß»i tn\. RiTcst. ond' Under-shot, with shafting, and all ihe i:ec«ssi<ry Gearing, &c. &c. IRON imiDGER, PIERS. WHARVES, &c. Iron BrWfreson the several principles— Suspension, Arch. Girder Lattice, Tubu'ar, and Tension; I>i«rs, with Wroiißht ntid Cast Ti'on Screw Piles md or Suspensi'Mi, Lattice. Girder, and Tulmkr principles ; Whnrvos, on Wronghi nnd Cast Iron Pcrew Piloa, with Wroucht Ir.>n n<-ncin.E[B and with Iron nnd Timber Platforms ; Iron Lighthouses, Beacons, and Mooring Buoys. IRON HOUSES, STORES, ROOFINGS, &c. Iron Dwelling Houses, with plain con Heated Sides and Roofs, Galvanised or Block, or constructed in Cast Iron to the most elaborate desigu? ; Iron Siores; Goofls Sheds; Market Houses; Iron Roofing. Stations, and Wrought aud i ast Iron Girders, &c. &c. RAILWAY FIXED PLANT AND ROLLING STOCK. Turn-Taliles, W«ter Crane, and Tanks, Travfllinjr Tallies and Cranes, fixed Cranes and Crabs, Switches, f pikes. Chairs Signal?, Putent Simultaneous Acting Level Crossing Gates, Fish Joints, &c, &c; Locomotive Engines for Passenger nnd floods Traffic, Railway Carriages. CarriHgo Trucks floods. Waggons, and Stores and 10013 of every description. TOOLS Naylor'a Patent Steam Hammer — V«« ebeapcftt> siinp'fst, and moH, efficient article of its clasa exist inp. Naylor's lUyetting Machine. Verticles, f.a'hes; Planinpr Mnrhincs of various k'nds ; S'wtting. Pnncliing. Serening, and Clipping Machines, Blast Fanners. &c. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, fee. 'Ihri'sbing Machines on vaiioimprinciples ; Wi*;*'owinp, Oat-luuizing, nnd Chaff Cutting Machine* ; Ploughs, II airowj). Grnbhere, ond Clod Crushers : "Wire Fencing, in Iron nnd Woodun Posts, for D^cr, Horspß, Cattle, Sheep, , erected in tiny part of the Three Kingdom ; Iron Fhird'es, Field, Carriage atd F.ntiance Gates. Rabbit Netting, &c. STEAM*B()ILF.RS. Plain, F-g?-end, nnd Cylindr : cnl, with Cornish bthl oilier e'nsses of Fives, VeUicul and Hoiizoutii), Poi table, Marine, and Locomotive. "vTIRE FOR FENCING, TELEGRAPH, &c. PLAIN AND GALVANISED CORRUGATED SHEETS. MISCELLANEOUS. Perfw Pile*, on Mitchnll'a Patent, for Piers. WharvM. lighthouses. Docks. Mooting Huovs, with Chains nnd Screws; Gates, Fencing ai.d Tp'egrnph Poft-'. E\cry desciMption of lon Cnstingit, Wrought Iron Work, and Wire Work for Fyp-rtauon. Orders received, and Drawings and full particulars furnssli<vl Viv the Ur-flersiiried. W. & G. TURNBULL, <fe CO. Agents for Wellington. 36fcli July, 1860. TO ARBIVE AND ON SALE. ONE 12-HORSE POWER Horizontal High Pressure Steam Engine, with Cornish Ixnler, arid all neca^sary niiHintiiiij* complete. Mflimfacnirerl ln r Jlefi3rs. G. I). Young & Co.. of Perth and London. W. & G. TURN3ULL. & CO. 2(sth July, 1860. HOTEL FOR SALK. r |'TIK wsll-rscuMishe'l Fiouflf known «is the 8 "TAUIIK Hh)Nl KA U il OT E L," in the airnntpa. triih twi»<iy acres of Freehold I.nnd »tt:i-hed : the hnuss c-'irain* live rooms, a bar. and k:icheu on the groin 1 t\ >or. and ten bedrooms np«.tai:-H. Trrnis f iln-ral. For particulars iitp'y to Mr. Lipmak Lkvv, 1 iimbton Quay, Wrlii»ig{-m. Ffl.rimry 1. Iftfif). TO BR vSOLD, ri'llK Piece of [.and o:i Lnmbiou Quay, situnte ! between the'B ! 'avern and Mr Moore's premises, and at present occupied by Mpssra. Head and Nattrass. The lnnd measures about 4.0 feet froutnge to Lmnhton Quay TP.ItMS LIBEU.Vr.. Far further particulars apply to A. DX. 13. BRANDOX, K R q., Lhtnbton Qiifty. Mftieh 16, 1660. H. WOUTiDOM. 5 1 1 B sma tt aiiU in ort »♦, yiUAAt *THJEET. July 34, 1800. , notice" A MEETING of the Proprietors of Land in the Hutt Roail D^tnct, No. fi, will be held at the Farrier's Amis, in tilt' Hutt, on Thursday, the 9th August next, at Sev%n o'clock in tlie Evening, for the pi.if.ohe of electing a Board of Wardens, and fixing ;i Ko.ul Rate. JOHN JACKSON, Chairman of the B-mrd of Wai dens Hutt, 6th July, 1 8t5O. . NOTICE. I HEREBY GlVr. N'UICR !h"t if the owners of the Cntte now d ■j):!Sturii;.r n i my Lends, m Rangitikei, do net ivi'.lrii one montij from ihis date pny into my huinln nil ihu ai.fn-fi nf pt j,tu rg* incurred up to that iiuv, 1 f h.i!. pr.» r-, d t'f .Bell so many of the Mii<l Cuttle a*- will op «,it*: iusn X6 eovtr tlie said expt'iisfs. I>UNCA.-. FKA^EU. Xangitikti, July, 6, 1800.

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Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1444, 7 August 1860, Page 4