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We regret to learn that during the paqtyear the Wellington Meat Company has made losses which have practically swept away its reserve fund and left no margin available for a dividend. A change in ita method of doing business occompanied by a fall in paces at London accounts for the misfortune. Some years ago we remember that Mr .Nathan strongly urged the Company to develop on ordinary financial lines rather tnan as a 1 co-operative institution. 'Owners under the co-operative principle have | made large profits out of the concern and can well afford tbe icmporary loss whioh they bow have to put up with, but shareholders who are not owners are in a less fortunate position. The latter are fortunately' comparatively few in number, but,they are certainly to be condoled with. The former are likely to work the Company up again into a strong position on the now lines upon whioh it must necessarily progress, Prsotically very little individual distress or inconvenience will follow the passing of the dividend,

Ai the Borough Counoil last evening the cauße of morality wqb championed by Mr Feist and opposed by Mr Pownall. If the latter.triumphed it was because Mr Feist lacked the courage of his conviotiotis, and was not sufficiently outspoken. If Mr Pownall, as Mayor, is aware of the character of the establishment which Was under disousßion, and with this knowledge defended it, hd is unfit to be the head of the Borough; The publio have a perfect right to investigate the character and conduct of a man who is not; only. Mayor of the town, bat who is likely to he a candidate for a seat in the House of Ber preaentatives, and doubtlcaa they will , exercise it. ; Last night, Mr Pownall ! succeeded in placing the Borough seal .upon an establishment wbicli a number of leading residents in the town assert to be an immoral-house, This decision is much to be regretted; but it would not, we think, have been given'ir Messrs' Feist when challenged, stated their reasons for objeyting to the transfer, (

I .'Wk accuse,the Mayor of Kiierepreaenting Madam?Le Brand's case last evening, . and this is inexcusable, because by his own admission he holds doouments belonging to her, which ought to enable him to apeak with accuracy. He awerted that she had resided in the town twelve or eighteen months, and that no notice was taken of her till she oame to live in Oargill's house. Now, Madame L»e Brand oame to live in Masterton in February las', and has not been in the town six months, ;As soon as the oharaoier of the house kept by her m Queen-street was discovered, the landlord of it was oommunioaled; with,; and both he and his local agent used strenuous and continued efforts to get the,objectionable tenant out of tile houses Mr Powell must, we believe, be ,fully aware that such was the case, as Mr Hate, the landlord of tba Queen-street house, consulted him as to the beßt means of patting rid of Madame : Le Brand. We call upon the Mayor to explain these two very serious misrepresentations.

According to a contemporary, Mr Mason Chambsrf, of flaveluck, is proposing an arrangement which will be a great aid to' the daily industry, and of mutual benefit. He proposes to supply cows to responsible settlers on condition that they raise and return him the oilves i The settlers would thus have the milk of the cows in exchange for rearing the calves,

The Works and Financo Committee of the Masterton Borough Council met at 1.30 p.m. vesterday, there being present —Councillors Heron (chairmanj, Miilrie, and Oullttn. The (tanner's report was read and adopted, and the recommenda* tions agreed to. The Chairman, reported having arranged with J. D. Wallia to take out; stumps, l'omoyo timber, and fill in holos in York-street for 80s. The action was approved, it was decided to put a culvert in tooany off tho water on Chapel-street South; The net overdraft of tho Masterton Borough Couocil is now £670.

The Kennedy Company will present "Little Lord at the Mastcr- | ton Theatre Royal Lhia evening, by special request. Simo people have pocuhar fads. For instance a prominent Palraerston North runholder is having a new huuao built, ordered that the ball room was to rest on buggy spring so thit dancing would be facilitated. We understand that the order has been duly carried out though we are unprepared to say. how many buggy understandings hiye bee n absorbed in the proce a,—Kxchange; At a speoial meeting of the Masterton Bw'ugh Council, held at 0 p.m.,. lasi evening, thrf balance sheet for the year was adopted.

The Mastorton Municipal Fire Brigade met Ust eveuing at 7,C0, every member the roll. Captain Pickering viim in the chair. Foreman E. Braggins having received tho appointment of Engine-driver, Fireman Hay was elected ai Foreman h his plaoe fur the ensuing term.

u The lollie gueaaiog competition at Hood and Juhonon'B wasdecided yeflterday rfternoon alter repeated counting and checking. The number of lall'.us contained in iho bottle was found to. be 2.087, aud tb.a number bad been stated by four competitors, the next being 2,986 gjteased by MeHer Beard, The guesses, of which there were a veiy larjo number, ranged from 175 to 32,000. The peraous guessing the exact number are Messrs'B.'P. Qiuders, It. J. Malcolm, R. E.Hornblriw and J, A,'Robertson, and itis someivhat siogular that three of these ato connected with t'ne various i printing officer in town. A larger audience than ever assembled at the Masterton Theatre Royal last evening, to witness " Hans, the Boatman," . by the Kennedy Company. Maay of those present considered the piece tho best yet put on by tho Company during ifo present Beason in | Masterton, Mr Hill as "Hans" scored a big bucccss, and Miss Millie Collier as" Jeffie" quite brought down the houso, Each of the other characters I was well sustained, the piece going easily throughout.

