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The ordiuary monthly meetiug of the above was held yesterday. Present — Messrs W. H. Watt (chair), Bate, Carson, Fry, Baker, Bridge, Sanson, and Rev. Mr Ross. Mr Stevens wasabsont through indisposition.

Appointments Committse.— The following business was transacted in committee :—: — Turakin.i ; Mr Parkes applied for and received n month's leave from the 25th May ; Mr G. F. Allen had been recommended to take the temporary charge of the school. — Infanta' School : Mrs Hoey wrote re the illness of her as^islarit, and the inspector's action with reference to Misa Watson was confirmed. — Waitotara : The committee wrote for applications for mister, and the Inspector was requested to send on suitable applications.— Okoia : Mr Edmonds was appointed oa the recommendation of the committee. — Awahuri : Mr Mogg had asked to be released on tho 23rd, but this had been declined ; resolved that the Inspector endeavour to fill Mr Mogg's place as soou as possible, falling which Mr Mogg continue in charge till the 14th June. — Goat Valley t Mr T. Ligertwood was recommended and appointed. — Miss Williams applied for a position under the Board ; resolved that the application stand over pending her reply re the Woodville school. — Marton ; Mr Parkinson was recommended and appointed. — Woodville : Applications for the vacancy to be forwarded. Miss Schofield wrote re a month's salary due, and this was referred to the Board. — Beaconsfield : Mr Coventry's resignation was accepted, but he was requested to keep the school open till the midwinter holidays. — Miss Igglesden's application (partial E) was received, and her name was put on the list. — Wanganui Boys : H. Mclntyre was appointed pupil teacher subject to the approval of the committee.

Architect's Remuneration. — The matter had been referred to the Building Committee, and they recommended that the increase of one per cent, on the scale be allowed. — Mr Sanson objected to any increase.

Tends us. — The Finance Committee reported on two tenders accepted since last meeting, and their action waa endorsed. —

The Bonrd then adjourned.

On resuming at 2 o'clock the discussion on the question of increasing the percentage allowed to the architects was brought on again. — Mr Sanson said that when the original commission was fixed only 3 per cent was allowed, but now the architects were allowed £6 16a per cent on sums under £5, and they wanted to have an extra £1 per cent. He desired to know when the increase had been made, and as the secretary was not able to attend to give the lnfurma, tioii, he moved that the question be adjourned until he could attend and produce the original application of the architects. — This was agreed to.

Teachers' Examination .—The Education Department wrote stating that an order incouncil had been issued fixing December in each y< ar as the date for the examination of teache'**, and requiring notice of their wish to be examined by the 15th of the preceding September. — Letter received. — Inspector Bindon wrote to the Board stating the results of the late examinations for certificates. In Class ElB competed, of which the only successful one was C. H. Rogers. 1 hosft partially succetß'ul for E 3 were— Misses Hoey ana McNeil and Mr G. H. Kbpiner. 9 competed for Class L>, Mr R. C. Dowling passing. Mr Bindon suggested that, for the information of the Board, unsuccessful candidates be requested to furnish to the Board the result of their examinations —that is, the marks they obtained m each subject. — It was resolved that the Department should be written to for the information.

Bulls.— The committee wrote requesting certain improvements, and the architect's report was read — It was resolved, after examing Mr Clere, that a sum should be granted for repairs to the house, and the architects were authorised to prepare plans. A Silent Member.— Tho Department wrote asking whether Sir W. Fox still held position as the Board's representative commissioner in the High School Reserves Board. The secretary was instructed to reply that the Board was still represented by Sir W. Fox.

Miss Schoeield.— Mr Baker moved that Miss Schc field be allowed £1 a week until she improved in health.— Carried.

UpperTutaenoi. — The committee required a sura for improvements, and £15 was granted.

High School Resehtes.— Mr Hislop, of the Education Department, wrote stating he was directed by the Minister for Education, in reply to the letter from the Board of Governors, to write as follows : The Minister regrets that he cannot see his way to recommend that further reserves be made to the Board at present for behoof of the High School. The question of a special vote for buildings wili be considered before the Estimates are laid before Parliament at its approaching session. The Minister takes this opportunity to say that he would be gad to know what steps the Board contemplated taking, in regard to establishing the High School, whether the "Collegiate School " does not to a sufficient extent fulfil the functions of a High School at present. In connection with this last subject, I am to refer to the circumstance that the Board has recognised the Collegiate School to the extent of permitting its scholarship-holders to attend it. This means also that the school is open to inspection by a public school inspector, as required by the Act. — The letter induced a slight discussion amongst members, the general opinion beiDg that there were sufficient means to start the school, if they could get a building. — Mr Bridge said they must not take a refusal. The Act distinctly said that they were to have £10,000 worth of land, and he thought they should make another attempt. — Mr Watt did not think that would be any use, as the land had been valued at the time to be worth £10,000.— The discussion tben dropped.

