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West Coast Times. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1907

The sum of £80 17s is in hand "to the credit of the Seddon Memorial Fund at Wett )ort.

Mr James Par!**, of Hokittln, has been appointed Deputy Inspector of tho Sea View Mental Hospital.

A notice ii connection with fie partnership of Messrs W. J. aud K. L. Ren* ton, deuttl surgronn, appaars in this issue.

It is understood thai Mr Robert Adamson will be a candidate at the n<xt county election to represrnt one of tbe southern ridings

Tender?, returnable on the 12th-July, are invited in another column by the West T and A and P Association for leasing ten acres of limestone at Koiterangi

i An accident which might hive euded ■< with more serious results, happened on Saturday at the Park Sirset railsray crossing. Just as Mes<rs Murphy & Co'a batcher's eirt was nearing the crossing the train came along. Too driver of the cart, MrTtm Murphy, imandnt^ly endeavoured to turn tb.3 horse baok and aearjy did so, when the engine struck the t*il of the cart and smashed it up considerably. Fortunately the driver and horse escaped iojury, but the former was suffering from tbe effects of ths shock for some time.

A metting is to be held at Big Wangaum on Wednesday night for the purpoß* of considering tbe advisablaness of establ shins a dairy factory in that centre. Mr John Cameron, manager of the Arahmo Dairy Factory and several get tlemen from Hokitika, inteud being present tot fhe purpose of assisting in the movement-

It is reported (says tbe Clutha «Lea3fei'> that the hyndical;9 which recently acquired C.j desvale haa offered a donation of £10, CCO towards building tbe Bal-lutha-Tmpeka Mcuh railway. In cous q'unce of *lm offer a meeting of the League is likely to be hild soon to urge noon tbe Government tbe acceptance of tbe offer and tbe necessity of the immediate construction of the Lne. '

Ten per hour bas oeen fixad a=> the Bpeed limit at which motor-cars and motor bicjtl 3tt may be driven through townships in the Waitak 5 , Waihemo, and. Waikouaiti Countie 9 . This decision was come to, fays a Press Association me?* sage, ajb a conference recently of county delegates who met to frame by-laws for the cobtrol of motor traffic on roads between Dunedin and Waitaki. " '

H.M.S. * Indamitable," the first of a new and ve^y powerful c'a<j3 of cruiser, the largest ever built in a private shipyard, vi as Lunched, ou March 16th. at G'a gow. , Tbe Admiralty have kej.t tbe rie.->ign a eeori t The v-sel is one ti" three. Tha bulls will be of 9660 tons, and the diaphcemfnt is 17,250 tons. Tbe length is 530 fett, the breadth is 78 feet, the speed 25 kro s, and horse-power 41 # COl

Mrs Hegan auj family leavd by the train this morning en r ute to Dunedin where Mr Heg*n isoscuping a responsible position in c:>noectim 'w fi a milling business which is shortly to cjmmence operations there. Mr Hcgan httßh ttB been a highly respect 3d res ; dent of the Coast for a number of years, having been engaged , in tbe siw ml'ing industry. He recently dispo«ed 'of his interest in the s\wrni I on the south side of the Hokit ki river t) Mr Pt rry, his former partner.

Messrs J. W. Emerson aid W. Morr's, when returning fr >m the Rimu foocball match to their homes at Kokafahi on Saturday afternoon, met with an accident near WellY store. Mr Emerson had a young horse in his cart, and becoming restiya it bclb°d. When going down the hill the cart upser, throwing the occupants out on the roid. Mr Emerson was badly cut'abaut the faca and body, while Mr Morris escaped with a shaking. Both wero able to return to their homes after a brief resb.

At the end of last week, Lionel Terry was removed from his quarters in tba Lyttelton Gtol, where, since Decemb< r last he has been under tbe care of two warders from Sunnyside, to the Sta^liff Mental Hospital* His sojourn at the latter place will be of short duration, as it is intended i? proclaim Larnaoh'a Castle (a stitely mansion on the Otago Penintula, purchased by the Government) a criminal mental hospital, and thithtr Terry will be transferred, to serve the remainder of his life sentence for the murder of a Chinaman at Wellington.

The Wellington Post of Monday ha> the following anect a tabnted young Reefton lady :— " Miss Matilda Monte'th appeared a< a solicitor at the civil sittings of the Magistrate's Court this mcrning, and ral the unique experience of being thefir«thdy to take a seat at fie Bar in the Lower Court in Wellington: Mis? Morteilb, iv asking for an adjournment of a case on behalf of Messrs Levey and Mackenzie, was congratulated by Dr Me Arthur, B.M , on her first appearance of tbe Bar. His Wor&h ; p said th y hoped th:y wou'd see Miss, Monteith frequently. Miss Moiitsith was admitted as a solicitor at Hokitika.

A rots'; unfortunate accident occurred at Kmien en Baturdiy afternoon, a son of Mr W. Burrowes, tea years of age, being t'^e victim. It appears two of Mr Burrowba' sou 3 ware rttarning to Kanieri with a dray load of wood, when the ho~se becaue startled and boltvl. Oue of fie boys wai thrown tl ar, but the younger one fell under the wheel of the dray, which parsed ovar fie calf of his lag. It is not ye<j otrtain whether the leg is broken. Everything possible hi? been done to relieve tbe. sufferings of tbe youog fellow, an* he i 3 progressing^ as well as can ba txpected v The horse escaped injury, but the dray and harness is considerably knocked about.

Special services were held in All SaiDtu' Church yesterday in connection with the Jubilee of fie Anglican Church in New Zealand. An especially large congregation was present in tbe evening', when the Rev 11. S. Leach preached a sermon ap« picpriate to the occasion. In the course of his remarks he e aid that iv the colony there were new seven bishops presiding ov >r a like number of dioceses, with 300 clergy and about £00,000 members. Referring to the wat t of more churches and clergy, he said that in the city of Wellington there was oi ly church accommodation for six per cent vi tbe members of tbe Anglican denomination and ten per ceit of the whole population of Wellington.

Yes, sleep will sometimes care a headache, but why depend on such a slow, uncertain and inconvenient way when Steams' Headache Cure w.'l do it in a few mintt3B, without inconvenience ?

Liniments cannot remove tbe real trouble in rheumatism, gout, ec'atica and luuabago, Rheumo does, I y i amoving the txje&a uric acid from the bloort. Rhfunno effects a tho'oagh cure, 2s 6d aid 4,61.

You often sin? of Ecgland. And of Ir-ltoH, too, and Wa'e«. And the "Briesor Bon->ie Soot'and," With her stirring Border Tal a: But don't for gee New Zailand, (No other skies are bluer) And its f udous household remedy — Wooda' Great Peppermint Care. Gout is renl'y a special form of caused bj excels unc acid in the blood. Whether your gaufc is acute or chronic, Bbeunio will cure yon. All stores For Bronchial Coughs take vVoods Great Pepperiniut Cure 1/8 & 2/6. Rheumatism, Dr Shel lon's Magnetic Liniment cures more ca 63 of rheumatism everj- yerr than all so-called rheumatism medicines combined. It will penetrate to 3 ? our very bones; soothe and subdue the pain, The first application will relieve, and continued use effect a permanent cure. Gaaran teed to cur*, or money back. Acceptino substitute. Price Is 6d and 3j. Obtainable at W. E. Williams, Chemist, Agent, <

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West Coast Times, Issue 14140, 17 June 1907, Page 2

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West Coast Times. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1907 West Coast Times, Issue 14140, 17 June 1907, Page 2

West Coast Times. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1907 West Coast Times, Issue 14140, 17 June 1907, Page 2