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Messrs L. J. Hooper & Co. will open a great sale of their new and fashionable stock on Saturday next. The election of three Trustees, on tho Masterton Town Lands Trust, is taking' place to-day, considerable interest being slwn.

The Mayor of Palmerston intormed his Council that £21500f the year's rates was outstanding at the end of the financial year, j A confirmation sorvicc was held at' Martinborough last Sunday, by Bishop Wallis, when one boy and live girls were duly presented and confirmed. It is stated that the directors of the .Wellington ¥ooll™ Company have decided that no further call will be necessary, owing to the improvement of business.

Mr C. C. Hubbard lias been appointed (o (lie charge of the aided school at Taralnhi West, subject to a favourable report being received from the Inspector. The overdraft of tho Wellington Education Board is now £3955 12s Gd. Further payments amounting to £3029 were authorised yesterday,

The election of the Carterton School Committee and of the Chairman of the Tenui Committee have been declared valid.

Misses Daisy Ikdhmd and Nora Cowlcs have been appointed pupil teachers at Waihcnga and Mangatainoka respectively. Miss Hamilton, Principal of the Wellington Girls' High School, bus reported favourably on all the scholarship holders, except one. The Education Board decided that it would not withhold the scholarship in question in this instance, but the next payment would depend on more satisfactory ivork being done. News has been received of heavy fighting in the Bourn Country, in the Soudan. Kabah. formerly a slave belonging to Zobchr Pasha, having obtained large reinforcements, again rose against tho Sultan of the country, and repeated his successes of last year. Jlc seized the capital after a great battle, in which the Sultan lost ;!GJJ men, deposed the Sultan, and collected vast stores of gold and silver, Babah lias now assumed the rulmliip of Bormi. Mr G. H. Welch, of the School Committee, interviewed the Education Board yesterday, as to the ncccsity for providing Hying accommodation for the female teacher at the Eangituiuau School, _ At present she has to travel a a long distance each day to school, and her health has broken down. The Board has decided to add two rooms to the school building for the accommodation of the teacher.

A man who ondcavourcd to impose on the Benevolent Trustees ou Tuesdav last, got a well-doserved month's liari labour this morning, at Masterton. A bank clerk who was travelling in the train at Halcomhe was in possession of a revolver, which going off without the owner's authority, scat a bullet clean through the trousers of a man in the carriage, much to the amazement of passengers.— Manairuht Simulant.

At & preliminary meeting held Inst ovcuing a new Brass Band to be called "St, Matthew's Parish Band," was formed, Mr A. W. Eusbcll being elerted conductor, and Mr G. W. Nicol. secretary pro km. A number of mombers were enrolled, and the Band will commence practise next week. A furniture maker of Masterton has given instructions to Messrs Simms & Mowlem to sell at their auction rooms, Queen Street Masterton, on Saturday next, at 2 o'clock, one of the largest assortments of furniture that has ever been offered to the public here. The lots include a most beautiful dining room suite in American leather, chest drawers, chairs, double and single wooden bedsteads, and spring mattrosses, mirrors, crctonuc, carpet and Colonial couches. All to be sold absolutely without reserve.

I A taking programnio is offered by Mr A. H. Gee's Concert Company at the Theatre Royal, Ma.'tcrlon, to-night. Mr Gee, to hear whom alone will bo more than worth the price of admission, is to sing two of his very best song*, Emanuel s■' Tho Desert," and BlnmcnIkl'i" Across tho far blue hills.Marie,'' The former is eminently calculated to show off Mr Goo's capacity in descriptive song. The other items are well selected. Miss Sampson will sing " Call me hack" and "Dear heart," Mr Walton will sing " On the rolling wave" and "The Direr," and the three singcri will give the farourite trio, " The Wreath." Mr Stovenson, a Tiolinist of high repute, will play two solos. Mr H. Evans will supply the humorous part of the programme. Altogether i great treat may be anticipated, and there should he a large attendance at tht Theatre lioyal to-night.

At the Masterton S.if. Court this aorniwi, before Messrs M. Casolberg lid T.E. Price, J.P.'s, Patrick Slattory | ■Hat John Walsh, aliai John Anderson ran charged with beiug drunk in a pnbic place. Accused, who Baid his name pas John Walsh Anderson pleaded not [uilty. Accused was also charged with ibtainiug an order for reliof from the Secretary of thNoith Wairarapa Benivolcnt Society, fraudulently and by also pretences. Sergeant McArdlo laid creral instances had lately come under lis notice in which the Society had been mposed upon, and the police thought fright to take action. Mr Waddingon gave oTideuco that accused lad applied for reliof as ho lad walked f.-om Drancepeth to llastcrton, and was destitute, liclicf lad been granted on tho condition that |io applicant took tlio road again neil noniitig. Edward Mould, keeper of the Juiyorsal Boarding House, said ho was d the habit of receiving porsons bearing irdcrs from tho North Wairaraps 3cnovolent Society, for board and odging. Accused came with an order, md was supplied with tea, bed, and ireakfast, The flist night he behaved veil, but afterwards his conduct became nost offensive to everyone. Received ho order from accused about fire i'«lock on the 28th, and at 8 o'clock the ,amo evening, saw the man with another, a an hotel with a piut of beer before him. Saw Anderson pay for the drinks. The, nan had caused a lot of trouble in vitness'house. Accused said he had ieen in tho Crimea, but it was no use laying anything as Mould had evidently :omo to make things a3 bad as possihlo 'or him. Sergeant McArdJa gave evi- : loncc that accused had been arrested in i very drunken state with 2s 3d on him : it the time, Accused said that he had ' ;ot his money by selling his underclothon. to second-hand dealers, and had ijo ' now Then he came into to.wn. (W J lable.' Lawlor. gave Widenco of tho bad i londuct of accused before his airost, and , hat he had nsed very bad langaage, lecused said he sold his coat to Shaw or Is; his boots for Is and his spectac. ! es for 6d. He only had four driuks md not having had much food lately the ' iquor got in his head. All the four < 'pints' had been shouted for him. Ho I ladbcen backward and forward beween Greytown and the coast, for tho nst nineteen years; he owed no one a ixpence; worked when ho could get it; ma if let go would leayo the town at nice. The Bench said the charge was a imous one, and tho sontence would be mo month's hard labor, and, the accii'scoi night Wider ho got off lightly at that,

