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Masterton Competitions on pages U and •'>; Borough Council on page 11; Fanning Notes and Railway Routes on page 0; Entertainments and Supreme Court on page 7. The Supreme Court sitting at Masterton was brought to a. close ■ this morning, at 10..'i0 o'clock, after half an hour's business had been transacted. The Borough Council meeting last evening was the longest held by that body for over twelve months, it being 1O.4:"5 o'clock'before the business was ■finally disposed of. The prizes in connection with. the. contests held by the Carterton School Chess Club have been won by Cliff Bishop, Walter Council, and Charles Jamieson, respectively. The local postmaster advises that the following vessels are within •wireless range of Wellington, Auckland, and other wireless stations: —"Wellington: Victoria, Wcstrnlia, Maitai, Mocraki, Wahine, Maori, Tahiti, Moaua, Athenic. Auckland: Star of Victoria, Maitai. Awarua: Maunganui, Mocraki. Awamii: Maheno, Maitai. Dairy farms in the Pahiatu'a district are evidently very keenly in demand just now. The manager of the Wairarapa Farmers' Association, Ltd., reports having sold the following three properties within the last few ■days:—oß acres, situated in llannia, to Mr C. E. Bone, of Kohinui; 64 acres, also at Hamua, to Mr H. Taylor, of Konini; 9!) acres in Kaitawa to Mr G. 11. Gibson, of Konini. The two firstmeutioned farms were the property of a trio of Pahiatua speculators, and the latter section has been farmed , for the last twenty years by Mr J. 11. Davenport, sear. Health, is the natural state of everybody; if you are not well it is your own fault (hereditary troubles exeepte-d). Indigestion is the source of many ills, and tho individual with chronic Indigestion can usually bring tho blame home to himself. All sufferers from stomach troubles will bo well advised to use. Baxter's Pills for Indigestion, because they have been proved effective and safe. Your chemist or grocer can supply you, or order them by post direct, Is 6d bbx from J. Baxter and Co., Chemists, £ '

At the next sitting of the Mastcrton S.M., Court, several charges against territorials for having failed, to attend drill will be heard.

"Good liquor in bottles'Odoes not hurt anyone; it is when it is out of tho bottle that the trouble arises," said His Honour Mr Justice Edwnr-ds at the . Supremo Court yesterday.

The Masterton Borough. Council decided last night to accept the invitation of Captain Braddoll to be present til; tlie review to be held at Miisterton on May 25th, on the occasion ol: tlio visit of Sir Jan ll.aniilt.on. >

"Where were you born?" nsked counsel of a. petitioner for a divorce case at the Supreme Court yesterday. "Jt doesn't matter where lie .was born, he's here," • remarked His Honour. "I don't know where J. was born," said petitioner. "Some say Wangnnui, others Auckland. 1 was too young stt. the time to know where X wan born."

During the past nioiiUi the gnu Hold by the M!i.sterl,on gasworks was H,.' ,, ' i,r 'r 400 cubic feet, an iiicreiiHe of MU,:(00 cubic fool; an compared with the coitcm* ponding month last year. Tea conkers have been sold during the, making the total disposed, ol' during t.he current year 10!), a record for l.he borough for any year. The new consumers connected up were eight, the total for the current year being SO.

"|n regard to l.he .WOOD gran 1.," unid Air Coleninn .I'liillips, while diw'.UHMing railway matters last nighl, :i.l. the I'.ur ough Council, "Sir W. C. Buchanan took that £:">0(K) lying down. Muring the time Sir W. C. Buchanan hii:i been a. member of Parliament. T.he debt lias increased by .Cr>o,ooo,oo<>, and all we've got, is £5000."

"My reason for allowing Mr Phillips to .address the Council on the question of a, deviation of the railway over the kiinutaka w;is thtit we might be able to convert him to our way of thinking," said the Mayor (Mr A.M. Coriidine) at the Borough Council meeting last evening. '''You will never be able to do that," replied Mr Phillips, with emphasis. "And you will never be able to convert us to favour the Wai-nui-o-mata route in preference to the "Woodside route, ,, said Mr Coradine.