Tho Captain of tbo Cartorton Corps of tho Salvat'oa Army on Sunday night ventured the rather Pharisaical statement that he ''had not sinned for fourteen years.", Tiding his assertion for gospel, however, wo reckon he hasabout broken tho latter-day record.—Observer. A dairy farmer at Ormnndville gives the follow'iKj experience as to. going in for pigs. Be had eight cows, and of these the milk of four cows was used fur feeding calvfß. which were w'ortj SO/ each. "Uie milk of the other four was given to along with other feed. After deducting the value of the other feed, the profit on the-e pigs was equal to ilO for the skun milk alone. This was an addition of. £l6 on tho return from the cows by the use of the skim milk, and supposing n return of £1 per cow were obtained from tho dairy factory, tbia would mean a result of ±72 for tho eight cows. This return could be improved, #!! the calves could be weaned at three months, or any lime after three months without risk, and tho milk copld then go to pigSr-r-Examiner. The Ohinesn have destroyod the Catholio Mission at Moinj un, : , Eaoli member of the Masterton Municipal Fire Bngadois now provided with a new uniform. The work has been veiy creditably doao by Mr T. Warner, of Masterton,

\. Mr Ben Tillitt says that sinco ita inception, :tho Dockers' Onion hai been the means of having the total amount paid in wages to the men tbo men increased by £2,900,01). x , '■The services in oonneotionwith the anniyeraaiy of tho Wesleyan. Foreign Mission, concluded on Monday evening, when the Rev. S. J.'Gibson gave a very instructive and interesting addross on the work in the South Beas,' The views exhibited came out Veiy finely J and contributed muoh to the pleasure of the Audience. Considering the downpour of rain, the attendance (about was remarkably geod, aud the finanoial result is considerably iu advance of the meeting of last year. A spacious shed for horses is abojt to be oreoted at the rear of the Wesleyan Sunday School, and the gravelling of the grounds is to be completed, The wife of Canon Prothero, of Westminster, has committed filicide by jutiip? ing from a window. The deceased ladv had been suffering severely from insomnia, James Alsford, a young man who was caught red-handed at the Dunedin dale-1

(lonian Ground'poclcet-pioking on Saturday!' baa been sentenced to twelve month' hard labor on three ohargoa. There were niuo deaths of children from measles during July, at Timaru. Attention is directed to an inset from Te Aro House, circulated with this issuo of the Daily Turn Out readers will find it worth perusal. A Good Time at the present to buy Men's Boy's/and Youth's Clothing olieaply. You can get' them at the lowest Sale and Salvage prices,: with a discount of Is in the £ returned in cash for the next 15 days only at Te Aro House. The Best Choice ever jet offered. Look to it men. Heavy Scotch, Tweed Suits at 32s ,6d for 22s 6d, Colonial Tweed Suits at 37s Gil for 26s fid, with an extra cash gift of Is in the # ' One iSmuiKo is the £.,' Men's Tweed Vestsat2s|lld'aiid3s lldj Heavy Toddle Tweed Trousers af 19s 6d fori 14s (kh . itoy a 20s jaml oJ iiutt town of it in tie £. ' v ''' - Fittebx Dra Ostf. Men's Tweed Overcoats 35s for 16a 6d, Youth's Trouser. , Suits ,21s for 1 13b Bd,"diii to crown the iihplc a discount of. Is in tjft £,■ , : f Thi»ii'mre the-m'i cmt in;-"'Tweed Knickers at 88(11 for 2s 3(|,, Bphool Buits qt 8s 6d lor 48 'lldi/Heavy 'Sergo Enioker Suits lOsCd for os6d. Btij/iqliftti/ov icant ojthestnov, Now'isimaTxsre. All prices both Sale! andgplvagewith the extra discounjof Is In the £ is for 15 days only/on purchases of Ms.vrorlh and op, TeAro House,-Wei-