The Hon. Mr Soddon will be fifty years of age on June 22nd next.

A meeting of "Barnardo" workers, will be held at Oxford Houie, Masterton, on Friday. The next entertainment in connection with St, Matthew's schoolroom tales placo on Monday evening next, when there will be a Maypole Danoe, The. poll of residents at Matarawa on Tuesday decided in favour of raising MX) towards the construction of tho bridge connecting Matarawa with Greytown by 37 votes to 6. Messrs Sirams and Mowlem add 30 well-bred 2j to 3-year-old steers to the list of entries for thoir next stock sale in their yards on Wednesday next, also 50 good lambs. Mr J. Sawyers, Chief Dairy Expert, leaves Wellington next week—probably Tuesday or Wednesday-on a visit to Newman, near Ekotahuna, to hold a meeting of tho settlers in reference to the erection of a local dairy factory. Messrs Simms & Mowlem have been instructed to sell at their rooms £203 worth of drapery and general clothing. The sale commences at 2 o'clock sharp on Saturday next. The auctioneers will also offer 15 pairs good liens, ducks, and turkeys. _ Messrs C. Smith and Co. publish an inset to-day, in which they invite the public of Masterton to como and see the bargains they are to offer on Saturday next. A large number of linos are quoted, and we commend ihe inset lo the careful perusal of everyone.

JlThe Native meeting at Maungakaroa has ended in rather a sensational manner by the exchequer being robbed of £l7B. Hawhiti, editor of tho Maori paper, had that amount in gold, together with£su in notos, in a strong box, which was biokcn open, the gold extracted and the notes left.

The following will represent the Masterton 2nd in their match against the Greytown2nd,onthe Masterton Hospital Ground, at 2,30, on Saturday :-- Johnston, Cowan, Jumbo, Hnsge, Brown, Mcintosh, Fleming. Owen, Leach, Pickering, Gillis, Kieol, F. King, Welch, Corbett. Emergencies— McLean, Dolan, Jenkins.

A mooting oftlie Wellington Assembly of tlio Knights of Labour was hold Inst night, when it was decided to submit the following resolutions to tlie District' Assembly:—(l) That the Government be asked to grant bush settlers their selections rent free for three years; (2) that the Government be asked to reduce the railway rates on perishable produce irrespective of distance; (3) that the poll-tax on Chinese be increased to £IW.-iK#.2t'»M!j. The case in which Wm. liobert Mcj Kinslroy, clerk and accountant, claimed the sum of £GOO from the Union S.S. Company ai damages, was heard in tho Supreme Court yesterday. The circumstances as shown in the statement of claim were that on the Btli December last the plaintiff, his sons, and a man named Sylvester wore fishing in an open boat off the buoy at Magazine point. The Union Steam Ship Company's Orovraiti came fromthcdireclioiiof Point Halswell, towards Magazine Point, and the sjatcmentof claim alleged that when the stoamer was close to the boat the course of the steamer was suddenly altered, with the result that she came into collision with the boat. The plaintiff, liis sons and Sylvester were thrown into the water. The plaintiff- remained for a long time immersed in' the water, and was wounded, bruised, and injured, by violently coming into contact with tlio stoamer. The plaintiff was, for a lone; time, sick and conlined to his bed, and his health had been greatly injured, and would for a long time continue to be injured. The plaintiff lost his moneys, watch and chain, and clothing of the value of JC6S and upwards. He therefore claimed JEIiOO as damages. The jury found that the accident was caused by negligence in the navigation of the defendant's steamship; that there was no contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff, and they assessed the damages at £l2O. One ol the sights ot Wcllin ton, at any time is imdoubtaMy tho magnificent establishment known as To Aro House, and now that every department within its walls is filled to overflowing, with a bewildering variety ol the reason's novelties in millinery, mantles, dresses, etc., it is more than over a pleasure and profit to visit tho wholesale family drapery warehouse, Te Aro House,

Particular attention has been paid this year to tbe requirements ot country customers, and the result is to bo seen in the immense and varied stock of calicoes, shirtings, funnels, ilanucltettcs, strong weaving dress materials, men's and boys' c'olhing ic. The choice in each depart* meat, is almost unlimited, as may be imagined when it is stated that of flannelette alo.'o, over 50,000 yards have this scaron been imported at To Aro House, Wellington.

A specially organised department, has beco established to deal with country orders. i Pattci/is of nuy materials in stock, wilt be forwarded to any address, post free. Cormay residents arc invited to write for prices, or any information regarding goods wiuted. It is confidently asserted that nowhere can such a wide Eeloction, or such sterling value be obtained, us at To Aro House Wellington.—Ann,

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5038, 30 May 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5038, 30 May 1895, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5038, 30 May 1895, Page 2