"I used to {rive her all me wages every week, I did, iiii , I always treated her well," said a, petitioner in a, divorce case at the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon, when asked how he had treated his wife, who had deserted him. "I got a good home together, such as any young lady would like. 'Course we had our little bits of tiffs, but they weren't nothing. But we didn't seem suited to each other somehow, and she wandered away a second time, and I ain't seen her for about fifteen years. Then she was at Petone with another man, and I just said 'Good day , to her. "

The annual report, of St. .John Anibulance Brigade Overseas, Masterton nursing division, says: "The past year shows very profitable and fruitful results, and we are entering upon the new session with renewed enthusiasm to honourably carry out. the motto of the Brigade, 'Pro utilitate hominum,' for tbe good of humanity." The report, said the Brigade continues to receive the generous support of the public of Masterton, and the Ambulance Saturday collections enabled them to purchase up-to-date Jirst aid equipment for use on public duty.

A meeting of the organising committee for the Very Key. J)ean McKenjui's reception to-morrow was held last night. A first-class concert programme was submitted and approved. The address of welcome is to be presented by Mr .1. M. Coradine during an interval. Arrangements were made to meet the l?ev. Dean by the mid-day train on Thursday, and escort him by motor to St. Patrick's School, where the children and their parents will, welcome him home. In the evening the Caledonian Pipe Band will play the Key. Dean to the Town Hall, where the concert will be held. The box plan is now open at the Dresden Piano Co.

"Mr Phillips' attitude in preferring to take lay opinion instead of the opinions of exj>crts is one I. cannot understand, ,, said Mr C. E. Daniel! at the meeting addressed by Mr Coleman Phillips last night. "We have suffered too much in the past through the pushing aside of expert opinion for political motives, and South Wairarapa has been a. transgressor in this respect over that Rimntaka Incline. Masterton is quite prepared to abide by expert opinion, and will refuse to be dictated to by every amateur engineer who considers that he possesses greater ability and greater brain power than our highly qualified experts. " (Applause).

A letter was received by the Borough Council at its meeting last eA"eniiig from the Department that the application of the Council for a loan of .-CUHjijOO had been received, but that the money would not be available, for about six months. Letters were also received from two private firms, stating that they would lend the money at live per cent interest. The Mayor thought that it would perhaps be advisable to hold a. special meeting to discuss the matter. Cr Sellar said that the matter should be referred to the finance committee, and he moved accordingly. Cr Ewington seconded the motion, which was carried.

Some time ago, previous to Sir Walter Buchanan 's visit to England, it will be remembered that lie made very strong representations as to the- damage done to the cheese produce of the Carterton district by it being carried in open trucks during hot. weather He urged that box, or covered, trucks should be supplied with the. least possible delay, to remove the grievance 'then existing. The representations of the member for the district received the consideration that was requested, n/rvd during this season a great improvement has taken place, open trucks having been used on very few occasions, in fact, no complaints have been made this season. At the Borough Council meeting last evening, Cγ Candy moved that all employees in the service of the borough for twelve months bo granted two weeks' leave annually on Cr O'Leary seconded the motion. Cra Flanagan and Winzcnbcrg also supported the motion. Cr King said that it was a policy measure, and it should be i referred to the finance committee. Some time ago a rise of wages was given to employees, and the j)resj ent motion meant another £6 to each employee. Ho moved that the matter be referred to the finance committee for a report. Cr Sellar seconded the amendment, and said that the matter should go to the finance committee. Cr O'Leary said that if the matter went to the finance committee it would be killed. Cr Ewington opposed the motion for a fortnight's holiday; if the wages were not edequate then this should be remedied. Cr Kemball favoured the matter being referred to the iinance committee. The Mayor 5 said that no advantage could bo gained by referring the matter to a committee. The engineer had stated that the holidays could be arranged without inconvenience or loss. He favoured the proposal of giving the men +he holiday. The amendment was carried.

The Qpaki Rifle Club will hold a field day to-morrow, i.. .. , •''.

There are at present seven cases of appendicitis under treatment at the Masterton Hospital. Pour cases been admitted within the last few 'days.

The matron of the Mastertoii Hospital (Miss Wilkinson) desires to acknow; ledge with thanks a gift of a large bag of apples from Mr A. 'J. Speedy, and a fat; Jamb from Mr F. Percy.