A : Ban Francisco . maiLwilli: olosaat; i Masterton on Thursday 10th August; at 6.16 a.m. Both town and countiy hag rushed . to i the huge ealo at Thorndon House, Wel[lington, and ovoryOne is participating in the unprecedented bargains Messrs Warnock, Kelly and Adkin are offering; ?nt this kind of thing cannot go on for ever, despite the Bpecialjreason which exists for a thorough reduction of the firm's large and superior stock, and' the partners therefore notify in, this issue that Saturday, IStli August, will see the end.of their record-breaking clearance On that date Mrs-Koll/tttfrea from' the buatness, and it will subsequently be carried on under the style" Warnock and Adkin,' 1 Thorndon House-has always had the reputation Yof keeping a firet'claßs quality of goods, and we have no doult this good name will adhere to it while, ever ;_Me»>rj Warwick ond Adkin remain its proprietors. In the meantime the publio should not neglect the remarkable bargains which through fchti dissolution salo .are. tKrotWin their way,.;-:

According to the 'latest arrangmonts Fred Barrett, tho jockey, although telling hisj villa at Nenmarket, will nut go to Vienna to ride for General Lodolitaoh', "that,'distinguished officer having ongaged .Pcake, The latter, by-the-way, will do all Hia riding abroad, as with the cessation of Continental racing lie will migrate to India for their season, which, of ~ coiirse,ii begins when the Europeans ate relegated to cross country sport. '. '

The Hounds will meet at Mr W. Mo. Kenzie'a, Bumuide, to-morrow. Owing to the bad weather of late, and the lambing season starting, it was with great difficulty that a run wssgot at all in Masterton, and to-morrow's gallop will only be a short oue.

The ■ ■ eleetrio entertainment which Profesflor Richard intended giyiiig in the Opera House,- Wellington, oh Saturday evening netK, in aid of a charitable object, has,' we understand, fallen through from some accidental cause, and it will therefore not bo held. The difficulty arose, we areinformed, through a misconception of Professor Bichard's arrangements on the part of. those who had tho matter in hand.

A meeting of tho Htonahenge Lodgo, Masterton, A.0.D., was held last evening, the attendance being good, Nothing beyond the ordinary routine business oarne before the meeting. A large number of natives arrived at Qrc.ytown from Hastings yesterday afternoon. Among them were tive menibtira of the JNativo Parliament. We understand that a session will commence at Papawai to-morrow, when they will disouss (infer alia) the Lake question and the future prospects of the younger msinbcrs of their woe, A large iangi ovor several natives will also be held, and extensive' preparations are being made for the feast.

| _ The meeting of ladies and gentlomen interested in the formation of a choir for Bt. Matthew's Uhuroh was very well attended, considering the unpropitions state of the weather. About twenty at" teiided, while, apologies wore received from soveral others.' Tho Rev. W. E. Paige presided. The list of names of those who had promised to assist in the matter showed that no loss than thirtyfive ladies and gentlomen could be ob. tained. 1 . It was, therefore, 'resolved to form a choir, and MrH. Pearson was appointed conductor. The practice night was fixed for Thursday in eaohweekat 7.45 p.m., the first practice to beheld on Thursday, next, and the choir to take part in the services next Sunday. Mr A, R, Nicholls was elected Secretary and Treasurer, and a sub committee.was appointed to dn w up rules to be submitted to a future meeting, The Wellington Benevolent Trustoes met yoaterdsy afternoon. Present: The llev, H, Vau Staveren (chairman), and Messrs Willeston, Kobbell, MoKenzie, Heaton, and Beetham. Reference was made to the case of the old man Cannun, upon whose body an inqiießt was held at the hospital yesterday, the chairman stating that' thoro had been fearful neglect, The man's condition waß Bimply horrible, It was decided to take no action in the matter pending the result of en. quiries by the police/ A man, aged 75, who was in indigent circumstances, was sent to the. Hpine, A resident of Masterton wrote, stating that he was willing to t»ku a young girl of about 10 or 12 into his family, It was decided that the Ohairmati should, on his visit to Maßtertun next week, make enquiries as to the applicant. The Secretary stated that a girl, who had corao from Kelson, had asked the Trustees to take charge of her baby, the father having been sent to gaol for three years. The Secretary stated that the woman had-promised to attend, As she did not appear, however, no action was taken. Archdeacon Stock wrota asking the Trustees to allow an old man to leave the florae and grant him 9s a week, so that he couldlive with his wife. The Chairman said the man had expressed a desire to remain in the Home. The woman, it was stated, would not obey the Trustees, 'she would seo them darned first.' Mr Heaton said the old fellow was very much happier when he was away from his wife. The Trustees decided that the man Bhould remain in the Borne.—N. Z, Times.

Tha children attending the Ekotahun'i State School, havo contributed 6s 9d towards ■ tho Ballance Memorial fund. MrColemanPhillipshiiß forwarded to tho secretaty of the Wellington Agricultural and Pastoral' Association the following notice of motion for the next meeting of the general committee:—'That in view of the very favourable reception New Zealand rams received in the Australian markets, it is advisablo for our chief breeders to send .trial shipments of stud sheep to South American and English markets.'

