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It is hoped by the Prime Minister that tlie Advances to Settlors Board will soon be m a position to make advances above the present limit of £500.

The Kaciug Conference has granted tho Masterton Kaciug Olub, as dates for the summer meeting, October 27th aad 28th. or any other dates subject to the approval of the President of the Conference, iv lieu of December 3(sth aud 27th.

A minor named Leune, while working in the Goalbrooinlaie mine at Westport yesterday, was struck by a fall of coal and jammed against a tub. He anstaiued a broken arm, besides internal injuries, and died in the hospital. Deceased went from Kiripaka, Auckland, to Westport a month.-ago, and his widow resides at the former place.

A young labourer named Peter Matiu was brought before the Chief Justice (Sir Robert Stout) Wednesday for sentence. He had pleaded guilty at Hastings to cattle-stealing. His Honour said he had investigated the matter, aud lie thought it was a case for probation. Nothing was known against the prisoner, who was a young married man. In admitting him to probation, liis Honour hoped that he would not come before tho Court again. If he did, he would not be so indulgently' treated. The prisoner was ordered to repay the owner of the stolen cattle a sum of £7 10s, for which amount he had sold them. A period of three .months was allowed to make the repayment. Mr H. H. Ostler represented the Crown, and Mr T. F. Martin appeared for the prisoner.

The Mystery Dredge return for the week is 2lois ludwiia.

The latest return from die Maafcerton Dredge is 25ozs lOdwts for 1M hours' work.

The roadß in tlie Fougaroa district appear at preseut to ba in a very ,bad state—so bad, in fact, that yesterday afternoon a witness was thereby prevented from attending the Court in Mastertou.

"Oost of haulage" is tho reason given by the Minister of Railways for not placing a sleeping-car for secondclass passengers on the North Island ■Main Trunk railways.

Tlie settlers of Marima, in the Eketahuna County, are requesting that they be provided with a daily mail sorvice to connect them with Pahiatna aud intermediate settlements.

Tho Government does not propose this session to amend the Workers' Compensation Act with a view to removing the disabilities under which those engaged iv domestic occupations suffer.

Last Tuesday the Union Company's training ship Dartford arrived at SanFrancisco after a protracted passage of 101 days from Newcastle. Some uneasiness had boon expressed ac tho vossol'b non-arrival at her destination, particularly as she lias New Zealand boys aboard. The Dartford is to load timber at EunjJcu, California, for Melbourne.

"If Mr said he saw a iamb among tho flock that was noi- docked, what would you say?" asked a legal gentleman of a witness in tlie Masterton Court, "'I would say," replied tho witness, very impressively, "that it was not the lamb 1 docked." And the Court smiled.

Rural Topics (specially contributed), on pages 'i and '•'> ; Bookmaker and Totulipfifcor—views of Sir George Clifford, Kaciug Oonfm'onoe—allocation of dates, Commercial, Youthful Desperadoes and Parliament, on page r>; Sporting (by •'Ninirod 1 '), on page

Uuri/ig Ilifi interval at the performance of "Tho Pirates of P^nzancc." last: (tVHiiiig, tlie of the M:ist;r;rf:)n Airisit.'jui , Tl!f:!tt)'!';;jl Society, Mr If. H. it'iaUium, briefly tr.Hr-riS.sfid trie member* of Hi<;: Honiory, aud lif-nrtily (jongraf.iihit'eil them urn tli", success of thf! performance:-;, and then , excel lout rendering of Gilbert ami Sullivan's popular v.'orK.

The shareholder.-; of tho Workers' Mutual JJ.MKilit Society held a meeting hi tlio secretary's office- last evening, when the surij of £''A)<'> free of interest whs balloted a'i'urtlier ?niii of £:;()() was offered* for sale. 7W.r X Krahagen occupied tho chair. In the ballot the successful shareholder was Mr W. J. Hope, and Mr P. M. C'ompton's tender of £-10 was accepted for tho remaining sum of £300. It was announced that, as subscriptions were coming in freely, another ballot would be iield within v mouth's time.

Tho Westport Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday disfussnd a letter from Mr Furness, of Auckland, on behalf of Furness and C-j., shipbuilders, EugUiud, in regnni to the formation of a compuuj' to purchase a local stcamf'i , or steamers. it was decided to uncertain from tho Stare Miners Department ami the Stockton Coal OompsuiY whether they would, iv the event of a steamer being piiroimsed or chartered, supply coal cargoes.

Mr Alexander Ilatri'-k, of Waugauui, yesterday received a letter from Mr Walter Williams Hipango, the noted Native chief. The Jotter siguiiies his desire to make a free gift to the people of YVangniHii of an area of thirty acres, being part of the beautiful aud historic Patakntaka P;i, situated abnui; fifteen miles up the river. This laud, which mi ideal picnic ground, is at the present time worth many pounds per acre., but its future value as a public roereatiou resort is incalcnJable. Mr Hatriek,

in acknowledging the lotrer, intimated iiis grateful acceptance of rhfi generous otter, and undertook to at once convey tho same to the Mayor and Corporation.