Mr T. .Jordan notified His Honour Mr .Justice .Edwards, at the Supreme Court yesterday, that the case'of Woger v. Iliiniiiiii had been settled. The case was consequently struujc out.

The howling match played at E'ketaJiiina on Saturday between rinks from the Ekctahunn, and Pahiatua Clubs reHiiltud. in a win on the aggregate for Uic visitors, the acores being:—Pahiatiia 74, Kketahiuia f>2. A coinimuiceineiit will lie made shortly witli Uic erection in concrete of l.lin workem , lioinen at Kuripniii. It is iiudciT.l.ood 1;li:i(. the tender of a Welliiif/lon (in/i which erected, the workers' lioim-ii I.lmtc linn l»nen accepted for the VVoHI , Tint r.'iliiMTiil.oii MorougJi Council decided bud. (•veiling 1,0 take tin; necessary liU'jm l.i) li'il'l a poll ''(I the proposal, to niitic a lojiti of JififiOO Cor the iustallation of ii, ifyiil.itin of ),r;uns on the Edison null' '•onf.diiH-d baU.cry Hystem.— Press AMl!O''itl.l.i»i»l . " Wi(.ii(!i(M in a hit dull in the npI.hl;c, Voiir Honour," said. Mr T. M. VViM'iM'd 1.0 His Honour Mr Justice EdWJirdu, .'U, I,lie .Supreme Court this morning, wlii'ii a witness in a divorce case !ipp<!iin-d to be confused when trying 1.0 gntsp (|iiestions jiut to him by His Honour. At the .Supreme Court this morning, Jin Jipplication for a discharge from biinkruptey was jnade by Thomas Bernard Hugh McGuire, who was rejvresented by Mr T. Jordan. Owing to an irregularity in the advertising of the notice of intention to apply- for disI'hiirge, His Honour would not make the order. The Wainirapa .liacing Club lias nccepted the tender of Messrs n Walton and Smith, of Masterton, at i'lolo, for the erection of the new Stewards' stand on the Tauhercnikau racecourse. This price docs not include the cost of foundations, which will bo put down by the Club's own staff. The building, which will be of the latest type, should be completed in four or live months time. In addition to being a financial member of a racing club, there are apparently other qualifications which some persons appear to think entitle them to free tickets to a race meeting. In this connection, Mr A. Hathaway, secretary of the Mastertoii Racing Club, has just received this unique and brief request from a resident of Porirua: — "Dear Sir: Will you oblige and semi pass to , Porirua, good punter."

Tlio Grcytowii Borough Council hoi-1 a special meeting on Monday evening, for the purpose of .striking rates and to consider the question of :i. high pressure Avater supply. The latter was referred to the 'works committee to make a special report to next meeting of the Council. The following rates were struck: General rate 3s .'UI in the £. ami library rate Li in the £1. Two separate "water race rates, lM and 7d in the £, a, Town Hall rate of 2d in the £, and a, hospital and charitable aid rate of 2d in the £, were also struck.

The question oi" purchasing the old showgrounds was brought up at the Borough Council meeting last night by Cr Winzeuberg. "I have an offer from the syndicate owning the land, in which 24. acres will be sold for £4500," said Cr AVinzenberg. "The syndicate would retain to themselves land to the depth of 2A chains fronting Dixon and Herbert streets, and would give a chain road of access to the ground from the Dixoxi street entrance." Cr Wiuzenberg said that it would be a- pity to see the ground lost for recreation purposes, because, before long, it was sure to be cut. up into building sites. The Mayor remarked that the Council had plenty of land for recreation purposes at the Park, and he did not think that the. Council would purchase any more. Cr Winzenberg said that he did not expect the Council to purchase the old showgrounds, but lie had brought the matter up in order to give publicity to it, in case there were sports bodies who would be prepared to entertain, the proposal. Now that winter is setting in, gentlemen will be thinking of selecting an overcoat that will keep out the rain and give warmth during the cold weather. The new season's overcoats have just been opened up at the New Zealand Clothing Factory, and are a very fine lot, including the latest styles in gents , , youths', and boys' rainproofs and dou-ble-breasted and single-breasted tweeds. A few of the very reasonable prices are quoted in an advertisement on page 7, and ;i A'isit to the New Zealand Clothing Factory will make the selection of a suitable overcoat an easy matter. A PITFALL is presented to the unwary inventor who tries to protect his ideas through the mazes of the Patent Acts. Fortunes have been lost for the want of a little expert advice at the right time. Do not risk having your ideas pirated, but consult the reliable Patent Agents, Messrs Baldwin and Eayward, Wellington, whose adrice and methods are sound. *

A cheap turn-out (horses, ■ harness, and' brake) is advertised for sale by Mr A.- Collie.