Pihama — The householders wrote askiDg for information as to the formation of a school district. — Information to be sent.

FoxTON\ — Miss Howan of Foxton wrote stating tnat she had partially passed in Class E, and wanted to know whether she was to attend the forthcoming examination. Resolved that she should be instructed to come up.

Campbelltown. — The committee wrote for a tank and other requisites. — Granted.

Turakina. — The committee asked for a pupil teacher. — Held over.

Otaki. — The teai her reported that he had to attend at ■ ourt to jjive evidence againßt parents who had been neglecting to send their children. He did not think it was his duty to do this — The Board thought otherwise.

Waverley. — Mr Ellis wrote asking for payment for three months pupil-teacher teaching. As the payment was subject to examination results it was resolved to hold over the matter till after the examination.

Ngaire. — The committee wrote asking for £20 for fencing. — Mr Bate said he could not understand this, some months ago he had secured the vote, but the committee did not seem to know how to apply for it. Kaupokunui.— • Settlers on this block on the Waimate Plains, wrote asking for information as to how to go about forming a school district to be sent.

False Returns. — The Education Department wrote asking for the name of the teacher who had falsified his registers. The letter stited that the Minister and the department highly appreciated the oare and attention, Mr Bindon seemed to have bestowed on this important part of an Inspector's duty. — The name of the teacher (who had left before he could be dismissed), had been forwarded so as to prevent his getting employment under other Boards.

lii/rHAM. — The chairman wrote again on decision given at last meeting as to whether a person could continue a member of the committee having ceased to be a householder. He pointed out that clause 59 of the Act said " No person not qualified, as herein required, shill be capable of being or continuing a member." — Mr Bridge was of opinion that Mr Bruce was right as to this, he (MiBridge) had at last meetiug overlooked the word " continuing." Other mem bera thought the previons decision was incorrect, and the Board resolved to rescind ita last resolution, believing the Act was clear on the point, that a person who had ceased to be a householder could not continue as a member of a School Committee,

Exam i^t oxs.— Certain of the teachers who had been indisposed, asked to be allowed exemption from examination next month, but it was resolved that all of them should

present themselves. A number of absences for half-days etc., were reported. It was refiolved that the examinations for teachers should take place during the winter holidays in the first week.

OTAKtHo. — Mr Baker in moving the motion standing in his name, that the Otakeho house allowance be rescinded, said that as far as he kuew there was sufficient house accommodation, and he did not want to establish a precedent of this kind for othei'H who did not care to live in the rooms placed at their disposal. Mr Stewart was a personal friend of his own, but he required to have further and fuller reasons before agreeing to this vote — Mr Carson seconded tho motion. He thought that jnonetaiy allowance should not be made where a hou^e was pr<>vi'led, ,Mr B.ite stated that the " combined " dwellings and schools were quite out of placo for married teachers, though they might do for batcheiors. — Mr Biidge thought it was no great hardship to live in these "combined" buildings. He voted for the motion. The chairman supported the motion. — Mr Sanson said that the circumstances under which the vote was made were, that the Board was uuder the impression that the place was not fit for habitation, and although the building was new, he imagined from the description of the windows, that it was not a place to which a teacher could take his wife. -He would vott against the motion. The motion was carried.

Eltham. — Mr Bate uaid that the Eltham Committee refused to select a site where the Board had appointed. It was resolved that Messrs Bate and Bridge should visit the district, and select a site near the Mangawhero Bridge.

Momohaki. -Mr Bridge asked what had been done about a teacher for the Momohaki School. The school was at present ahut' The matter was left in the hands of the Inspector.

Wavebley. — Mr Bridge also asked what position Miss Cheyny occupied in the Waverley School. It was decided that she should continue as a cadet.

Woodvillb. — Be the Woodville site, Mr Bridge wanted to know whether anything had been done, It was ordered that Mr Duncin'B offer should be forwarded to the local committee.

Asiiorst.— C. and A. Brock am and Co. 's tender for improvements to the school, £68 16s, and master's residence, £171 10s, was accepted.

Ckofton. — Tenders are to be invited for improvements to the school and residence.

Taonui. — Estimates of the cost of an additional room to the residence invited from the committee

i>ext Meeting.— Resolved that finance and the inspector's report be considered at the next meeting, when a two days' meeting will probably be required.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5629, 27 May 1885, Page 2

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EDUCATION BOARD. Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5629, 27 May 1885, Page 2

EDUCATION BOARD. Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 5629, 27 May 1885, Page 2