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The Hires cyclists, Kther, Martin, and Harris have iejuiivnei to Sydney. Their proposal to visit each ,wwn in tho colony was not enthusiastically talcc-o up by New Zealand cyclists, hence this abrupt derariure.

\* On our fourth page will ba found tho last chapter of our eerial story, and the concluding results of yesterday's racing at the Wasganui Meeting.

A. first offender was ennviotod this morniufi for drunkenncis and ordered to come up for sontenco wlion cilled upon

Tho very creditable sum of £21 4s 3d was netted as the result of the sale of work at Fordell in aid of Dr Barnado's Home.

The Hanuwai will make hor aenal afternoon exoursion to-monow, and tho Wairere leaves for Pipiriki on Tuesday at 7 a.m.

On Wednesday noxt the pupils, teachers and friondoof tho Woodville Sohool, to tho number of about 400, are coming into Wanganui, and will be met at Ararooho by the Manusyai and taken for an up-river trip.

We are aaked to draw attontion of Cafltlecliff residents to tho fact that a eorvice will be conducted in the Public Hall to-morrow evening by Mr B. B. Horsloy, commencing at 7 p m. Mr 8. Durham, M.B 0.8., an Inspector unaer the Dairy and stock Acts, is now making a tour of inspection of factories and dairy herds in the Taranski district, travelling southward.

In our report of tho first day's racing we foil into an error in stating that tho late Mr F. Hill was the donor o£ tho two handaomo vases latoly added to the attractions of the lawii. Tho vases were the gift of Mrs Poole.

In connection with tho amalgamated sohool picnic on Tuesday next at Wentoe, no are requested to remind ths cnildien that they must bring their own mugs. Tea and hot wutor will be provided gratis.

Tho latest additions to the Hospital fund aro i— W. E. Morgan and employees £2 12s, John Morgan and family £1 ss, Karioi concert £2 2s Bd, J. H. Pollock £2 2*. and Mrs Lilly 7s W.

Constable O'Leary telegraphed Sorgeant Cullen this morning that a man named William Theobald, of Hunterville, took a doso of matches noison yesterday. He was attended by Dr Smith, and is recovering.

Tho Bey. C. H. Garland will preach in Trinity Ohuroh to-morrow evening on tho words " For Godly sorrow worketh ropentanue unto saltation, a repentance which bringeth no regret ; but tho sorrow of the world worketh death." (2 Corinth, 7, 10.)

As proof of tbe suitability of tbe soil and climate around Wanganui for pomology, we may mention that Mr George Hogg, of Mntarawa, bas left at this office an apple (glonumuiuli) grown by him whioh weighs no less than 25 ounces. It is a splendid apple and free from blemish or codlin moth.

Five bullocks suffering from tuberculosis are stated by the local paper to havo been shut in the Levin distriot within a short period; and it is oddod that the Stock Inspector would oondomn a good number of tbe animals to be seen on the Coast if he worked his way through.

The team to represent the fire Brigade at tbo annual demonstration at Christchurch left this afternoon by tho 1 o'clock train. The team are in oharge of Foreman Carroll, and inoludo Firemen E Townsend, J Sims, W McQonaglßj and A Mooseman, with J Q,uin as waiting man. Captain Powell also accompanies the team as dalegate to the Fire Brigades Conference.

Some splendid tabes ot herrings by rod and line have been achieved by angtera at the Heads during the last day or so. Borne of the fish are of abnormal size, weighing over Ijlbs. Tlitv afford splendid sport to those who use a rod and light running gear, aa they give plenty of play before being landed. Baskets of from 10 to 25lbs weight were made yesterday by those who pwforred tho " gentle art " to backing the favounto,

When turning a sharp bend in the Makino road last week (i&vs tbe Huweia star) Air H. Bingham got too olose to the embankment with his waggon (which was loaded with wool) the result being that it was capsized, going over three or four times, and was very muoh damaged. Yosterday Mr Bingham was going out to Makino— this time with a dray loaded with grass seed — and on going down a hill both shafts broke.

Maria Hoary was charged at the Magistrate's Court this morEing, before Mr 0 0 Kettle, S,M,, with unlawfully assaulting Edward MoElwain, so as to oause him actual bodily harm. Sergeant Cullen stated that the Rocuaed had struck ths complainant over the head with a walking stick during a row at the racoaourso yosterdtv, rendering MoElwain insensible. He applied for a remand till Tuesday, as complainant had received a nasly vround, which might turn out more serious. The Magistrate accordingly granted a remand, bail being allowed, tho accused entering into a bond of £10.

Apropps of tho Wellington shooting cose the corrospodent of the Wairarapa Timos has the following: — Mrs Loohor is a slim woman about SQysars of ago, and a f oreignor. She is extremely woll eduoatod, and is a linguist nnd musician of no mean order. Those who know her say that she is passionately fond ot her husband and extremely jealous of him. Sho is orcdited with a violent temper, falling out with hor husbaud on the slightest provocation, but quickly making it up again. Karl Loch or ie said to bo French-Swiss. Ho is about 35 yeata of ago, mild looking and mild mannorod. He was, I beliovo, a cavalry oflvcnr in a Hungarian regiment. The lioohers bavo beon in Wellington about four years, and Karl loober has been during that time speculating in land with bad results.

TheKaval Artillery, with a view of providing some means of enjoyment for worshippers at the shrino of Terpiiohore, hava decided to hold a series of assembles fortnightly during the winter months. The first gathering under the auspices of tho above corps was beld last evening in the Druids' Hall, which was tastefully decorated with evergreens, Chinese lanterns, etc., while appetising refreshments were snoplied to those present, A programme of 18 dances was gone through to music rendered by Mrs JJockett, and the M-.C's (Bugler Mboseman, and Gunners L. Monoreiff and E. Kirk) carried out their duties iaa most satisfactory manner. The success of thit, the initial gathering^ a sufficient guarantee that tho assemblies will be well patronised dnrmg the winter. The CommitteeBugler Mooßeman, Gunners Monorßiff, B Kirk, L. Harvey, and Loftus— under the able management of Sooretary Kite carried out tho dutios allotted them in an up to date style. An unusual instance of female heroism is reported from the village of Trojana, in Carniola A man entered during the night the bedroom of a couple named Nowack, and stabbed the husband in his sleep. The wife, after a terrible struggle, succeeded in pushing the robber out of the door and shutting it, It was only then that she perceived that her husband was dead, and, in her ■ terror, bbo rushed out to arouse the I neighbours. Tho thief, however, was j still hidden in tho doorway, and another struggle took place, in the course of which he used his knife freely. But although she was unarmed he could not overpower her, and as tbe neighbours were heard approaching he made good his escare. Tho woman was found on the threshold bleeding from several wounds, and unconscious. The murderer was eventually aneated, but not before he bad committed a triple murder in the next village to his own, whither he had fled after bis first enrue. The criminal is named Paul Forme, and thirty years of age.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8794, 7 March 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8794, 7 March 1896, Page 2

Untitled Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8794, 7 March 1896, Page 2