A moor ing of the Musterton Labour Pftrty, presided over by Mr E. W. Abbott, was held in tho Dominion Hall last night. It was to dispatch a telegram congratulating the Labour Conference ;st Auckland on the comprehensive piati'onn drawn up. The meeting coudemued Mr Justice Sim's action in tho shearers' dispute, and it was ordered that a copy of a resolution iv protest bo >cut to the JViinistei' of Justice. it was decided (hat au invitation be exteudei! to ono of the Labour lea iers in the House of Representative:-; to deliver a public address in Masterton :\i an early date. Tho Masterron branch is rapu- ,- ly increasing, the number of pnbscriptions paid up to date being over 175, including a fair percentage of ladies.

In his address, yesterday, to delegates at the Racing' Clubs' Conference iv Wellington, Sir George Clifford said it was Imperative for military aud economic purposes that a considerable supply of light horses should be obtaiuaMe. and in these days of motor traction it was more needful than erstwhile that tho sport of racing should bo encouraged to secure the foundation of a breed of suitable animals; the industry was one for which these islands were specially fitted, and any needless interference which would cramp the means or baulk the enterprise of Racing Club* was, in the interest of the community, to be greatly deprecated.

John Grosse, aged nineteen, a dentist's assistant, pleaded guilty at the Ohristchnrch Magistrate's Court, yesterday, to sixteen charges of breaking, entering and theft, and was committed for sentence. It was stated that Grosse was a victim of the drug habit, acquired when employed as a dentist. He was accustomed to inject cocaine aud morphia, aud when uuder the influence of the drugs was in ft state of abnormal excitement, leading him to undue physical activity, while tho moral standards were destroyed. When arrested, Grosse had a loaded revolver in his possession, and at his residence the police found a iemmy and an electric borer adapted for opening safes.

Steps are being taken to to,st the legality of certain charges upon the revenues of clubs, believed to be outside the intention (said the President of° the Now Zealand Racing Clubs' Conference yesterday) if not outside tlie strict wording of the Act, and which, in his opinion, the Stamp Department should not have demanded. "If," he added, "amendment of tho Act is contemplated, wo may look for rectification of this doubtful point, and perhaps, also, for the .repeal of the' useless prohibition of the totalisator figures—information of interest to the public, the suppression of which is advantageous to the dishonest gambler alone. Once freed from the artificial evils to which 1 have referred, tho sport of racing will, I am assured, assert itself as a wholesome British pastime. Its past records wo can recall with pride,- and to its future we can then Jook forward with confidence."—Post.

A good opportunity to procure lines of cheap timber is offered as a result of Messrs Gardner and Sous, of Queenstreet, having decided to trausfer their business entirely to their premises in Dixou-street. As their stock has to be cleared by the end of July, they have decided, rather than remove it, to take any reasonable price during that time.*

The printing of Hausard annually costs £4800, ami the expenditure on the reporting staff la estimated at £4695.

'The Prime Minister says he is hoc prepared to move this sessiou iv the direction of establishing a definite policy of town-plauiiing. especially for the larger cifciea throughout tho Dominion. j£

The Government i§ giving the most careful consideration to the desirability of taking action upon the report of" the Timber Commission, with a view to granting a substantial measure of relief to the miliers.

Report was made to the Victoria College Council, on Wednesday evening, by the chairniau of the library committee, that the Hector collection, consisting of some throe thousand valuable books, bad been received by rli9 University.

An offer of the Waitetunia No. la Block, oC twelve thousand acres, in Wairarapa; has been made to the Native Laud Purchase Board for purchase, and is under consideration by the Government.

Me Buchanan (Wairarapa) askari the Minister for Education whether lie would introduce legislation to provide that the various education reserves should be made accessible by road communication. The Hon. G. Jfowlds replies that it docs not appear that it would be wise to extend the powers already granted to school commissioners.

The Ohristohuroh Hospital Board has decided to communicate with other boards concerning the advisability of appealing to Parliament to grant hospital boards power on the security of contributions or rates, The Board has decided also to take steps to convene a conference of boards for the consideration of the whole question of administration of charitable aid.

The office of Messrs Martin, Kurrell and Snaddou, contractors, Wellington, who are carrying out extensive work at tlie Waum'.-o-mata Reservoir. was entered on Tuesday, and two bags stolen, one containing £185 iv gold and tli« other £15 iv silver. The money was iuferKled to pay wages yesterday. So far no clue har: been obtained as to the perpetrators of the theft.