The Electoral Bill made a little further progress, in committee in the Houso of, Bepresentatives yesterday, A long! debate took place concerning tho abolition of a special Maori representation iu Parliament, a proposal to that effect being at length defeated by. a. large majority. Sir Kobert Stout reminded members before tho House adjourned that it would be necessary to make uiuon faster ; prbgress with the Bill if women's franchise is to come into effect in time to enable women to vote at the coming general election. The Bill declaring the Counties Act in force in the Cheviot county was passed by the Lower House, and the Bill designed to protect tho oable in Lyoll's Bay against Bewage was read a second time. A number of minor Bills, includsome Native measures, were read a second time., . The Hew Zealand Institute of Journalists Bill was passed by tho Legislative Counoil, while the Magistrates' Courts "Bill oompleted its committee stage.—Times.

The wife of a labourer In Vienna re» oently pcured a corrosive liquid, pvohably salphurio acid, down the throat of her eleeping child, aqlrl of six years of age, and afterwards the wretched mother hanged herself. The husband on coming home found mother and daughter both dead. I It Is of tare occurrence for twins to celebrate their ninety ■ fire t birthday, but suoh a thing happened at Glen Ellyn, neat Chicago, where Mrs Ackerman and | Mrs Christian, residents of that place, recently reached the great age of 91 years. S r Aorazefor bargains set in this morning at the Bon Marcher We, that is Hooper & Company, have started charing out the balance of our wintor stock, Our bargains arealwa/B genuine., Wedsn'tsay we sell at cost price, because no one or, .very few could test it, not knowing' whit the. cost price is, We don't.offer our goods at 20 per cent discount' because no one can cheek the oaloulation, not knowing on what it is based. We rely upon the prices at which ye offer our bargains and in nine cases out of nine and-a-half those pricesare staggerers both for the Publio" and the 1 Trade, Of course, wearegoingto lose money over this job l"How could we do otherwise?"Du | \vhy not 1 Why shouldn't we i as well at other people? Everybody's-losinmo noys! "and.we to'drop i oar share just for the sakeofcimpanyi but! that we lose we lose in a good .cause. . ; We benefit the Publio,- r bo, keep: yonr: eye on ithe Bon Marche for bargains. •• Everything at

Gladstone, Scotland, was recepsy.aitaokedby an engle, which swooped upon him nine or ten times, Ba defended himself ". with an umbrella until jibei eagle flew away, frightened by the dashing past of an express train, A boy five years old, whose death from alcoholism has occuried in tho city of Philadelphia, died irom drinking whisky which he found in a bottlo at his parents 1 house, " The easy classes," remarks the Bishop'of London, " are living in far more costly comfort than was the case i fifty yt>ars ago. What wore luxuries thon ore now regarded as necessaries." Ati individual well-known in Napier ■ (says the the up-coun-try,districts for / his somewhat; daring exploits, was the principal character iu a little scene enacted yesterday. Oping into & certain laundry establishment, he told a pitiful tslo of how by spme hitch, all hia ~ luggage (and money) ha'l ! been > left at Palmerston North., (He-..was well-dressed, as usual and his general appearance convinced the proprietor that he was dealing; with a genuine case, .'I Can you lend me shirt whilst I send my, present one to bo washod." Of course anything to oblige. A new. shin and collars were duly handed oyer, - A little while alter a lad had entered the ahop with a paroel from the said individual (Jn opening, it, judge the laundry proprietor's'dißgust oii displaying to view a dirty tailored garment. Further enquiries elicited the fact that a certain "Baton" had left for the north by a steamer the Bame day, on argent business; : - i.

"Things are not always what they seem'I—iu 1 —iu the insect world,aß elsewhere. Prom a number of small clips of wool'in the Insect House at the Zoo (says the Daily News) a few moths have just emerged which wear the livery of hornets, but are minus the sting. It is supposed that this is a case like that of the ass in tho lion's skin, though with the rather important difference that the deception is not unveiled. The ass, it will be remembered, was so imprudent as to bray. The moth acta up to its assumed part as fully as it can. It loves ti) bask in the sun on a leaf, and when rashly approached is reported to writhe its abdomen about as if to inflict a sting. But among the loweranimalstheßense of smell is frequently 'morß keen than that of sight. The " hornet clear wing", is,_ however armed against discovery in this direction, and possesses, wo aro told, " the characteristic odour of hornets," There is not a mOre impudently successful fraud in the whole animal world, but it must be seen to bo appreciated, We have received the pre gramme of the Wairarapa and Kaßt 'Ooast'P. and A, Society's next show, which has been fixed for November 2nd snd M :

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4492, 2 August 1893, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4492, 2 August 1893, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4492, 2 August 1893, Page 2