Mr 11. E. Holland will deliver a public lecture in the Foresters Hall, Mstiterton, on Sunday evening. . ■:■';.,.

Mr A. Collie, land agent, advertises on page 8 a few genuine property bargains which he has for quick sale.

The Waitara County Engineer requires a capable man who understands concrete work and repairs to timber bridges. '■

An elderly man, capable of malting himself generally useful, seeks a situation in or around a, house; only email wages asked.

A light situation, where advertiser can have a young child with her, ip sought. Low -wages' will be accepted for suitable home. , '

Messrs Harcombe and. Donald insert a change advertisement on. page. 8 .pf this issue in reference to winter rugs for cows and horses.

Professor Norwood and Company concluded their Masterton season in the Town Hall last evening, there being -a large audience, which greatly appreciated the programme submitted.

Messrs MsGruer and Co. are. now; making a fine show of jfoods that lend a distinctive charm to the Jadies "who wear them. A few special lines iaro. mentioned in the firm's advertisement on page 3. ' -'

The Wairarapa Hockey Association notify that all art union blocks' must be returned on or before Saturday next. The art union , will be drawii during the interval of the Town Hall Pictures on Tuesday evening next.

All moneys owing to Mr R. U. Harden are payable at the office of Messrs Rollings and Pragnell, and all accounts against Mr Harden should be rendered not later than the 31st March, 1914.

A final reminder is given of the clearing sale of furniture to-morrow, at 2 p.m., on behalf of Mr Yarnham. Amongst the items for sale are a richtoned nearly new Bohm piano,, motor car, and 2 heifers. The sale i.-r being conducted by Mr A. T. Dickason. ...■

Folks are always glad to kn6\r 'of new and correct styles in any of the daily requirements. Messrs McLeod and Young, booksellers and stationers, who have a name for quality and' reasonable price, are now showing a, particularly fine line of new paper and envelope, known as "The Old Dutch Deckle. " These may be had. in varioils shades and sizes. A special -window" display of Dutch Deckle is now be-ing jm made at "The ,

The Oriental races undoubtedly haref good taste with regard to house furnishing, for in their homes you find the most luxurious carpets and floor coverings, but you need not be behind in-this respect. You, too, can have the most beautiful. and rich carpets, for fit Messrs G. Hyde nad Co.'s is a. selection of English, Continental and. .Oriental carpets. See this firm's advertisement in this issue.

On the premises, 57 Ferguson street, East, Palmerston North, at 12 noon tomorrow (Thursday), Messrs Mounsey and.Co. will sell by auction, one artesian well-boring plant, complete, -with. .'U h.p. oil engine, portable -with. shafts, stocks and dies, pipe cutters, and all necessary tools, all in good order. Altogether, this is a, complete plant for the work.

Mr L. S. jSTicol's jewellery establishment is just now replete with a fine array of new goods, which have just ; been landed. A glance at the window will reveal an endless variety beautiful and appropriate articles, able for gifts. Mr Nicol has just had some alterations carried out to his shopfront which makes this well-known, jewellery store more attractive than. ever.

Winter weather is 'approaching, and every child should have an oilskin eod,t. Messrs J. L. Murray, Ltd., have just opened a full range of their celebrated oil coats. For girls and maids these can be supplied in both 1)1 a<:k and grey silk finish linen, smart cut coats vrith velvet collar and wind cuffs; ladies' silk linen oil coats in riding and walking cut; boys' durable oil coats, in light and medium weight linen; men's guaranteed oil coats with patent drWing flap, in all sizes. The firm repair and re-oil coats, making them equal to new.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 11936, 25 March 1914, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 11936, 25 March 1914, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 11936, 25 March 1914, Page 4