The Deuba Estate of six tljousaud acres, near ISfavua, has been sold by Mr Arthur Joske to Mr Studhohue, of 'Jauterbury, New Zealand, for a sum of £15,000. it is the intention cf tlie present owuer to convert the estate. which up to the recent hurricane had beeu producing ?i large amount of bananas, into a rubber plantation.

The Prune Minister lias informed Mr Hogg that authority lias beeu taken to do some pro.spec-riiig iv connection with the coa! discovery at Waimarino, aud work will be put iv ■'sand without deiay. This will teqnire some time to carry our, and to examine the wLole of the country thoroughly, witii a view to obtaining complete information as to the extentand qufilicy of this coal field. To-day's shave market quotations appear on (;a.2,e S. Messrs Hooper ami Co. are offering some special Jines wiiioh 'shookl sstistv men's wants bur is as r'. : gari.Ls cioods and prices. An inset is cirenhuod with this issue, ;■- perusal of whicii will ptivo some idea of the great reductions made. Mr and Mrs John Tiit'Kenzie, of Bay of Plenty, thank tiisir friends aar'i relatives for tin? kinriness i:ud sympathy extended to their late (!au::iUev iSiary and also to their laro sou Fuilev.

There are some good lines to he hud at AleG-rner and On's. sale; tl; n prices are stated to bo onucinr,', aud a call wil! convince anyone of tiio threat va(lwtions 1.-oiu:r made.

A ridnis,' hitbif ro off .sorviceablo auc! look shoLjl'l bo made in" au ■up-r-o-date and ex.;ert. tiiiior. eurrnsfiuf: Mr A. Domild witli the of fliG'ii ridiiiM ' :ib:ts wiil be well with ih? result. Mr n:>iia!(.i's shiiV is a i iiorout-hly com-

iji'feur cme. A visit to iris estubiisii me lit will repay auvoue requiring roliiible tailoriu^.

Messrs Hugo and Shearer recently made an orj'er γ-j a Wellington whole-

sale house to" a uumbPi , of seasonable winter lines they were holding. Thn oiler was accepted, ;;ud Messrs Hugo :iud .Shearer mow propose fn give theif ibe bent-lit vi ; this aclvan'U'ix'i l>y a special sovcu day:.- , sn!o. All the .se-

cured in tlie deal, ;•> well the firm's own «f:c:ck of bigh-ciuss goods, will bo S!)iv! at' greatly lv-duoed price?.

To be dry-shod hi winter is essential fo a poison's health and comfort-, aud tlie lines of boots aud shoes now being offered by Mr J. Carpenter will ensure this. The prices are very special, and au inspection would well repay anyone.

The Singer sewing machine icpresentativo is leaving Masterton on Monday next for Mauriceville. where the firm will be exhibiting their improved Family Singer. An instructress from Weliiugtoii will be m attendance to give free lessons in the use of the 6.uiger machine xor plain and fiujcv needlework.

Messrs Cole aud Westermau announce, in our wanted column, particulars of several cleariug lots aud special items in all departments to mark the event of the last day of their great winter sale. The manager states that they have just completed stocktaking, and as a result they have n big lot of goods on the counters, which have been specially thrown out for tomorrow aud patrons visiting tuis popular store to-morrow are certain to see something to meet their requirements. Special discount will be given on all soiled goods.

The spraying solution which tho Government expert, Mr Nottage. lias so much confidence iv can now be procured from a local iiim. Mr O. E. Dauiell is the Wairarapa supplier, aud has carefully measured out, mixed aud boiled the ingredients according to instructions laid down in the Department's formula. Orchardists will find this the most convenient way of procuring tlie mixture, as only water —twenty-four to oue—lias to be added before the whole is ready for use. A& July aud August are the months when the trees are dormant, this is the period when spraying is most effective, and fruit-growers will do well to procure the solution aud commence operations right away.

" Coaguline," " Klinx," " Tenasitine "— Cement for breakages, manufacturing pur poses, etc.*

Thirty-seven pounds ten shillings will secure a first-class English Piano"at the Furnishing Dept., W.F.C.A.*

Ranulas Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia makes a very valuable medicine and a palatable drink, keeping the Wood and system cool. Price Is. H. T. Wood, Pharmacist and Chemist (by exanO Masterton.

The Groat Sale of Drapery at Hooper's is now going merrily along. Those who have visited-the sale have secured genuine bargains, and tbose who have not yet visited the" sale aro reminded that some real "plums' , still remain, which may be had almost for the picking. There are no bunkum bargains at this , sale—every line has been greatly reduced in price, in order to effect a clearance.*

Have you tried Zymole Trokeys ? If you haven't, get a box and be convinced that they are the best throat relief on the market. They stimulate the secretions and refresh the mouth.*

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXII, Issue 9734, 22 July 1910, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXII, Issue 9734, 22 July 1910, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXII, Issue 9734, 22 July 1910, Page 4