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Notices; A WONDERFUL IvIEDXIHZ. Jy^y^-^L/tfJK olth a Gmnoa n f*4/f N^X JWftirPihoi-fainl gCO/ \t&\ Kcrvous TJiFO'uero U[ PILLS. mjlTS^yX %w\ J 'to ■ § Droweines S ( old VOS. /i^ff f'hills.l'hiahinp'Kof V>yfiS« > __>'£\?y Heat, Loss of An. /F&S&ty P etite - Shortness of Breath, CostiveMMgT^ ness, Scurvy and Aba Blotches on tha Skin, Disturiict? Bleep, Frightful Dreams, end all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first doso vrill giro relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try ona box of these Pills and they will Le acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. Por females of all ages these Pills are in\ a'n■lble, as a few doses of them carry olt nil humours, and bring abou* all that is required. No female should be without them. There te no Medicine to be found equal to Beccham"s Pillß for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each, box, they will soon restoi 3 females of all ages to sound and robust hcnltb. This has been proved by thousands who havo tried them, and found the benefits which sre ensured by their use. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of tho Liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work ■wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore tho long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with tho rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the human, frame. These are Facts testified continually by members of all classes of society and one of. the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS kavc the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. Beeekam's Magic Cough Pilla As ft remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, &c, these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public and will speedily remove that eenee of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, nnd tbe most violent Cough will m a shore time bo removed. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale mid Eetail, by the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helena, Lancashire, England, in boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent }iedicino Dealers everywhere. N.B. — Full directions are given w ith each box. CORNS, BUNiOnS ■'HlfflffilStßl sufferers from |IN|HlpßingH either Corns or should ■n&g^yflnH use tltesd BtlKuilTEl 'Wonderful ■a^j||MffilLittle Plasters. They give oasoijlllHjlHjjK|| at oneo ' flRffiRRvHI generally H»lllyljKH| curing in a f6W R|Vf9|H!(9| Price Is. l£d. per bos, of all Chemists. 1 AGENCY— ' * I ijUAMILIOE Sfl M BjßMgjffljfiJ Dieeaßed Nature oftentimes breaks forth strange eruptions." — Act iii, Scene 1. TO THE PUBLIC. QOME patients suffering from nervous affec0 tion are afraid from sheer bashfulness an modesty to personally consult a medical ma —other patients have not the self-possessio and coolness when in the consulting room accurately describe their symptoms — the habits of life, and the nature of the disea they suffer from. Let such persons (he or she) sit quietly down in the privacy of their own apartmentß, and with calm minds describe clearly each symptom of their case, a clear statement thua written, and laid before me, is far more preferable in nervous diseases to a personal consultation. Where, however, a disease ii of a peculiar and exceptional character, a personal consultation may become necessary ; but my success in correspondence is so great that of the thousands upon thousands whom 1 have treated by letter daring the last 32 years, not a single mistake has ever occurred, not a case has ever been ma de public — in fact the very simplicity of my systems ystem f orres> pondence prevents publicity. At the same time medicitves are sent to my patients in such a form as o defy detection. How many thousands ha v c I not brough Joy to I How many have been en abledo enter int the marriage state through consulting me ? How many after marriageg c have privately consulted me and been blessed, and their married lives made fruitful and happy. How many wasted runed youths of both sexeß have also been res ored to health, and thanked their manhood, for having consulted me by letter. How many questions arise when the family physican is unable to unravel the case, and where often the patient lingers on, not daring to tell his family medical adviser the nature of his complaint, until consumption wasting or mental diseases set in, and the sufferer gets beyond the ourable stage, and is left hopeless wreck. A letter written in the prlvaoy of the room and dropped in the post box reaches me quietly; the answer is returned as quietly and unostentatiously, and the patient, without stepping from his chamber, except to post his letter, is by return of post put in full possession of the nature of his case. His nopes are raised, his doubts removed, and he is oom« paratively a new man; in faot, in many oases a new being altogether. The only addition to the ordinary written letter is the age, occupation, habits and symptomß, nothing more" The usual oonsulta. tion fee of £1 (one pound) must be enclosed otherwise no answer wil Ibe returned. ' There are thousands o cases in daily life where consultation with ne at a distanoe. will remove by a single lette , a great fear, a great pare, and it often solves°what appears as an impenetrable mystery. Many a sad heart has been made joyful on receipt of an explana. Tory letter from me. To those who are about to marry, I would say consult me before doing so, and thus prevent many after troubles, and remove man<r unnecessary fears and prejudices; to those more especmlly who have suffered in early years from, disease, or who have yielded to their passions. To these I say, at once consult me, do not tarry, delays are dangerouJ and as an expert, my time may not be always at your service, you can. by Bimply enclosing one pound, have the benefit of my^xpeS n the same manner as if I lived in your own town, and with the additional advantage of thorough privacy.— Yours truly, Addres. LOUIS L. SMITH, DR I. L. SMITH 182, COLLINS STREET 'EAST MELBOURNE. ' The only Legally Qualified Practitioner advertising and Eegistered under the Medical Board of Victoria and practising the last 35 years. Consultation Fkb by Lbtteb, £1. Fee for personal Consultation, £1 is. The latter is inclusive of Medicine. Medicines forwarded well packed to a the Colonies, India, and Europe. 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST Melbourne

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West Coast Times, Issue 7299, 21 January 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 West Coast Times, Issue 7299, 21 January 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 West Coast Times, Issue 7299, 21 January 1889, Page 4